Ch. 57 - Daryl's Promise

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It's been hours now since Andrea left and headed back to Woodbury. Most of us are in the cell block, just sitting around. Carol, Beth, and Glenn sat around the lanter on the floor near the outer wall while Maggie sat on the steps near them. Michonne found herself a bucket to sit on near the cells while I stood next to Daryl and Hershel as both Daryl and I leaned against the wall side by side. I think Carl was up on watch and Merle was standing out in the commons area. I looked up towards the landing to the second level when I heard footsteps, seeing Dad walk down holding little Judith in his arms.

As he started down the stairs, Beth started singing into the silent night. I watched as after Dad made his way to the base floor in the cell block, Glenn made his way to stand by Maggie. When I looked over to the door to the cells the same time Dad did, I spotted Merle standing there leaning against the opened door. "You two work things out," he ask looking at me then at Daryl beside me. I looked to Daryl in time to see him peering down at me before I looked back to Dad and nodded. "Slowly but it's getting there," Daryl's voice said from beside me. "Good," Dad said nodding before looking back around at the others.

"What are we going to do about this Governor," I asked as Dad slowly looked back to me, "he's got a lot." "We'll match it," Dad said looking down at me where I stood, "I'm going on a run." "I'll go out tomorrow," Daryl said behind me causing me to look back up at him. When he peered down at me, I know he could see the underlying fear that was seeping in, that he'd leave again and never return this time. "No," Dad said shaking his head as I looked back to him, "you stay here and keep an eye on your brother."

I watched as Daryl looked over to his brother before looking back to Dad. I just watched and listened, waiting to see what he was going to say. I know I was out of the pickings for going on the run with Dad so I wasn't going to volunteer, I knew I needed to rest. My side still hurt like a bitch. On that thought, my hand instinctively went to my side where the stitches were, and that didn't go unnoticed by Dad or Daryl. "I'm glad you're back," Dad said drawing my attention away from my thoughts, "I really am, but I want you to keep Kathryn from doing too much right now." "Hey," I groaned out glaring up at him. "But I don't trust your brother," Dad said as he ignored my outburst, "and if he causes a problem, then it's on you."


I peered down at Kat before looking back to Merle. I watched as he scoffed at me before looking away and out the door into the commons area before I looked back to Rick, Hershel, and Kat beside me. "I got em," I said with a nod as I looked down at her. "Dad you don't need to go out alone," Kat said looking up at her dad. "I'll take Michonne," he said as he shifted his weight on his feet. "You sure that's a good idea," I asked as he looked back to me. "I'll find out," he said looking down at his youngest, "I'll take Carl too. He's ready to start going on runs. I want you to hold it down here."

I looked at Rick and nodded. "You got it," I said as we turned our attention back to Beth as she continued to sing. It wasn't long after that, when I felt Kat start to slightly lean against me. And when I looked down at her, her eyes were nearly closed. "C'mon," I said pushing her off me gently, "let's get you upstairs to your cell." "I can make it on my own," she grumbled out tiredly as she shoved away my hands that I held out to keep her from either falling on her ass or on her face. "I don't doubt that sweetheart," I said laughing lightly, "but you're tired and it'd be best if someone helped you to bed."

She grumbled some more but made no move to stop me from ushering her towards the stairs. As we walked up the stairs, I noticed the look Glenn gave me. I know he still was hesitant on me being around Kat again like before. But if I could keep from it, I'd never leave her side like that again. But then again, if Merle causes some shit here while Rick's gone then me and him both could be out of the group and I'll be breaking yet another promise to her. Breaking away from my thoughts, I looked back to Kat in front of me as she slowly stumbled up the steps. If you didn't know any better, you'd swear she was drunk with the way she wabbled as she moved up the steps to the upper landing to the cells.

Following her to her cell, I helped her ease down onto her bed before moving the then sheet we'd found over her small frame. She seemed to wake up more for a moment, the second her head hit the pillow, before this sad look appeared on her face and she looked away from me. "What's wrong," I asked in a whisper, still hearing Beth singing below us as I sat down on the edge of the bunk. "It's nothing," she whispered, "just me being selfish and stupid." "What is it," I asked again as I took her hand, causing her to look at me. "My birthday's tomorrow," she whispered, "and both Dad and Carl will be gone to get stuff to defeat the Governor while I'm stuck here away from them."

"Hey," I whispered the second I noticed the tear slipping down her cheek, "I promised you I'd do something with you didn't I?" I watched as her watery blue eyes looked up at me as I wiped my thumb across her cheek to clear away the tear. "Yeah," she whispered out. "I may have left after I made that promise," I said, "but I came back before your birthday. This is one promise I intend to keep. After your dad and the others leave for wherever they're going, you and I are going out away from everyone else to do something for your birthday." I watched as she looked up at me, nodding before lowering her eyes to the hand I was still holding. "Good," I said, "now get some sleep. Need you well rested for tomorrow." I watched a blush color her cheeks before leaning forwards and kissing her forehead and then making my way out of her cell.

Okay so some of you probably know that a couple months ago the movie San Andreas came out. Well my mom knows I write, because I tell her about it every time I see how many reads I've gotten on this story. Well she said I should write something like that movie. And I somewhat have an idea (and yes it'll be Norman related) and I'd like to write it. I'm telling y'all this because the only reason I'd attempt is if I had enough people who'd read it. It's be merely a side project unless I had enough people interested. So please don't just read this and not comment. I want everyone's opinion. Even if you've never voted or commented please comment for this at least.
- Kenz

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