Ch. 68 - Strong

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Hershel called an emergancy meeting after Sasha found herself having to go to A to get looked at by Doctor S. I sat there with Glenn, Hershel, Carol, and Michonne who was covering for Sasha while she couldn't be there. I hadn't seen Kat since the first meeting after the attack in D and I was beginning to worry about her. "This sickness is spreading," Hershel said as he snapped me out of my thoughts about Kat, "everyone who survived the attack is coming down with it. Sasha, Caleb, and now others too." "So what do we do," Carol asked looking at Hershel. That was a good question. "Well first things first," he said, "cell block A is isolation. We keep the sick people there like we tried with Karen and David."

"The hell we going to do about that," I asked looking at everyone there, "that was two people that were murdered right under our noses." "Ask Rick to look into it," Carol said from beside me, "try to make a timeline of who was where and when. But what are we going to do to stop this?" "There is no stopping it," Hershel said, "it has to run its course." "But it just kills you," Michonne said. "The illness doesn't," he said, "the symptoms do. We need antibiotics." "We've been through every pharmacy nearby though," I said, "and then some. There's nothing left." "That veterinary college at West Peachtree Tech," Hershel said, "that's once place people may not have thought to check. The drugs for animals are the same as what we need."

"That's 50 miles," I said looking at him before looking at others, "too big of a risk before. Ain't now. I'm gonna take a group out. Best not waste anymore time." "I'm in," Michonne said as she walked up beside me. "You haven't been exposed to this," Hershel said, "Daryl has. You get in a car with him then you risk catching this." "He's already given me fleas," she said before grinning at me while I rolled my eyes. "I can lead the way," Hershel said standing to his feet, "I know where everything's kept." "When we're out there," I said looking at him, "it's always the same. Sooner or later we run." "I can draw you a map then," Hershel said nodding in understanding.


"Make a list of what we need too," Daryl said nodding. "There are other precautions I think we should take while Daryl and the others are out there," Hershel said looking around. "Like what," Carol asked. "Wouldn't it make sense for us to seperate the most vulnerable," Hershel asked, "we could use the administration building. Seperate office, seperate room." "Who is the most vulnerable," I asked looking at him. "The very young," he said. "What about the old," I asked looking at him. He thought about it for a second before looking back to me and nodding. "I'll start rounding people up to be placed away from any chances to be infected," Carol said as she walked out of the library.

As Daryl and Michonne walked out of the room, I looked over to Hershel. "He needs to know," I said before glancing back to the way Daryl had went. "You going to tell him then," Hershel asked. "I can't," I said, "he'd beat my ass personally if he knew I kept this from him. He knows how close me and Kathryn are." "I'll talk to him before he leaves," Hershel said nodding, "but just know that he'll want to see her before he leaves if he finds out she's sick." "Just remind him he volunteered to go out there to get those meds for our people," I said looking to Hershel, "and I think once he knows she's sick, he'll do everything he can to help her. No matter what's got them putting space between themselves, he'd do whatever he could for her. He's proved that already."


I was standing by the car that once belonged to Zack. It was probably our fastest car here, and with this sickness spreading, this is what we needed. As I was checking the oil and everything else for the car, I was talking to Michonne and trying to figure out who else we could take with us to go on this run. I was wanting to take Kat, but I still hadn't seen her yet and even if I didn't really want her to come, she still would anyway. She's that hard headed, but I guess that's what caused me to let her pass my walls I had always kept up around me. "So just me and you like in the old days," Michonne asked as she leaned against the front of the car.

"And Bob," I said looking up at her before looking back down to the car in front of me, "feels like we could use another person. Wish I knew where the hell Kat was. She'd be jumping at the chance to go on this run to help the prison out." "Why don't we see about bringing Tyresse," she asked looking at me, "with his sister sick, he'd do whatever he could." "Yeah but he's still pretty pissed about someone murdering two of our own who'd been sick," I said before I heard footsteps coming from behind me. Glancing back, I spotted Hershel walking out and over to me. "I'll go get that oil and find Tyresse," Michonne said before walking off.

Nodding, I watched as she walked off before I turned my attention back to Hershel as he walked closer. "Ya see Kat around," I asked before turning away to look at the car. "Daryl I need to talk to you," he said. "'Bout what," I asked not turning around. "About Kathryn," he said, my body freezing. Turning around, I leaned against the car as I cleaned my hands of the grease and oil from the inside of the car. "You have my attention," I said nodding for him to continue. "She's sick," he said, "she went into A this morning before that meeting. Me, Glenn, and Rick are the only ones who knew. Before you get pissed off with anyone and decide not to go out there, remember you're the one who offered to go. Everyone's counting on you to make it back with that medicine."

I stayed silent as I thought through what he'd just told me. "Why didn't y'all tell me," I asked looking down at the ground. "She didn't want us to tell you," he said, "she knew you'd put yourself at risk to getting sick as well. As much as you think she's a hard head, she cares about what happens to everyone around her." He was right about that. Nodding, I walk past him, headed for A. "Where you going," Hershel asked from behind me. "To see Kat before I leave," I said, not glancing back and not stopping to wait and see if he had anything else to say. We didn't have much time and I wanted to make sure that she was safe before I left with the others to get that medicine.


I was in the cell in A next to Mom's after going in myself. I felt bad that I didn't want Daryl knowing, but I know him. Doctor S came and got me and told me that I was wanted at the execution viewing room. Confused, I nodded, figuring it was Dad wanting to talk to me. I knew I couldn't keep Hershel and Glenn from telling my Dad, I just didn't want them telling Daryl. Walking into the room and up to the glass, I didn't see Dad there, I saw Daryl. "What are you doing here," I asked looking at him with a frown. "Wanted to make sure you're alright," he said. I didn't sense any anger from him, I think he was more or less just worried. "Is something up," I asked, I knew there had to be another reason for him showing up.

"Going on a run," he said, "with a few others. Going to get some meds from a vet college." "Not the one that we saw on the map," I said concerned. He didn't answer, just looked at me before looking away and nodding. "Daryl that's 50 miles away," I said walking up closer to the glass and placing my hands on it. "I know," he said, "but we gotta try. It's the only chance we have of everyone surviving that's sick." When he looked at me, I looked down and nodded. He was right, if we had any chance of beating this it was with the help of any meds we could get. I looked back up at him, his blue eyes studying me. "You okay," I asked watching him.

"Gotta be," he said nodding before lifting his hand and placing it pretty much on mine if it wasn't for the glass between us, "you gonna be alright?" "Don't worry Tarzan," I said giving him a mischievous smirk, "Jane strong." I watched him shake his head, causing me to laugh at his reaction. As I laughed, it began to irritate my throat, causing me to start coughing. Getting a worried look on his face, Daryl moved closer to me as I slowly stopped coughing. "You should go rest," he said watching me. Deciding not to argue with him, I nodded. "Come back to me," I said looking up at him, "alright Daryl?" I watched him nod before I turned away and walked back into the main part for A.

THIS IS NOT A DRILL, RICHONNE IS CANON! I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A DRILL, RICHONNE IS CANON! Like holy shit when I was told about it because I didn't get to see the episode until an hour after it aired I was like for real?! My mom freaked out when I told her, it was hilarious. 😂
- Kenz

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