Ch. 120 - Ambushed

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I stood there, just staring at Kat as she looked back up at me. "Say something," she finally said, "please." Just from her body language, I could tell she was scared and I don't think the fear was for the bastards that tried to kill us for no damn reason. I watched as she used her arms to wrap around herself, managing to lift her shirt up just barely to show off some of her stomach. And there, now that I knew it was there, you could see the slight swell at the top of her jeans. When my eyes drifted back up to her face, she was trying to keep the tears that were there from falling.


He was scaring me with how silent he was being. He hadn't been this quiet since the start of this all. I wrapped my arms tighter around myself before he finally spoke up. "We'll talk about this when we get back to Alexandria with the others," he said, "for now we need to worry about how we're going to get back." I just nodded, I could almost sense the anger that he was trying to hold back and I had to be prepared for the backlash to not saying anything sooner about my condition.

I watched as he turned away, pulling out the walkie before speaking into it and trying to get contact with everyone else. When he didn't hear back from anyone, he looked back to his bike that we'd placed a bag on to hold some important stuff in case something like this happened. When he was bent down grabbing it, we both heard a noise off to the side, causing the both of us to quickly look towards the direction we thought it came from.

He quickly stood to his feet, placing the bag over his shoulders before grabbing his crossbow from the bike and finally covering the bike with a thicket to keep anyone from finding it by chance. Holding the crossbow at the ready, he gave me a look that said stay behind me and stay quiet. Nodding, I fell into step behind him as we eased our way through the trees, keeping a look out for any danger.

Well we didn't do too good of a job. We spotted these two girls but when the one talking to us looked back behind us, I looked back and got a sharp blow to the face and managed to see Daryl get wacked harder than me as we both fell to the ground. When I came to, my hands were tied in front of me and I had a major headache. I was leaned up against Daryl, and that man that had hit us both, he was standing in front of Daryl talking so that gave me reason to believe that Daryl was awake too.


I looked up at the man in front of me, the bastard that'd hit me and Kat, as he held a gun in my face. "Here's the deal," the man said, "you don't say shit and I don't kill you both." "We ain't who you think," I said staring at him, unflinching. "Get up," the guy said as he jerked me to my feet before doing the same to Kat. When he let her go, I watched her falter for a second, like she was going to fall. Acting quickly, I moved to grab her before she could fall, watching as the prick just stared at us like we were stupid. "Move it," he said when he seemed to have gotten irritated with us not moving.

I helped Kat get her footing before we finally fell in step behind the two girls and the prick fell in behind us. I kept myself between her and the bastard, making sure he'd have to go through me first if he wanted to get to her. I watched as the girls in front of us passed an almost empty bottle of water back and forth before the one who'd been leading stopped and tried to hand it to me. I just walked on by her, Kat staying right with me. We didn't need, and I sure as hell didn't want her help. The prick didn't like the cold shoulder we gave the girl, because he stormed up to us and grabbed the bottle from her.

"We don't need you both passing out on us," he said before he held the bottle to me. I sent him a glare before taking the bottle and handing it to Kat. "She needs it more than me," was all I said as I waited for her to take it from me. Hesitantly, Kat took the water and drank some before handing the bottle back to me with the last little bit inside. "Why is that," the girl who'd tried to offer the water to me spoke up as I tipped back the last of the water. "She's pregnant," was all I said as I handed the bottle back before moving forwards, pushing Kat in front of me to get her moving.

Sorry it's so late being posted. I legit forgot about the update today. So, who thinks Dixon is mad with her? Comment opinions on what you think will happen, especially when they get back home.
- Kenz

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