Ch. 129 - Before A Run

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I sluggishly opened my eyes as the morning sun slowly filtered into the window from my side of the room. The past few nights, I hadn't been getting much sleep from the baby moving around so much. It made me happy that it was still seeming healthy and that I didn't have to worry about it being a stillborn so far and eating me from the inside out. That was still one thing that scared me, but I refused to tell everyone else about my fears of being eaten alive by my own child.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of movement from behind me on Daryl’s side of the room. Rolling over slightly, I looked back to see Daryl working on getting dressed with his back to me. He was in nothing more than his pants, no shirt on to cover his scar covered back. I still remember that night when I saw them for the first time. He’d been injured and didn’t even know I had walked into the room until he heard my gasp of shock. Never expected him to tell me what they were from, but that night he did, seeming to have sensed trust in me or something.

“You done staring Kat,” Daryl’s voice asked, breaking me out of my thoughts and causing me to lift my eyes up to stare into the blue orbs that belonged to the man I never thought would care for me the way I care for him. “Sorry,” I said with a smile as I felt a blush color my cheeks but refused to look away from him, “just enjoying the view really.” My reply caused him to blush in return as he turned his back to me once more and walked over to his pile of clothes and pick up a shirt.

I laid back on the bed, placing my head on my pillow once more, as my senses returned to me and I could hear the loud music coming from my younger brother’s room. How the hell I slept so long through all that noise I will never know. He even sounded like he was throwing a ball against the wall. I was so happy he’d completely pulled through after that shot to the head, don’t know what I’d do without him here.

He’d been getting better each day until he finally got to come home a few weeks ago, and he’s been tossing the ball like that ever since. I felt the bed on my side dip down even more, causing me to look over to see Daryl sitting there, staring at me. “Where are you and Dad going today,” I asked as I watched him move his right hand to rest just on my left side so that he was leaning over me slightly. “Just a supply run,” he said peering down at me, “getting low. Going to look for some other places to hit that might help us out.”


I watched as Kat nodded her head, blue eyes meeting mine as she just laid there on the bed. I was happy that she’d kept to her word about not going on any more runs. Glenn often brought her over prenatal vitamins that he found while out scavenging himself, getting some for both her and Maggie. “Look after yourself and my dad please,” she said as she moved her hand, closest to the one I was leaning on, and placing it on my own hand. “I always do,” I said with a nod, leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips before moving down to the now very prominent bump she had and placing another kiss there.

I felt Kat run her fingers through my hair as I placed my ear to her stomach, listening to her stomach where our baby was. This was a new experience for the both of us, and the best we could do was to take it one step at a time. “Alright Daryl,” she said laughing, “help me up would you? I want to go talk to Dad before y’all leave for the run.” Smiling, I straightened up and then stood to my feet all together, holding my hands out to her. Once she took them, I helped her sit up on the bed before finally helping her up off the bed completely.

Once she was steady on her feet, I stepped back slightly. “I’m going to go check with Denise,” I said when I finally let her go completely, “see if there’s anything she needs me to get for the little doctor’s office we have here. Do you need anything Kat?” “Not that I can think of,” she said shaking her head, “Glenn just brought me another bottle of prenatal vitamins last week, so I’m still good on them. You can start looking for stuff like diapers if you want to.” Nodding, I watched as she slowly made her way out of the door before heading towards her Dad’s room. Once she’d made it inside, I made my way downstairs and out of the house, looking for Denise.

Okay, 2 things for y'all today. 1) Do y'all want Daryl and Kat to get "married" before baby Dixon is born or just leave them as they are? 2) recently a new author has been messaging me here on Watty wanting advice for if she ever started writing. Well she has her first work posted and I believe y'all should check it out. It's called My Angel by @katvolleyball13.
- Kenz

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