Ch. 102 - The Job

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I enjoyed my time with Aaron last night, but to say I missed Dad and the others would be an understatement. After being around them for so long, it felt weird not being in the same room as them for a night. I looked around me with a smile, as the morning air filled my lungs, watching as other people walked past me with smiles on their face as they waved a greeting to me. "Oh there you are Kathryn," a voice said from off to my right. Looking over, I was greeted with the sight of Deanna walking to catch up to me.

"Good morning Deanna," I said trying to be polite as I stopped and waited for her to catch up, "is there something I can help you with?" "I mentioned last night about having a job for you here," she said when she walked up to me, "I thought since I caught you out here I'd go ahead and tell you what it was." "Okay," I said as I raised an eyebrow while I waited for her to continue.

"I've seen how you are with your younger siblings," she said smiling up at me, "and the few kids here that you've passed this morning. So I've made up my mind. I'd like for you to help out in our small school house, and maybed one day actually teach in it when we have more children to attend." "You mean you trust a complete and total stranger to look after the kids here in your small community," I asked as I regarded her carefully.

"It's just like back before all this happened," she said with that ever present smile, "you'd be sending kids off to spend 8 hours a day with a complete stranger." "Yeah but you had less of a chance of that stranger turning out to be some nutjob that would kill them without a second thought. This event has really changed people now. You have to be carefull with who you trust with stuff like this." "You're just like your father," she said smiling, "did you know that? Just yesterday he was telling me that I shouldn't let people into this community. Which is why I'm giving him a job that he's very familiar with."

"You have cops here," I asked skeptically. "Not yet," she said, "but once I tell him and Michonne about their jobs, then we will have some here. So, what do you say? Will you help out with the school?" "I'm not much of a teacher," I said honestly. "That's alright," she said with a smile, "many people aren't without being taught to be. The person we have already as a teacher could help you out with it." "Okay," I said hesitantly. "Great," she said with a grin before turning and walking off.


I sat out on the porch, everyone else having already left to explore our new surroundings. I looked up at the sound of approaching footsteps to see that Kat was finally making it back from her stay with Aaron and Eric. "Morning Mr. Dixon," she said with a smirk before walking over and sitting next to me against the railing to the porch. "Morning Ms. Grimes," I said back before giving her an odd look. "What," she asked smiling innocently. "How was your stay away from all of us," I asked.

"I'll admit," she said with a sigh, "I miss Dad, Judy, and Carl." "That's it," I asked looking at her and earning a laugh. "And you Daryl," she said with a smile, "sheesh don't get your panties in a twist." I gave her a sort of playful glare before turning away from her. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I looked out towards the street. "Whatever you say," she said laughing, "anyone inside?" "Nope," I said not looking back over to her, "out exploring." "Good," I heard her say before looking over to see her quickly hopping up, "c'mon!" I looked at her confused as she grabbed my hand before pulling me up and towards the front door.

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