Ch. 119 - Scared

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I kept quiet, just did my part in all of this and helped Daryl and the others with keeping an eye on the walkers that were traveling behind us. I tried not to let my mind drift to Alexandria. The key word in that sentence being tried. I found myself every now and then thinking about my family back there, and the others. It was only when Daryl revved up the bike when I remembered where I was and what was happening around me.

It almost felt like hours before I finally heard Sasha's voice over the walkie. "Alright," she said, causing me to glance over at her as I felt Daryl shift slightly. "That's 20," he asked as I watched his head move so that he could glance over at her. "It will be," she said quickly, "642 is a mile ahead. Gotta put distance between us and them before the turn off." "So floor it," Abraham's voice came over the walkie.

"Y'all try to keep up," I said grabbing the walkie from Daryl before he could speak. He sent me a small smile before looking back ahead as Sasha spoke up. "Kathryn have you seen this car," she asked which caused me to smile, "believe me we wanna get back there as much as y'all do." I glanced over my shoulder slightly, lowering my hand with the walkie before facing Daryl's back and hooking the walkie back onto his vest. As he started speeding up the bike, I quickly wrapped my arms around him and held on tight, hoping we'd be able to get back in time to help the others.

We were well on our way home now, we'd slowed down some since we lost sight of the walkers and there was enought space between us and them so that we didn't have to worry about them following us back home. But we weren't out of the woods yet, and neither was home. We were passing through this neighborhood when suddenly all these shots rang out from behind us. "Kat hang on," I heard Daryl shout to me as I let out a scream. I instinctively grabbed ahold tighter as he ducked while pulling off away from Sasha and Abraham.


I glanced over my shoulder, trying to check on not only Sasha and Abraham in the car behind us, but to also check on Kat as she held on tightly behind me. I lost my balance with the bike when I was looking back, then over corrected it, causing both me and Kat to skid to the ground. I could hear Kat's scream from next to me as the bike slid away from us. I quickly jumped to my feet, adrenaline keeping me from collapsing to the ground as I helped Kat from the ground. "You okay," I asked. "Yeah," she said nodding, "get the bike." I nodded before turning to grab my downed bike, watching as a car passed by us and chased after Sasha and Abraham.

I climbed back onto the bike, starting it before looking over my shoulder and helping Kat on as she seemed to struggle a little. "Hang on tight," I said as she wrapped her arms around me once more and sped off away from the gun fire. I felt Kat patting my shoulder, causing me to look over my shoulder and cuss under my breath as I tried to loose them. "Daryl there's two," I heard Kat's voice cry out. Glancing over my shoulder, I spotted the second car that was following the first one.  "Hang on I'm gonna try and loose them," I said before speeding off.

Well I did loose one of them at least. Doing some tight turns and dodging a couple walkers, we lost one car as it ran into the dumpster, but the Jeep kept following behind. Getting an idea, I gained enough distance between us as the followers, turning off into the woods far enough where they couldn't see us and just waited for them to pass. Once they'd gone by, I drove across the road and back into the woods, deciding it was best to stay off the main road as we tried finding our friends. I kept driving for a bit longer, before the adrenaline wore off and I could finally feel the pain from the wreck.

Slowing the bike down enough, I felt it start to tip as we both fell to the ground. I rolled over onto my back and glanced over at Kat as she laid there with her eyes closed. "You alright," I asked as she slowly opened her blue eyes and peered over at me. "Well," she said as she started to laugh, "at least I was smart enough to wear jeans today." I smiled at her as I watched her attempt to sit up before she cringed. "What's wrong," I asked, sitting up quickly. She didn't answer as I watched her lift up her shirt to reveal road rash on her side and disappearing below the waistband of her jeans.

I worked hard to get up, fighting through the pain before helping her stand to her feet. I kept my hands on her waist, careful of the road rash, as I waited for her to get her balance properly. I just stood there, watching as her eyes drifted down to my arm that I'd landed on. I looked down, seeing blood dripping from my fingers. With her help, I carefully pulled my jacket off before setting it down on my bike. "Looks painful," she said as she stared at it before her worried eyes drifted up to look at me. "I'll be alright," I said as I looked at her, "more worried about you."


"Daryl," I said as I lowered my eyes, "I think there's something I need to tell you. And I wasn't planning on telling you like this, not now." "What," he asked as he used his good hand to lift my chin up so that I was peering up at him again. I was scared, I know he'd be furious when he found out, especially now with the situation we were in. But I had to tell him. My mind was treating this situation as if I might possibly loose him, because I knew deep down he'd risk his life to protect me and make sure I survived. So, taking a deep breath, I spoke two words that would change our lives. "I'm pregnant," I whispered as silence followed.

A lot of y'all kept asking when she'd tell him, well she told him lol. How do y'all think he'll react to the information. Remember he's not the first to know; Aaron, Maggie, and Glenn know she's pregnant and she's just now telling Daryl. Oopsie. On another note, this ends soon so I have a question: out of all my published works (excluding my BDS one) what would y'all really like to see me update when this is finished? Comment.
- Kenz

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