Ch. 64 - In the Showers

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I stood under the spray of cold water from the shower stall back at the prison. I was covered in blood and walker guts, but it wasn't my blood. We'd made it back to the prison but not completely unscathed. We lost Zack at the store we'd gone to for the run and I don't think we brought any supplies we'd gathered back with us. I nearly lost my life there today too, and Daryl was furious that I'd put myself in danger in the first place. He'd told me to do something when all those walkers started falling from the ceiling, but I ignored him and tried to help Zack which nearly cost me my own life.

Daryl didn't say anything to me when we got back to the prison moments ago, just climbed off his bike and headed inside. Recieving an order from Mom to go shower, that's what I did after gathering some clothes for me to change into after I was done. Closing my eyes, I ducked my head under the cold stream of water to wash away the soap I'd put in my hair. When I was almost done, I heard a noise behind me in the rest of the wash room. "Who's there," I called out, turning around and looking for any sign that someone was there after hearing a noise. Not getting a response, I take a tentive step forward and moved the thin curtain out of the way to have a better look before I spotted Daryl.


I stared at Kat as she looked back at me. She didn't try hiding herself from me, I'd seen her in various stages of undress since we lost the farm, it would've been pointless to hide now. "Daryl what are you doing in here," she asked stepping back into her stall she'd been occupying with me following her into it. "Do you realize how worried I was earlier," I asked as I ignored her question, "how many times do I have to nearly lose you before you stop risking your neck for everyone else?" "Really Daryl," she asked looking up at me, "you want me to stop going on runs? To be selfish and stay where it's safe with so many needing as many people as able to go out and scavange for food and supplies?"

"Kat that's not what I meant," I said looking at her. "No," she said shaking her head, "that's exactly what you meant! I can't cower behind that fence out there Daryl! It's not who I am and you know that! So don't ask me to step down from what I do now Daryl, because you know I won't." She was mad at me, and she had every right to be with what she figured I was trying to say. But she didn't understand that if I lost her now, after all that we've been through, I don't know if I could really survive in this world. I watched as she continued to glare at me, her fists clenching and unclenching as she watched me, until I finally made my move.


I watched as he stormed forward into the cell, and how I didn't notice it before, but that was when I realized that Daryl was naked before me. He pushed me against the shower wall in the stall we'd been occupying this whole time we'd been arguing. My back arched the second I felt the cold wall touch my skin, pushing my exposed body that much closer to his. His hands made their way to my neck, just at the base of my head, before he pulled me in for a bruising kiss. The kiss itself made my knees weak, and had it not been for Daryl then I would've been on the floor of the stall.

As the kiss continued, I felt my anger about what he was asking me to do slowly fall away. Its funny to me how it seemed like every time something happened to me that was life changing or threatening, our relationship always changed. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I feel his hands slowly lower themselves down my body until he leaves them on the curve of my ass. I moan into his kiss as he pushes me closer towards him, his tongue entering my mouth when I opened it to moan. Finally, his hands drift a little further down south until gripping the backs of my thighs.

Lifting me up by my thighs, he presses me harder into the wall, my legs wrapping around him as I'm lifted up only by his hands and the wall that helps support me. I could still feel the cold water running down from the shower head above us as I pulled my lips away from his to breath. You'd think that cold water would ruin the moment, but I don't even think either of us could truly feel it unless we were trying to focus on it. Daryl moved his mouth down the side of my neck where he began kissing it lightly, nibbling here and there once he found my sweet spot in the crook of my neck.

As I moaned out from the pleasure his mouth was giving me from my neck, I felt his hand move down and in between us. But it was when I felt the tip of his hard erection press against my folds that I realized just what he was doing. But, before I could even open my mouth to get a complete sentence out of my mouth and stop him so I could tell him of my biggest kept secret, he'd taken away my innocence with a swift jerk of his hips. I cried out, in pain or pleasure I wasn't sure, but I believe it was a good mix of both. I wasn't sure if Daryl had ever been with a virgin or not, or if he knew what it felt like when he was, but judging by how he didn't waist a second after the first penetration told me he most likely hadn't been with one.

Even with the pleasure mixing in with the pain I was still feeling, if it wasn't for the shower's water hitting the top of my head, I'm almost positive he would've seen the tears rolling down my face. As he continued on, pistoning away, the pain began to slide away and was replaced by nothing but pleasure. And even with the hint of pain still lingering behind, I could feel that delicious telltale sign of my approaching orgasm that was always the best when he brought me to it, and this time was no exception. My breathing became labored as I waited for him to send me over that wonderful edge.

It finally overtook me, only after he moved to hit that special sweet spot that was inside. My walls tightened instantly around his invading memeber as his mouth covered mine, swallowing up my cries of pure pleasure. Seconds later he climax and coated my inner walls with his seed. When my body had finished milking him of everything he had to offer, he pulled out of me. Instantly coming down from my euphoric high, I winced as the pain of losing my virginity so roughly came back to the front of my mind.

My legs collapsed under me, allowing me to find myself on the floor of the prison shower. Looking down to my legs, I watched as the water running around me tented a light pink or red from the blood of my virginity. Sighing, I looked up to find Daryl still standing there, staring at me. I was ready to see anger in his eyes, who wouldn't, I'd just kept a pretty big secret from him. But then again he'd never asked if I was a virgin or not so it's also his fault for not checking first. But no, I didn't see the look of anger in his eyes. No, he was horrified.

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