Ch. 105 - First Day

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I woke up in bed alone this morning. It was the first morning since we'd decided to stay in both houses instead of staying in just one. I walked out of my room wearing what I'd gone to bed in, a shirt and shorts, looking for everybody. When I walked past one door, I peered in to see Michonne dressed in the same uniform Dad had tried on last night with her katana in hand. "Morning," I said smiling as she looked up at me, returning the smile. "Good morning," she said as she put her katana down, "a lot of us are starting our new jobs today. What about you?"

"Not exactly starting today," I said with a shrug, "but I'm meeting with the person who's been teaching so that I can see how they do things here. I'll be sitting in the back of the room while they do all the teaching." "Morning ladies," Dad said as he came to a stop next to me. "Morning Daddy," I said with a smile as I wrapped him in a hug. "I wanna talk to Michonne alone," he said looking down at me. "Okay," I said looking up at him, "I need to be getting ready anyway. Don't need to be late in meeting who I'm to be working with." Both Dad and Michonne told me bye before I turned and walked back to my room.


I left out just at sunrise this morning, deciding I needed a moment to myself and went hunting. I would've took Kat with me this morning, but she told me the night before that she that she was supposed to meet up with the local teacher to learn what it was she needed to do, so I let her sleep and left without waking her. The whole house was quiet when I left and there was only one person up from the community as they were standing guard at the gate. They let me out without a problem when I said I was going hunting, opened the gate and told me they hoped I brought back something good.

But it was early dawn when I heard a noise come from behind me and off to the side. "Come out," I called out raising my crossbow quickly, "now!" I watched as out walked Aaron, Kat's cousin. He looked nervous as he walked out, noticing my crossbow aimed at his head. Lowering my crossbow, I watched as he seemed hesitant on lowering his hands. "You can tell the difference between walkers and humans by sound," he asked as he finally lowered them. "Your cousin can too," I said as I continued to watch him.

I watched as he laughed lightly before regarding me. "Can you tell the difference between a good guy and a bad guy," he asked as he seemed to become uncomfortable under my stare, "Rick doesn't seem to be an expert at that." "There ain't much of a difference no more," I said. "That how you feel about your people," he asked and my mind went to Kat. "Why you following me," I asked as I began to get irritated. "I didn't know I was," he said looking around, "I came out to hunt rabbits. But I know why you're out here. Mind if I join?" "Keep up," I said before walking off, "and keep quiet. Kat's quieter than you."


I spent a majority of the day, helping get supplies together for the primary teacher there. Funny thing was, their classroom was a garage. But I guess beggers can't be choosers. When my so called work day ended, I found Dad standing out by the solar panels with Deanna and a few people from our group. "Tonight I'm hosting a welcome for all of you at my home," Deanna said as I came to a stop next to Dad, "I want you to be there." "Why," Sasha asked as she regarded her. "Come tonight," Deanna said, "then we'll talk about it."

"I don't have anything to wear," I said causing her to look at me, "I haven't had anything to wear for something like that since before the turn." "Talk to Jessie," she said to me with a nod, "she might be able to help you out." I looked to Dad as he looked back down at me before giving me a small shrug. Looking back to Deanna to see she was still watching, I gave a small nod before turning and heading towards where I'd seen Jessie once before to see if she could help me somehow.

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