Ch. 83 - Troubled Thoughts

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When Dad, Michonne, Bob, Sasha, and Father Gabriel went to the place where he'd been to chicken to go to by himself, Daryl and I went to find some water from the stream he'd mention before. It was something me and him could do alone, like our little job we had back before the prison fell and when we'd been looking for poor Sophia back on the farm. I never told Daryl but I still get small nightmares about that day, seeing her little body crumbling to the ground when Dad had to shoot her. Or seeing her walk out of that barn as a walker to begin with. I even still blamed myself for her being there.

It was dark by the time we all had gathered around inside the church. Abraham had finsihed working on the short bus out back and had it running, with Eugene's help, or so I was told. We were eating on some of the food Dad and the others had came back with, candles lit up all around to give us some light. I smiled, laughing as Dad took a bite of food from Judy's outstretched hand. I was sitting with Daryl a few pews back, leaning against him with my feet on the seat, my legs curled up so they were against my chest. As I looked around at my family, and those that have became part of my family, I felt my smile fall slightly.

Looking back towards the door to the church, I couldn't stop my thoughts from hitting me. "I'm going to go take a small walk," I whispered to Daryl, not wanting to disturb everyone else's happiness around me. "I'll come with ya," he said, causing me to look back at him while I sat my feet on the ground. Not seeing a way to keep him from it, I just simply nodded before we both climbed to our feet and made our way outside the church without being noticed. As we made our way away from the church, the silence of the world surrounded us. The only noise, was from the insects and our walking.


"What's on your mind Kat," I asked, glancing over at her. She'd been quiet since we'd left the church and I'd grown to know when something bothered her. "Just my thoughts getting the better of me," she whispered, looking up at me and trying to give me a small smile but it was nothing more than a grimace. "You know everything's gonna be okay," I said as she looked back ahead of us. "Yeah," she said and this time gave me a small smile for real, "just kept thinking about what will happen if we do go to DC like we're supposed to in the morning. What if Beth is still alive out there somewhere and we leave without looking for her?"

"You're thinking about Sophia again aren't ya," I asked as I pulled her to a stop and looking down at her. "It has crossed my mind," she whispered, avoiding eye contact with me. Sighing, I glanced around before realizing that we'd stopped by that car we'd found earlier. "Beth's a strong girl," I said looking back to Kat, "she's like you in so many ways. She'll make it out there, even if it's on her own." "I'd rather she didn't have to," Kat said with a sigh. "C'mere," I said before grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards me.


I wrapped my arms around Daryl, well after the sudden shock wore off. My head rested against his chest as he rested his own on top of my head. "You're going soft Dixon," I whispered, giggling quietly as I felt a rumble in his chest as he chuckled. "Only around you," he whispered into the top of my head before pulling back slightly to look at me, "and little Ass-Kicker." "Should I be jealous," I asked smirking up at him while he returned it with his own. "Nah," he said, "I like the older sister better anyway."

I felt a blush creeping up onto my cheeks as I looked up at him. How I'll never know, but even in the darkness that surrounded us, I could his blue eyes seeming to sparkle in the star light. Almost as if his eyes were stars themselves. Pulling back slightly, I stood up onto my tip toes before watching as he leant down slightly and placed his lips on top of mine. It was nothing more than a short and sweet peck, not something that'd ruin the moment. I went to open my mouth and say something, but the sound of a fast approaching car silenced anything I'd been about to say as Daryl wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back so that we crouched behind the car on the side of the road.

When they'd passed, Daryl quickly ran to the edge of the road, looking at the car that'd gone by before running past me and using his crossbow to break the tail lights to the car. "What are you doing," I shouted as I watched him before he moved to the driver side. "They took Beth," he shouted back as he hopped into the car and started it. Thinking it'd be better than staying behind, I climbed in with him as he pulled off from the side of the road. I looked back behind us only once before looking ahead again and grabbing Daryl's had from resting on the center console. We were going to find Beth, and we were going to get her back.

Awe there was a small bonding moment for Daryl and Kat. 😍 Anyway! So I recently found a picture online when I was looking for a good one of Norman as Daryl and came across this.

So I got to order the shirt he's wearing on my birthday a week ago

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So I got to order the shirt he's wearing on my birthday a week ago. I just got it in the mail today and I couldn't be happier! I love it and I kinda do have a Daryl Addixon hahaha.
- Kenz

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