Ch. 136 - Baby Dixon

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Dad left the negotiating to Maggie after we had a small chat with Gregory. Deciding I didn’t want to deal with the obvious stress this idiot was going to try and place on us, I walked out with everyone else as we left Maggie to it. “I can show you to the medical trailer if you’d like,” Jesus said as he walked over to where me and Daryl were standing just outside of the larger building within the walls of the Hilltop. “Thanks,” I said with a smile and nod before looking to Daryl. He motioned with his head for me to go first before I heard his steps fall in behind me.

When we got to the trailer, Jesus knocked on the door first and left us to enter on our own when we heard the come in from Harlan just inside. I entered first, slowly walking through the door and looking towards where the doctor was. “Hey,” he said when he looked up to see me standing there and Daryl walking in behind me, “guess you both are ready to see that baby. Where’s the other girl?” “Oh she’s talking with your leader,” I said, “or whatever he is. She’ll probably stop by when she’s done with him.”


“Right,” the guy said as he stood up, “let’s get started. Kathryn why don’t you have a seat over here for me while I boot up the machine.” “Okay,” she said before walking further into the trailer. I stood there watching as she walked over to the medical bed that he had inside the trailer. “Come on in Daryl,” the guy said as he looked over his shoulder at me, “you can’t see the screen from all the way over there.” I gave him a cautious look before walking to stand on the other side of Kat. “You ready Daryl,” Kat asked as she looked up at me from where she now lay.

“So,” the guy said once he stopped messing with the machine next to the bed, “if you had to guess, how far along would you say you are?” “It’s kind of hard to tell now with the world,” she said as she thought, “and this is my first child so I’m going to be smaller than if it was a second or so. But I’m not really sure how far I might be.” “Well let’s see then,” he said as he grabbed what looked like some kind of jelly and squeezed it out onto her stomach after lifting her shirt some.


I couldn’t help but smile over at Daryl as he stood back slightly while Harlan located the baby that I was carrying with the machine. When I looked back towards the monitor, I could see the small form that seemed to float in the air. “Look Daryl,” I said as I looked back towards him. He had his eyes glued to the screen, almost like he couldn’t believe what was showing there. “That is one healthy looking fetus,” Harlan said as he looked over to me and Daryl, “congratulations.” I couldn’t contain my excited grin as I looked from the monitor over towards Daryl.

“Daryl,” I whispered as I reached over to him and grabbed his hand to instantly gain his attention, “that’s our baby.” It was a little delayed, but I watched as a slow smile crossed his face as he stared at me. “Let’s see,” Harlan said as he gained my attention once again, “you might be far enough along to see what it is you’re having. Would you like to try and see?” “Yes please,” I said quickly as I nodded. I felt Daryl squeeze my hand, reminding me I still had ahold of his hand. I glanced at Daryl for just a second before looking back to watch as Harlan moved the ultrasound around to try and see what our baby was.

“Well,” he said after a few minutes of looking, “it looks like you’re both going to be the proud parents of a little girl. Congratulations, both of you. If you come back again, before the baby is born, we can double check on its gender. But I’m fairly sure that you’ll have a little girl.” “Thank you,” I said smiling widely as he nodded and turned the screen off, but not before printing off a picture of the ultrasound of our baby. When he walked out of the room after handing me a tissue to clean my stomach off, I sat up and looked to Daryl as I wiped the jelly off.

“This is really happening,” he asked after a few minutes. “Yeah,” I said with a smile as I watched him walk over towards me. “She’ll be as beautiful as her mother,” he said, smiling at me as he helped me down off of the examination bed. “Oh hush you,” I said laughing, “c’mon, let’s go tell Dad and the others the news.” He nodded once before allowing me to exit the trailer first. As soon as we were out the door, we noticed a commotion. But then, things went downhill as a fight broke out and I watched Daryl run past me to help those from our group.

Okay guys, I have a little bit of bad news, my computer ducked up yesterday afternoon and I had to completely reset it. Didn't even get to save my writings at all. So I lost all my work for the chapters after this one so after this is posted and the next thing I have that'll be posted a few seconds later will be the last update for a while. Again I'm sorry, I tried to save my work but was unable to. As soon as I can remember what I had written and all, I'll start posting again.
- Kenz

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