Ch. 70 - The Prison is Lost

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Took longer than I would've liked, but we made it back to the prison with the meds Hershel asked for. A day and a half after we'd originally left, we made it back that night to find Rick and Carl with a shit pill of walkers laying in the dog-run where they'd broken the fence down. My mind automatically went to Kat and the other's who were sick. What if walkers got past Rick and Carl? What if the others didn't make it through the two nights we'd lost to several road blocks? As soon as the van we were in pulled to a stop, both Tyreese and I hopped out and looked at Rick.

"How's Sasha," he asked instantly. "I don't know," he said shaking his head, "I'm sorry." "Go," I said looking to him before he ran passed me towards A block. "You get everything we need," Rick asked looking at me. "Man I sure hope so," I said watched as Bob slowly climbed out of the van. He was still on my shit list after the stunt he pulled back at the school. "Everything okay," Rick asked noticing my tension. "Yeah," I said before looking off towards A, "you don't know how Kat is?" "No," he said shaking his head. Nodding, I turned and made my way towards A block too.


I could feel something poking into my arm right at the inside of my elbow. I tried to open my eyes, but there was some force keeping me from doing it. "Kathryn," I heard a small voice whisper as I felt something holding my hand. Groaning, I finally managed to get my eyes to open slowly as I turned my head towards the sound of the voice. "Dad she's awake," I heard the voice shout as they slowly pulled away from me. When my eyes focused, I realized it was Carl who had been talking to me before Dad appeared in my vision standing above his head. "Take it easy sweetheart you've been out for a while," he said kneeling down next to Carl and taking his place in holding my hand.

"What happened," I asked as I lifted my free hand up to rub my forehead some. "You passed out," Dad said squeezing my hand, "Hershel said you were working yourself too hard." "Where's Mom," I asked and when I didn't get an answer right away, I looked over to see Dad and Carl sharing a look. "Carl go check on Judy," Dad said to my brother. He nodded before turning and running out of the cell I was laid in before running out of the block all together. When Carl was gone, Dad turned back to look at me before looking down at my hand in his. "Dad," I said as I sat up slightly, "where's Mom." "She died last night before Daryl and the others got back with the meds," he said as he slowly looked up at me, "I'm sorry sweetie."

I looked at him, feeling the tears fall down my face, as I let what he said sink in. I didn't say anything, I just laid back down on the cot I was on and let the tears fall. I didn't even looking to Dad when I felt him release my hand and walk away. I wanted to be alone anyway after finding out my mom didn't make in through the night. My free hand reached up to the locket she'd given to me just before I ended up passing out. It was all I had left of her now, that and her memory. Deciding I needed some air, I ripped the IV out of my arm before reaching for my gun that I had under my pillow and slowly making my way outside of the cell block and then sneaking my way out of the prison yard and into the woods.

I walked slowly around the trees, just out of sight to the prison but I could still see it. I wasn't letting it out of my sight, just incase I needed to get there fast. I kept my gun in my hands, breathing in the fresh air I'd been away from for the past couple of days. The slightly cooler air felt better on my sweaty forehead than the stuffy prison cell block did. I already felt better, and I couldn't tell you if it was the meds or just being outside. I used this time to think, just think about whatever came to mind. And right now, the top two things on my mind were Daryl and my mother.

With Daryl, I wondered if everything would be okay between us again. I didn't like this space between us, after so long of depending on him for comfort and safety, it felt so weird for him not to be with me now. Thinking about Mom, I tried to push back the tears as I remembered her telling me that she didn't think she'd survive this. I didn't want her to be right, I didn't want to lose her to a glorified cold as Glenn had put it before I went to talk to Hershel. But Mom had been right, she always seemed to be right, and now she's gone.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of gun fire. Fearing the worst, I ran to the edge of the woods. Well I didn't exactly run, but I did move as fast as I could to get back to the prison in case they needed me. When I reached the edge of the tree line, my breath hitched in my throat at the sight before me. I stood there frozen as I watched the tank at the gate slowly move forwards before running the fence down. I looked up towards the prison, watching as our people fought back. I lifted my hand up, covering my mouth to keep from crying out. They were trying to take our home from us, it was like we couldn't catch a break.

I watched as the fighting went on. Walkers slowly walking out of the woods, drawn by the sound of the shots from both sides and the rockets set off from the tank. Looking around the prison, I noticed the bus we'd set up as an emergancy vehicle to take should something happen begin to pull out and leave. I could also just barely make out other members from the group running off on foot, trying to get away from the gun fire. Realizing that the prison was lost, I turned and began to make my way away from the battle zone. All I could do was hope and pray that I'd find the others. Especially Dad, Carl, Judy, and Daryl. If I had to find anyone, they were who I wanted to find most.

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