Ch. 21 - Grounded

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"What does it matter to you," I asked as I walked into the room and sat down in one of the chairs on the far side of the room away from her. As I was taking off my shoes, rubbing the calf of my right leg where the cut was located, I heard movement and looked to see Lori walking towards me. "I'm your mother," she said glaring, "so it matters to me where you were. Your father has been looking all over for you since this morning when Daryl went off to look for Sophia. That's where you were isn't it? You were with that redneck out in the woods." "Just shut up," I said glaring at her as I went to stand. "You were in those woods when your leg is injured," she said going on and ignoring my outburst, "I bet you two didn't even look for Sophia while you were out there."

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about," I said, "and even if it were true, what you're insinuating, then you're forgetting one tiny detail. I'm 18 Lori so I could do whatever the hell I wanted to, with whoever I wanted to! But you're barking up the wrong damn tree if you think me and Daryl did anything out there in those woods besides look for Sophia." She opened her mouth, looking like she wanted to say something else before she quickly clamped it shut and turned, walking out of the room then out of the house. I groaned out in frustration before I heard the door open once again and someone walk to the door for the room Carl and I were in. Looking up, I quickly lowered my head again when I saw that it was Dad. "Go ahead," I mumbled as I kept my head down and walked over to the bed, "yell at me for being stupid."


"Now why would I do that," I asked leaning against the door frame as I watched Kathryn walk over and sit on the bed next to Carl before she began playing with the hair on his head while he slept. "Because I went out into the woods alone with Daryl," she said not looking up at me as I walked into the room and sat down in one of the chairs next to the bed, "and I'm still injured. But Dad I couldn't just sit here while Daryl was the only person out there looking for her today. I know you and Shane weren't in good enough shape to go out and look for her, and technically neither was I but I knew Daryl wouldn't let anything happen to me out there and I was right." "Seems to me you know what you did was wrong," I said as she slowly lifted her head to look at me, "just take it easy from now on until your leg has healed enough for you to walk without that limp. I don't want you hurt more."

"Yes Daddy," she said smiling at me as I easily returned the smile to her. "When did you grow up on me," I asked with a laugh as she smiled wider, "stay here with your brother and rest. You've had a long day out in those woods today." "Okay Daddy," she said as I stood to my feet before leaning over and placing a gentle kiss to her forehead before moving to Carl's and doing the same thing. "I'll be back to check on y'all both later," I said as I looked at her, "just stay in the house this time. No more running off without telling me or Lori." "Okay Dad," she said nodding and lowering her head. "Why don't you get some sleep," I said noticing how tired she looked, "I know you must be more tired than you look. I'll be back later one." "Okay," she whispered before I walked out of the room.


I guess I should've known Dad wouldn't have been so high strung about me sneaking off with Daryl to help look for Sophia. I know he trusts me to be smart, unlike Lori, who for the second time has accused me of doing stuff with Daryl while we're alone. Although if she knew about that dream I had, she'd never get off my case for it. I just can't figure Lori out, it's like she thinks every second I'm away from our group with that man then I'm out there pulling my pants down and spreading my legs for him. It's a reoccurrence with her anytime Daryl is involved. I wonder what she'd do if I really did go out there into the woods with Daryl, like in my dream, and let him touch me like that. Then again, I never would anyway, the guy likes to keep to himself and I had to beg just to get him to let me tag along.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel Carl shift beside me on the bed. Looking down I can't help but smile as he groans slightly like I always do just after waking up. "Hey buddy," I said smiling down as his blue eyes flutter open before peering up at me. "Mom said you disappeared earlier," he said looking up at me tiredly as I combed my fingers through his short brown hair. "I was out with Daryl today," I said looking down at him, "did Lori or Dad tell you that we're still looking for Sophia? That he lied to you so that you wouldn't worry?" "Mom told me," he said nodding, "were you helping Daryl look for her?" "Yes I was," I said nodding, "we found a place she could've been hiding in. Everyone's going to look for her tomorrow. Hopefully we'll find her tomorrow." "Will you be helping them," he asked.

"Nope," I said shaking my head, "Dad's making me stay here. Which means you get me all to yourself." I poked his nose lightly as I said that and smiled as he started laughing. I watched as his eyes began to grow heavy again before combing my fingers through his hair once more. "Get some more sleep," I whispered, "I'll be here right beside you all night. I'm not going anywhere now." "Okay," he mumbled before closing his eyes and almost instantly falling asleep beside me with his head resting against my shoulder while my arm was wrapped around him. I smiled down at my little brother who was basically my whole world, even if me and his mom don't get along most times. I'd give anything to keep Carl safe and to keep him happy.

I was just beginning to doze off when there was a knock at the room door. Opening my eyes and looking over, I spotted Maggie standing in the doorway. "Hey sorry," she said walking in, "did I wake you?" "Not really," I said smiling as I sat up a bit more so that I was leaning against the headboard without waking Carl who was still fast asleep, "what's up Maggie?" "I wanted to talk to you about your friend," she said, "Glenn." "What about Glenn," I asked as my curiosity got the better of me as she walked into the room and sat down on the chair near the bed. "You and him aren't like together or anything," she asked looking at me, a look of worry seemed to be on her face. "No," I said laughing, "Glenn is basically my best friend. Why do you ask Maggie?"

"Oh no reason," she said trying to pull off a smile but I wasn't buying it. "Maggie," I said smiling at her and leaning forwards, "you like him don't you?" "No," she said quickly, too quickly to actually mean it causing my smile to grow. But before I could say anything else, she was looking away from me with a blush beginning to cover her cheeks. "Maggie did you and Glenn," I started asking but trailed off before glancing down at Carl when I remembered he was in there with us sound asleep. When I looked back up to her, the blush on her face had intensified and the look in her eyes said it all.

"Oh my God when," I asked as a smiled formed on my face. I was overjoyed that Glenn found someone honestly. "Today," she whispered as she looked around, I guess looking for her dad. "You dad doesn't know does he," I asked as she quickly looked back at me. "No," she said shaking her head, "and he'd be furious too because he thinks y'all will be heading on your way after you and Carl get better and after y'all find that little girl." I looked down at my lap and nodded. I figured we would be and I didn't like that idea when I was getting used to the idea of calling Maggie here a friend. "Maybe if we leave," I said looking up at her, "Glenn will get to stay behind to be with you." She smiled weakly at me before getting to her feet and walking out the door, putting an end to the conversation right there.

Okay not 100% on the chapter title so if anyone has a better idea I'd be glad to hear it.
- Kenz

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