Ch. 93 - From A Friend

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"When it was just me and Beth," I started out as Kat kept her arms around me, "I thought I'd finally lost you. She was the only comfort I had." "Define comfort," Kat said, I could feel her pulling away from me slightly. "Not the way you're thinkin'," I said placing my hand on top of her arms that were still around my neck to keep her from moving away. I felt her loosen up before looking over my shoulder to see her blue eyes staring at me as she waited for me to continue.

"There's not much really to tell," I said as I let her continue to hold me, "she was there to distract me from the dark thoughts that were clouding my mind. I owe her for keeping me alive. And yet I couldn't do the same for her." I lowered my head as the blame hit me again, but felt Kat's arms tighten around me as she placed her forehead on my shoulder. "You can't blame yourself Daryl," she whispered, "you couldn't have known she'd pull what she did and get herself shot in the head."


It took a little more convincing on my part, but I finally seemed to get Daryl calmed down enough where he could return to the group without them realizing that he'd been crying. Although I don't think it'd fool anyone because it was obvious that he was torn up about her death. Daryl and I walked back up to the road everyone was on, only to find them surrounding something in the middle of the road. Looking at Daryl confused, I followed after him as we walked up to Dad who had a piece of paper in his hand.

I watched as he handed it to Daryl, while I came to a stop just to his left. From a friend it read as I looked at it from beside him. I looked to Daryl confused as he pulled off his crossbow before I turned my attention to Dad and the others. "No one saw who left it," I asked confused. "No," Dad said as we all began looking around and debating on what to do with the water that had been left a little too conveniently. One minute we were talking about just leaving it and the next I watched as Abraham knocked it out of Eugene's hand.

I looked over at Carl as they talked more, noticing that little Judy was fussing. "Here I'll take her," I said with a smile as he handed her over to me. I started lightly bouncing her before the sound of distant thunder reached my ears. "Y'all hear that," I asked as I looked around at everyone before we all looked up at the sky. As we watched the clouds move overhead, it seemed as if the bottom had fallen out. It started pouring down on us as everyone seemed to relish in the downpour.

It felt absolutely amazing, the cool rain hitting my skin after how hot it'd been. I couldn't help but lean my head back and open my mouth, allowing some of the rain water to run down my dry throat. When I finally righted myself to where I wasn't leaning back anymore, I looked over to Carl who stood beside me and started laughing when I realized he was doing the same thing I'd done. When I turned my attention to everyone else, I watched as they began digging things out to fill up with the rain water.


Everyone around me was either enjoying the rain, or grabbing containers to fill up. I just looked around, seeing a smile on Kat's face as she held her little sister in her arms. But as the thunder started getting louder, Judith started crying. The storm was getting worse by the second, and when I glanced at Kat again, she no longer had a smile on her face. We could tell this storm was just going to get worse. "Let's keep moving," I heard Rick say after looking towards the direction the storm was coming from.

I looked over at Kat, her eyes instantly meeting with mine. "Daryl we won't make it out in this storm," she said, fear making it's way to shadow over her blue eyes. "There's a barn," I shouted out to Rick as I got his attention. "Where," he asked. "This way," Kat said nodding towards the direction we'd come from, "we found it earlier." "Lead the way," he said motioning with his hands for me and her to lead. I turned and took the lead, Kat following behind me as we made our way back to where she'd met up with me when I tried to get some time alone to attempt to grieve.

Hey y'all. I apologize for this being posted so late today. I had a busy day and actually almost completely forgot to post. So, yeah, sorry. 😂
- Kenz

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