Ch. 127 - The Talk

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I walked pass everyone that was sitting outside of the house that my brother was in. I told them he was awake and that I needed to head to the house and talk to Daryl. They let me by without another question and so I found myself walking down the small street in the early morning light. I had my arms wrapped around me as I drew closer to the house, and the fear of what me and Daryl needed to talk about was creeping back into my mind.

I stood outside of the house for a moment, staring up at the whole place, before finally making my way up slowly to the front door and then finally inside. Closing the door quietly behind me, I looked around to see if he was downstairs. "Daryl," I called out quietly when I didn't see him, knowing he'd hear me in the silent house. Sighing when I didn't get an answer, I began making my way up the stairs to our room, figuring if he was anywhere in this house then that's where he'd be.

When I reached the top of the stairs and walked down the small hallway at the top, I came to our room where the door was partly closed. "Tarzan," I said softly as I pushed the door open and spotted Daryl sitting at the foot of the bed. "You haven't called me that in some time," he said out, voice just as quiet as mine had been. I stood there in the door, not sure what to do, as I just stared at him and waited for him to say something. "Daryl," I finally said, "we really need to talk."


"Yeah," I said with a nod as I finally looked up to where Kat stood, "we do." I watched as she grew tense and stood there for a moment longer before finally walking into the room and closing the door behind her. "Can I just ask one thing Kathryn," I asked when she'd walked to stand in front of me. "Of course," she said with a nod. "Why," I asked, "why did you think it was okay to not tell me this as soon as you found out?"

"I don't know," she whispered out quietly, "I tried to wrap my head around the fact that I was actually pregnant. And then I tried to find the right time to tell you." "And you thought the right time was after we'd lost track of Sasha and Abraham," I asked as my voice began to rise, "when we'd wrecked the bike with the two of us on it?" "I got scared," she said as she closed her eyes and lifted her hands to cover her face, "I never planned to tell you at that moment but it slipped out because I was afraid I'd lose you before we got back to the safety of Alexandria."

She stopped talking as her voice began to crack and I watched her take in a shuttering breath. "Oh Kat," I said as I stood up from the bed and walked up to her, wrapping her in a tight hug as I tucked her head under my chin. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Daryl," she sobbed, "and I know I shouldn't have gone on that run because something always goes wrong, but you know me by now. And I meant what I said before, that I won't go on any more runs for a while. No one will let me as soon as they find out." "Don't worry about all of that for now," I said into the top of her head.

"Are you mad at me," she asked as she made a fist into the shirt I was wearing. "No," I said as I squeezed her tighter, "I was never mad." "I really am sorry," she said as she pulled away to look up at me. "I know," I whispered back before kissing the top of her head. I pulled away and moved back, sitting once again on the edge of the bed before grabbing her hips. Pulling her closer to me so that she stood between my legs, I lifted up the bottom of her shirt to reveal the small bump. Smiling up at her, I looked back down and placed a light kiss on it.

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