Ch. 110 - Ready or Not

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Weeks have passed since Daryl first started recruiting with Aaron. Every time they'd return from being out there to recover, he'd be almost happy to be back out there a few days later. That's not saying he didn't enjoy seeing me and Judy when he came back, because when he wasn't tuning up his new bike or crossbow, he was with us. But he'd left out again yesterday, saying that he and Aaron were following someone they'd apparently exiled before and they wanted to keep tabs on the guy.

And that's why I'm currently sat in the bathroom connected to mine and Daryl's room, alone, with Maggie and Glenn outside on my bed for moral support. Last few mornings, I've felt sick to my stomach. And I knew the symtoms, I watched Lori get pregnant twice. But I wanted to know for sure. I just didn't know how I was going to tell Dad, and Daryl, if I was. It'd be like I'd be under house arrest if I was and told them, they'd never let me do anything for a long time. It was bad enough I had to convince Daryl yesterday that I was okay when he woke up that morning to find me hunkered over the toilet bowl.

I looked down at the pocket watch that used to belong to Hersel that was now Glenn's, looking to see that it had been enough time for the test that sat on the bathroom counter. Taking a deep breath, I stood up and grabbed the little test. Looking down, I came face to face with the little pink plus sign. There it was, my fate was sealed for the next several months as I'd be forced to stay within the gates of Alexandria. Well I would be once I told them, which I still had no idea how I was to break the news to them. Right now, I had to face my two closest friends outside this bathroom.

I placed the stick back on the counter and turned to face the door, unlocking it and opening it. I looked up at my friends, both with their attention on me as soon as they had heard the door open. "Well," Maggie asked as she stood up, walking over to me. "I'm pregnant," I said as I tried to be excited, but I was actually scared to death. "Oh sweetie," she said once she spied the look on my face, "everything will be alright." "That's the same thing we told Lori," I said as she hugged me. "You going to tell your Dad," Glenn asked as Maggie pulled away from the hug, "and Daryl?"

"Well yeah I have to," I said with a shrug, "I just have no idea on how or when. I want to tell them both at the same time, or close to it anyway." "You'll be able to as soon as you come to terms with the idea," Maggie said rubbing my back and giving me a comforting smile. "This is why you're both my friends," I said as I hugged her before moving to hug Glenn. "Hey I've been your friend since about the start of this," Glenn said when I pulled away. I just gave him a big smile before walking to the door. "Let's go fix something to eat," I said laughing, "I'm starving."

I'm gonna apologize for how short this chapter was. It was more or less a filler and I just couldn't think of anything else to put into it. And sorry I almost forgot to post tonight.... Oopsie.
- Kenz

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