Ch. 103 - Fight At the Gate

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Daryl and I were sitting out on the porch steps the next morning. Everyone had slowly started to trickle back into the house as it got later in the evening and none seemed any wiser to what we had done that afternoon while the house was empty. Carl spent the evening telling me about this group of kids around his age that he hung out with. Even though from what he told me it started out on a rocky start, he enjoyed himself and couldn't wait to go back and hang out with them again.

I stared at Daryl as he worked on his crossbow, making sure it stayed in good working order. I couldn't help but giggle when he seemed to catch his finger on something. He sent me a glare before the sound of the front door opening caught both of our attention. I glanced back as Carol stepped out of the house, fixing some sort of sweater she had on before smiling at both me and Daryl. "Time to punch the clock and make the casseroles," she said in a chippy tune. "What," Daryl said, glancing up at her.

"Make dinners for the older people," she said, "moms who need a break, people who can't cook. Get to meet a lot of the neighbors that way." "Have fun," I said as Daryl scoffed at what she said. "Have you taken a shower yet," she asked in a motherly tone as she stared straight at Daryl. "Mm-hmm," he said, lying through his teeth. "Take a shower," she said narrowing her eyes at him, "I'm gonna wash that vest. We need to keep up appearances." "We need to keep up appearances," I mimicked in a higher voice as she walked down the stairs.


"I ain't startin' now," I said as I watched her walk away. "I'm gonna hose you down in your sleep," she remarked. "That's my job," I heard Kat mutter from beside me as I looked over at her. She sent me a sheepish smile when she realized I heard her before I turned my attention back to Carol. "You look ridiculous," I called after her as she walked away, earning a laugh from Kat. "Good one Daryl," she said when I looked back at her. In the day we'd been here, I'd seen her smile more than when we had been at that prison. It had me thinking that maybe this place wasn't so bad after all.

"Hey Daryl," Kat said after a few minutes, "let's go take a walk around the community. Didn't exactly get to explore yesterday." "Sure," I said unsure, "I guess we could." "It won't be so bad," she said with a smile as she stood to her feet, "Glenn, Tara, and Noah should be back from their job now anyway. We can meet them up by the front gate." "I'm beginning to wonder if I should be jealous of your friendship with Glenn," I said before earning a playful glare from her. She never replied to that before turning and walking off the porch with me behind her.


Daryl and I were walking side by side down the street, headed to the front gate to greet our friends when they got back, but we didn't find a happy scene. Glenn and one guy were arguing about something. "Daryl," I said barely above a whisper as I glanced at him while we came to a stop a few feet away. I watched Daryl take a few steps forward, my attention back on Glenn as that guy was pushing Glenn backwards and trying to get a rise out of him. "Daryl," I said again when he stopped but he didn't look back at me.

"No one's impressed man," I heard Glenn say to him and not seeming at all bothered by him, "walk away." "Aiden," I heard Deanna call out before she walked to stand next to Glenn and him, "what is going on here?" "This guy has a problem with the way we do things," he said calmly as he looked to Deanna, "why did you let these people in?" "Because we actually know what we're doing out there," Glenn said back while I stood there shocked that he said such a thing.

In that next second, everything went to hell as Deanna shouted at Aiden when he swung at Glenn. Glenn dodged and gave him a nasty blow to the face and knocking him on his ass. Glenn stepped back not moving to make another hit while Daryl charged forward cause another guy went after Glenn. "Daryl," I cried out moving to pull him away from the guy as I caught sight of Dad and Carl running towards the group, "Daryl get off him!" My arms on Daryl's shoulders, I didn't stand a chance but what shocked me was him knocking me back and his hand hitting my face.

I landed on my ass, my hand instantly going up to my face as I stared at where Daryl was still trying to beat the hell out of the guy as Dad pulled him away from him. I stayed where I was, watching as Daryl seemed to pace back and forth with Dad standing in front of him. When Daryl glanced back at me, his attention instantly went from what just happened, and was on me. I was still shell-shocked as my hand rubbed my face where I got hit. "Kat," he whispered as he quickly knelt down next to me.

"It's fine Daryl," I said lifting my free hand up to him, "I'm okay." "No you're not," he said removing my hand and looking at my face, "I just hit you." "It's okay," I said putting on a small smile, "I was stupid to think I stood a chance at even pulling you off of him. Remember, I'm tough. You can't keep me down." I watched as he gave me an unsure smile before helping me back to my feet as we turned to Dad and Deanna. "I told you I had a job for you," she said, "I'd like you to be our constable. You and Michonne."

Yay I updated! Sorry it took so long. With it getting just a tiny bit harder for me to think of good updates, I'm gonna change it to updating once a week. Anyway, have y'all seen the con trailer for season 7? It was killing me!
- Kenz

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