Ch. 66 - Start of Something

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I was standing out on the upper balcony to D block wearing nothing more than a white stained tank top and a pair of boxer shorts I'd snagged on a run a few months ago with Daryl, and my hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail. "Morning Kathryn," Mom's voice reached my ears before I turned back to look at her. Before I could even answer her, the sound of snarls and screams reached my ear second before gunshots did. Panicked, I looked down to the main floor to see everyone running around. Some had guns, others were panicking enough where they ran around like their heads were cut off.

Instantly, I spotted Lizzie and Mika, to girls who were staying here with their single father. "Lizzie," I shouted down to the girls, "Mika, up here!" They looked up at me before turning and running for the stairs. Everything happened so fast as I ran back into Mom's cell and grabbed my knife. Running back out, I ushered Lizzie and Mika into the cell and told Mom to close it. I looked around as everything quieted down. When I looked towards the stairs, Daryl had walked up them and was looking in the cells in the opposite direction.

Sighing and putting my thoughts back to what was at hand, I turned my back to him and walked down the other side of the balcony to check for any more walkers in the cell block. I guess I wasn't paying too much attention because the next thing I know, I'm wrestling with a walker just to keep it from sinking it's teeth into me. I guess I screamed out because I heard Daryl's voice over the snarling. "Kat duck," he shouted. Barely having any time, I ducked down just seconds before one of his bolts found itself in the walkers skull. When it went limp, I let the thing drop to the ground, along with my knife I had.


"Kathryn," Rick shouted as he rushed past me. Instantly, he had his eldest in his arms, rocking back and forth with her as her mother walked out of the cell next to me. "I'm okay Daddy," I heard her say quietly, her head resting on his shoulder as her arms wrapped around him. I locked eyes with her for a second. I would've asked if she was alright, but then the events from the other night came back to mind. All I could do was avert my eyes and walk away a few steps. When I looked over to my right, Kat's mom was looking back and forth between me and Kat, like she was trying to figure something out. Clearing my throat, I watched as Kat pulled away from her father before they turned to look at the walker on the floor at her feet.


I stood next to Dad, his arm wrapped protectively around me as Glenn came to stand on my other side while we looked down at the walker. "Jesus," I said looking down, "that's Patrick." I didn't like the kid because he tried to get too friendly with me, but I'd never wish this on him. Or wish whatever it was that killed him on to him for that matter. He was a good guy after all. "Stay up here," Dad said looking at me, "we're going to walk around and make sure none of these people are going to reanimate on us." I nodded and removed myself from my father's arms as he, Glenn, and Daryl walked around the upper landing and then down on the main floor to make sure it was safe.

I turned to Mom after they walked off, allowing her to envelop me into a hug as Lizzie and Mika slipped out of the cell and went to search for their father. I watched over Mom's shoulder as more of the group moved to the end cell at the far end of the upper balcony, all of them talking about something. "I'll be right back," I whispered to her before moving to walk closer to the group as I heard what they started saying. "So it's a sickness from the walkers," Bob asked as I came to stand next to him. When I looked to my left, Daryl was leaning against the cell wall next to me. Ignoring the fact that I wished things were okay with us, I listened as they talked while crossing my arms across my chest to hold myself in a sense.

"No these things happened before they were around," Doctor S said as he looked around at all of us, "could be pneumococcal. Most likely an aggressive flu strain." "Someone locked him in just in time then," Hershel said but I shook my head. "Charlie used to sleepwalk," I said looking around at the group, "Mom told me that." "Yeah," Daryl said nodding in agreement, "he always locked himself in. Hell he was just eating barbecue yesterday." "How could anyone die in a single day just from a cold," I asked looking down to Doctor S, waiting to see if he had any answers for that.

"I had a sick pig," Dad said causing me to look over at him as did everyone else, "it died quickly. saw a sick boar in the woods." "Pigs and birds," Hershel said, "that's how these things spread in the past. We need to do something about those hogs." "Maybe we got lucky," I asked looking around, "maybe these two cases are it? It could happen, right?" "I haven't seen anybody be lucky in a long time," Bob said as he looked over at me while I sighed and nodded. He was right, with this world now it was hard to catch a lucky break for long. "All of us in here," Hershel said as he looked around at us, "we've all been exposed to whatever this is." "Let's worry about burying our dead for now," I said as I looked around, "we can worry about this sickness after."

Holy shit that episode last night! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! I was so scared that Maggie was about to witness Glenn being eaten alive! And OMG poor Carl! I thought for sure Rick was about to loose him too! And finally Mr. Badass Dixon 😍. Like holy shit can he get any sexier?! And I loved his new toy lol.

Anyway I posted a new story yesterday in case you didn't see it. It's called Redneck Savior. Check it out, give it a read, and I hope you like it enough to read more as I post more.

- Kenz

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- Kenz

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