Ch. 26 - The Barn

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I've kept my distance from Daryl, since the whole incident in the bedroom when I tried to offer him some help just to be nice. I really did feel like I crossed a line with what I asked, and I thought it best if I just stayed away. Carl and I have moved out of the Greene's house and are sharing a tent near Dad's and Lori's tent. I've kept to myself in the day between when Daryl called me a kid and now, and I think Glenn's caught on to that. Carl got up early this morning, and I guess he was already with Dad and his mom because the tent was empty other than for myself. Walking out after getting dressed, I was pulling my hair back into a ponytail when Glenn popped up in front of me. "Hey," he said smiling at me as I gave him a weak smile in return.

"Hi," I said giving him a suspicious look, "what can I do for you Glenn?" "So you remember when I was walking around yesterday with that basket of fruit and jerky," he asked looking over at me with a smile. "Yes," I said giving him a now confused look, "why?" "Well," he said, "I made a stop by Daryl's tent, to give him some if he wanted any. And he asked about you." "Me," I asked coming to a stop before we got near the prying ears, "why did he ask you about me?" "I don't know," he said shrugging his shoulders, "he asked where you were. Said he hadn't seen you and he was wondering what had happened to you. I think he likes your company." "Yeah I doubt that," I said laughing and shaking my head before continuing on to the rest of the group to eat breakfast.

He let the topic die as we joined the others, said our good mornings and got some food to eat. I sat down next to Glenn as we ate on our powdered eggs, Carl smiling over at me from beside his mom once I was seated. I returned the smile before looking to my plate in my hands. When I happened to glance up as I was about to take a bite, wouldn't you know it I was sitting directly across from Daryl. Remembering what Glenn had said, I looked back down to my plate just as Daryl seemed to glance my way, while the memory of what was just said caused a blush to rise to my cheeks while I tried focusing on the food in front of me. I glanced over at Glenn at one point, only to see him looking towards the Greene's house where Maggie stood before looking over to Dale. His eyes landed on mine and he just gave me a shake of his head before he stood to his feet.


I watched as Kathryn joined the group with Glenn, her eyes looking at everyone else in the group but at me and I guess I deserved that after what I said to her before she brought me food. I asked the Chinaman yesterday where she was because I hadn't seen her since, but to know she was okay at least helped even if she was avoiding me which I couldn't blame her for. I felt eyes on me and when I looked up, she was looking down quickly to her plate. I kept watching as she turned her attention to Glenn beside her just before he stood to his feet and walked around until coming to a stop where he could get everyone's attention. "Um guys," he said after a minute or two and gaining everyone's attention, "so, um, the barn's full of walkers." Everyone literally stopped what they were doing in the split second those words came out of his mouth and just stared at him.

We all got to our feet, and made our way calmly but quickly to where the barn was located. I watched in silence with everyone else as Shane peered through the crack in the barn door. I glanced over at Kathryn, where she stood next to Glenn with her arms wrapped around herself, just under her chest. Like she felt my eyes on her, she looked over at where I stood before quickly looking back towards the barn door and then down at her feet. I looked back to Shane as he was making his way from the barn door towards where Rick was standing. "You cannot tell me you're alright with this," he said as he walked up to Rick, almost like the thought Rick knew about the walkers in the barn but still let us stay here. "No I'm not," Rick said turning to glare at Shane, "but we're guests here. This isn't our land."


"God this is our lives," Shane shouted as he pushed by Dad. "Keep your voices down," Glenn said from beside me before looking over his shoulder back towards the Greene's house. I watched as everyone seemed to talk at once, besides Daryl of course but I don't think he really liked talking with this group anyhow. Shane was pacing by now as he talked to my dad about the situation at hand. "We've either got to go in there," Shane said, "we've got to make things right or we've just got to go." "We're not leaving without finding Sophia," I said stepping forwards away from beside Glenn as I spoke, causing everyone to turn and look at me. I watched as Shane looked at me then looked behind him where Carol was standing, placing his hands up to cover his nose and mouth like he thought we were being stupid for wanting to stay and look for that little girl.

"Okay," Shane said lowering his hands as he moved so he could look from Carol to me and then back to her, "okay, I think it's time we all just start to consider the other possibility." "How can you say that," I asked shaking my head looking up at him. "I'm close to finding that little girl," Daryl said taking a step forward to grab Shane's attention, "I found her damn doll a couple days ago." "That's what you found Daryl," Shane said, "a doll." "Shane," I said stepping forward again, "Daryl and I found that shack with the pallet in the bottom of the cupboard. And then Daryl finds her doll not even a day later. We're so close to finding her and now you just want to give up and say it's a lost cause? What the hell is wrong with you?! I know for a fact if it was me out there and I was her age, you wouldn't let my dad give up looking for me so what makes Sophia any different?!"

"You knew how to handle yourself alone at her age," Shane growled as I watched Dad and Daryl and just about everyone else glare at Shane as he glared at me, "that's what makes her different. We would know for a fact that you'd still be alive out there! For all we know Sophia is dead and we're just wasting time looking for a body." "You don't know what the hell you're talking about," I shouted just as I went to lung for Shane but a pair of arm wrapped themselves around my waist, stopping me. "Glenn get her out of here," Dad said looking behind me. When I looked back, it was Glenn who was holding me back from beating the shit out of Shane, or trying to at least. "Glenn I said get her out of here," Dad repeated when we were still standing there. Finally I felt Glenn tugging me away from them, taking me back up to our camp and sitting me down outside mine and Carl's tent where I could still see our group in front of the Greene's barn.


I sat with Kathryn as she bent forward in her seat with her arms resting on her legs as she looked to be trying to calm down. I could tell from where I was that she was pissed off enough with what Shane had said to wind up shaking from the anger as she glared at Shane from where we sat. "I wouldn't advise it Glenn," she said when I stood and went to wrap my arms around her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down. I watched as she began bouncing her right leg rapidly as she continued to glare down at the others. In that next second, I could hear shouting coming from the group down by the barn and when I looked, Daryl looked to be going after Shane while the others tried to stop him.

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and looked over in time to see Kathryn jump to her feet and start to run towards the group, no doubt to try and help Daryl fight Shane. "Kathryn no," I shouted as I grabbed her around her waist again before she could get too far. "Glenn let me go," she shouted as she fought against me. "No," I said, "you're dad said to get you away from them. You need to cool off before you end up hurting someone." "Only person I'm going to hurt is Shane," she growled out as I tightened my grip around her. "I can't let you do that Kathryn," I said as I felt her ease up in my arms, "I'm sorry. Why don't we go for a walk to help you cool down. Get away from everyone here while they try to sort out this problem." She nodded before I lifted my hands up to her shoulders and turned her around, leading her away from the Greene's infested barn and away from the brewing drama in front of it.

So I have a very important question. Is there anyone who'd be apposed to me having this story written with 100+ chapters? I need to know now so I know if I need to begin deciding where to end this one to begin the next one. I've got a lot planned for Kathryn and Daryl but I don't know if y'all would read one thing with so many chapters. Please comment so I know.

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