Ch. 77 - Carol

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I watched Dad, Michonne, Carl, and Daryl disappear into Terminus without me as I stood back by the fence. As soon as they were gone, I had to move and find somewhere else to sit out and wait. Obviously having discussed where to go and how they could find me, I didn't have a doubt about what I was doing, I just worried about my dad and the others. Turning away from the fence, I walked back into the cover of the woods and searched for the place we agreed I'd hide at. One last look over my shoulder I began making my way towards the place I needed to be.

It didn't take long to reach my destination, a tree that had enough thick branches I could climb but also allowed me to get high enough into the canopy that I couldn't be seen unless you knew where to look. Just as I started making my way up to branch we'd picked out, the sound of gunfire reached my ears. "No," I whispered to myself as I looked back towards the direction Terminus was in. We thought something like this would happen, but we'd hoped that it wouldn't and this would be our lucky break. Guess those don't exist anymore in this world.

I sat in the tree, trying to decide what to do knowing I couldn't go into Terminus to rescuse the others on my own. Before I could make a decision, someone walked by below where I sat in my tree. Thinking it'd be wise if I stayed quiet as they passed, I watched as they passed by. When I spotted the short grey hair though after they'd walked a short distance, I tood a chance and followed the gut feeling I had that I knew this person walking by. Climbing down quietly, I followed behind a good few paces until I was sure that I knew who this was.

"Carol," I called out, seeing the one person I hadn't seen since the prison had the flu epidemic. I watched as she stopped in her tracks at the sound of my voice and slowly turned around to face me where I stood. "Kathryn," she said when her eyes landed on me, "what are you dong out here?" "I wasn't alone to start with," I said walking up to the older woman, "Dad, Michonne, Daryl, and Carl went in there and left me out here to go into Terminus and check it out." "So it was them that those people were shooting at then," Carol asked looking at me. "I don't know," I said honestly as I began to worry.

"C'mon," she said before taking my hand. We slowly made our way up to the fence that me, Dad, and the others had been at before. We looked through the links in the chain fence and watched as these men pulled four people up off the ground. My breath hitching in my throat when I spotted Dad and Daryl being lifted up and dragged away. Even more so when I spotted two more familiar faces, Bob and Glenn. "We've got to help them," I said panicked as I looked to Carol beside me. "Come on," she said before walking away in a crouch, following the fence as she went. Looking back through the fence, I watched as the strangers disappeared with Dad and the others before following after her quickly.

We both crouched down when we reached another part around Terminus. I watched as she pulled out a rifle and a firework out of the bag she had with her, peering through the sight on the rifle before looking to me. I held my hand out for the rifle and peered through the sight myself as she dug around in her bag. I peered through the sight before spying the tank just on the other side of the fence. "If we shoot that tank," I said looking over her but not finishing my sentence. "I was thinking the same thing," she said nodding before handing me some ammo for the rifle in my hands, "care to do the honors?" Grinning, I took the ammo and loaded the gun before aiming for the tank.

It's short and kinda late but I managed to make an update for y'all. Sad news, I won't be updating anymore until I get back from my vacation on the 10th. And this whole week will be spent making sure I've got everything and that everything is all set. So it'll be at least 2 weeks before I can update again. Sorry y'all.
- Kenz

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