Ch. 123 - The Saviors

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We found Abraham and Sasha in a little town near where we'd been jumped. They'd left us a sign on the door to the building they were hiding in that read DIXON which we later found out that Sasha scratched on to it. Abraham was wearing some random military uniform that he found while we were dealing with those people. So when we left, we were all packed into the cab of the tanker. Sasha and Abraham were sitting side by side on the passenger side with him by the door and her in the middle. I was lucky there was enough room between Daryl and the steering wheel, because I found myself on Daryl's lap for the ride.

I was turned to the side slightly, my legs in the little space between Daryl and Sasha as I rested my head on his shoulder. When I'd look up at his face, I could see that he was deep in thought, or focusing really hard on the road in front of us. Hell, it could've been both. But I knew if I guessed, on what he was deep in thought about, I knew I'd get it right. He only mentioned once that I was pregnant, and he still hadn't said anything to me about it.

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I got about what he'd say when he did talk to me about it. I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts however when I noticed the car was slowing down. Moving slightly, I looked out the front windshield to see a group of men on motorcycles in front of us, blocking the road. "Daryl," I whispered as he pulled the tanker to a stop and glanced down at me. "Why don't you come on out," the guy standing at the front of the group said once we'd come to a complete stop and stared at him and his buddies.


I watched as Sasha and Abraham climbed out first, Kat following behind them from their side before I climbed out on mine. We all came to a stop in front of the tanker, Kat and Sasha between me and Abraham. I could tell Kat was nervous, she had a brave face on, but there was only so much she could take right now. I wanted to move closer to her, to protect her like I've been doing since the start of all of this. But I knew, I knew if I made a move towards her and these bastards were looking for a weakness, they'd see that and use it against me and her.

So I just stayed where I was beside her, my attention on them but also on her. The douche in charge, had us hand over our side arms. Glancing at Kat, I waited as he walked up to me first and took mine before moving down the line to her. I didn't miss the remark he made about her, forcing me to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from jumping on him right then and there. When he walked away from her and on to Sasha, watched as she glanced at me and gave a small shake of her head. Almost like she knew what I was thinking.

When the jerk made his way back to the motorcycle he'd obviously rode up on, he asked what else we had on us. Didn't seem to believe that what he took was all we had. When he told one guy to take me to the back and see what else we had, I noticed Kat tense up slightly as her eyes darted over towards me. Doing it so they didn't know what I was doing, I moved my hand so she saw to stand down and not move. I notice her glare she was sending to the men in front of us before I was pushed to the back.


There was no denying that I was scared for Daryl. Like I knew Daryl had done earlier, I was biting my tongue so that I didn't put us in any more danger that we probably were. Abraham had to go and ask a question about who Negan was, causing the dirt bag in front of us to pull our own guns out on us. "You see," the man started, "usually we introduce ourselves by just popping on of you right off the bat. But you seem like reasonable people. I mean you're sporting dress blues for Christ sake." I felt sick to my stomach as he continued talking, mentioning how he said they were going to drive us back to our home to see what we had back there.

I watched as his eyes moved over to me before moving back to Abraham as he kept talking. "But I told you," he said eyeing Abraham, "not to ask any questions. And then what does this ginger do? Tell me sweetheart, you going to be a smart mouth ginger too and ask a question you shouldn't?" I watched as he aimed his gun at my head, waiting for me to answer him but I kept my mouth shut. "Good," he said with a nod before looking back to Abraham. I knew I shouldn't have, but I tuned them out as I glanced around towards the direction Daryl had left with that guy. I looked back only when I heard Sasha shouting for him to wait. In that next second, they were in flames, causing me to cover my face from the sudden blast.

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