Ch. 23 - Walker

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I made my way back to the Greene’s house after detouring to the RV for my change of clothes when I spied Glenn talking with Maggie on the porch by the front door. “But you’re thinking about it,” I heard Glenn say as I came to a stop by the steps and watched while shaking my head, “you should.” I watched as Maggie gave him this are you serious look before she walked down the stairs by me and kept on. “You did not just seriously tell her that,” I said walking up the steps with a smile on my face while Glenn went back to sitting in one of the rockers he had been in before Maggie walked out of the house. “Were you listening to what was just talked about between me and Maggie,” he asked looking over at me with a blush on his face. “No,” I said shaking my head, “but I did hear the last bit. Besides Maggie kind of already told me about what happen between you two.”

“What,” he asked as his face seemed to turn as red as a tomato, “when?” “Well she didn’t exactly tell me in words but I could guess from her actions last night when she came to talk to me about you,” I said smiling as I took a seat in the rocker beside his, “we didn’t say it because my little brother was sound asleep beside me at the time and the last thing we needed was for him to wake up and hear that conversation.” He looked at me and nodded before looking down to the guitar in his hands. “I’m going in to see if it’s okay for me to get a shower then my butt has to go back to bed with Carl,” I said after a few minutes, “and Glenn, try not to be so cocky next time with Maggie. It’s a real turn off if you don’t know when the right time for the cockiness is.” I smiled at him once before I walked into the house to look for Hershel or Patricia to see if it’d be okay for me to shower.

I walked around once inside the house before spotting Hershel standing in the kitchen. “Excuse me,” I said walking up to him, “Mr. Greene I was wondering if it’d be okay for me to get a shower with these stitches in my shoulder and leg.” “I think it should be alright,” he said looking at me, “just be careful when you do.” “Okay,” I said nodding before I made my way up the stairs to the bathroom to get a quick shower. I had just turned on the water and was letting it warm up when there was a knock at the door. Confused, I turned my attention to the door just as it opened and Maggie’s head peered in. “Hey,” she said smiling at me, “Dad said you were going to try and take a shower and said I should see if you needed any help.” “Thanks,” I said feeling relieved as she smiled and walked in, closing the door behind her.

She gingerly helped me pull my shirt off over my head before allowing me to pull my own shorts and underwear off. “Leave the gauze on while you shower,” she said as I looked over my shoulder at her, “we can change it after you get out.” “Okay,” I said nodding before climbing into the shower and soaking in the nice warm water. “So your step-mom and Carol are in the kitchen cooking,” she said after a few minutes while I cautiously washed my hair so I didn’t injure my shoulder any more than it already was, “said something about cooking supper for us tonight as a thank you for helping you and Carl. Are you going to help them cook?” “No I think my dad would have my ass if I was on my feet more than need be,” I said laughing, “he told me to stay in bed today after I snuck out yesterday to help Daryl look for Sophia.”

She nodded at my response before I climbed into the now warm shower and began carefully cleaning all the grim and dirt off my body. It felt amazing taking a warm shower again and I was going to miss doing this when we had to leave the farm after Carl and I were healed and fit for travel and when we find Sophia. I made the shower quick, hopping back out after I was sure I was clean. I pulled on my bra and underwear before pulling my shorts on and turning to Maggie who was still in the room with me. She sat me down on the toilet as she carefully pulled the bandages off my shoulder, checking to make sure they didn’t need cleaning right now, before placing clean ones over the stitches. She repeated the process with my leg before allowing me to pull my tank top on and for us to head out of the room.

We split ways after getting back down stairs, her going to bring more tables and chairs in for the rest of us while I went outside to sit on the porch. Lori and Carol were already in the kitchen working on supper as I sat down outside, glancing around to see who all was back, who was still out looking, and if anyone had found Sophia while I was inside. I was sitting there in the rocker for a moment or two when I saw Dad walking by the front of the house. “Daddy,” I called out from where I sat, causing him to turn his attention to me as soon as he heard my voice. “Shouldn’t you be laying in bed resting,” he asked smiling up at me as he walked to the steps. “I’m tired of just laying there,” I said looking at him, “and I just got out of the shower. Can I please come down there to the rest of the camp, at least until Daryl gets back? I think he’s the only one we’re missing.”


I smiled up at Kathryn before shaking my head and holding my hand out to her. “C’mon then,” I said as she smiled and made her way down to where I was standing, “there’s a swing by the RV, you can sit there and wait for Daryl to come back so you can see if he’s got Sophia with him.” She smiled up at me as I gently wrapped my arm around her shoulders before leading her over to the swing I mentioned. When we got to the swing next to the RV, she sat down and moments later Glenn walked out and sat beside her. “Keep her in line there Glenn,” I said to the boy and he nodded and laughed before I turned around and began heading to where some of the others were standing around as we waited. I glanced back as I heard Kathryn and Glenn talking, a smile on her face as she shook her head at whatever he had said or asked her, before I glanced up to see Andrea up on top of the RV with Dale’s rifle in hand.


“So you’re telling me that there’s no one in camp that you seem to like at all,” I asked smiling as a blush appeared on Kathryn’s face. “No,” she said laughing as she shook her head and smiled trying to play it off like it was a joke. “Kathryn,” I said looking at her, “I saw the way you’d always look over at Daryl in the camp back in Atlanta when you thought no one was looking. And since we left that camp, you’ve been around him more and more.” “It’s nothing Glenn,” she said rolling her eyes, “I’ve just been helping to look for Sophia. You know that.” I opened my mouth to say something but was immediately cut off by Andrea shouting from atop the RV. “Walker,” she shouted out as I looked over to her startled to see her stand to her feet, “walker!” Kathryn and I both looked to the field she was looking out at before I turned my attention to her.

“Stay here,” I said standing up and walking to get something as Rick walked by me. “Just the one,” I heard him ask as I grabbed a weapon before running back to where they were. Kathryn was standing by her dad by the time I reached them again. “I bet I could hit it from here,” Andrea said as I watched Rick look up at her. “No,” he said, “no Andrea. Put the gun down.” “You’d best let us handle this,” Shane said walking up behind us causing Kathryn and I to look back at him along with Rick. “Shane hold up,” Rick said, “Hershel wants to deal with walkers.” “What for man,” Shane asked walking right on by, “we got this covered.” “Damn it,” I heard Rick say as I went to walk off, “Kathryn stay here by the RV.”


No,” I said before running after Shane and T-Dog, Glenn right beside me as I kept pace with the men. I could hear the agitation in my dad’s voice as he called after me. I glanced back at him once as I continued to run, him running after us with his Python in hand. It didn’t take him long to catch up to us, and when we were a little closer to the walker that was spotted, he sped up his pace along with Glenn. “Shit,” I heard him shout before he glanced at me as they came to a stop around the walker and I slowed my pace. I still hadn’t seen the walker’s face yet when I heard Glenn’s next question. “Is that Daryl,” he asked as I froze in my spot. “Glenn get her out of here,” my dad shouted as he looked to the walker before he looked to Glenn and finally me, “now!” Glenn ran back to me, grabbing ahold of me around my stomach to pull me away as I finally caught a glimpse. “No,” I shouted as I saw the face of the person I had been waiting for while my dad pointed his gun to his head.

Quick question for you guys. I have a new Daryl story I'm starting and if I were to post it now, the updates would be slow because as of this moment my main focuses are this story, Time, and A Second Chance. Now I could go ahead and post the chapter that's fully written or I could hold off until I have more to it. It's your call but like I said, updates would be slow. So what would you like, post it now or later?
- Kenz

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