Ch. 94 - The Walking Dead

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The wind outside howled as it blew around the barn we were hunkered down in. When we cleared this place, there had only been one walker inside which made it easier on us. Now we sat inside, some of us around a small fire while others were by themselves. It was me, Dad, Daryl, Glenn, Michonne, and Carol all around the small fire. I was leaning back against Daryl's chest as I sat between his legs, looking over at where Carl was sound asleep with Judy next to him on the ground. I felt Daryl shift around me before I turned my attention back to the others I was sitting with.

I watched as he leaned forward slightly, pushing me forward with him, before grabbing a piece of wood and dropping it down beside the small fire. "It's too wet," he said with a sigh as he relaxed behind me and allowed me to get comfortable once more. I looked over at Dad to see him give me a small smile before my attention turned to see Glenn with this massive grin on his face. "What are you thinking over there Glenn," I said eyeing him as I waited for his answer. "Oh nothing," he said as his grin stayed in place, "just thinking about how much you and Daryl seem to be comfortable with each other now."

"Shut up," I said grabbing a small stick and tossing it towards him. I watched as he let out a small laugh before I sat back against Daryl once more, his legs bent at the knees as he rest his arms over them. I grabbed the hand I had watched him burn earlier, looking down at the small cigarette burn on the webbing of skin between his thumb and index finger. I could feel his eyes on the back of my head as I used my free hand to trace the burn with my finger. When I glanced over at Dad after a moment, I could see him looking at where Carl and Judith were.


I looked back at everyone after I turned away from Carl, finding Kathryn's eyes on me from where she sat with Daryl. "I used to feel sorry for kids that had to grow up in this," I said, "you Kathryn, your brother Carl and now your little sister Judy. But I think I got it wrong. Growing up is getting used to the world. This is easier for them." "This isn't the world," Kathryn said shaking her head. "It isn't," Michonne said agreeing with her. I watched as Glenn looked over to where Maggie was laying by herself, before he turned back to look at all of us. "It might be," he said as he looked into the fire.

"That's giving up," Kathryn said as she leant forwards, away from Daryl and grabbing ahold of Glenn's wrist. "It's reality," he said as he looked back at her. "Until we see otherwise," I said as she looked back to me and sat back once more, "this is what we have to live with." I looked around at everyone, watching as Kathryn sat back against Daryl and got comfortable in his arms. He seemed to hesitate for a second before he wrapped them around her once again as she rested her head back on his chest with her eyes closed.


I listened as Rick went into this story of when he was younger. How he'd ask his grandfather about the war. I wouldn't be surprised if Kat had heard this story of his at least once before. I looked down at her once, her eyes closed but I could tell she wasn't asleep. Ever since we'd left Atlanta after Beth, she hasn't been falling asleep so easily like she used to. I snapped my attention back to Rick as he finished up the story he was telling. "And that's the trick of it I think," he said before looking around, "we do what we need to do and then we get to live."

I felt Kat shift in my arms, and when I looked down, she was staring at her Dad as we all waited for him to finish what he had to say. "No matter what we find in DC," he said, "I know we'll be okay. Because this is how we survive. We tell ourselves that we are the walking dead." "No," I said after a few minutes as I shook my head, "we ain't them." He looked over at me as I gently pushed Kat up so I could get to my feet, watching as she stood too and followed me away from the others.

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