Ch. 115 - Dry Run

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Days have passed since Dad talked to everyone about the walker herd that would eventually reach us when they finally get passed that road block. Today was the day we were doing that plan we'd been working on since. Daryl and everyone else was already downstairs, but I was stood in front of the mirror in our room, just staring at my reflection. It wasn't noticable unless you knew what you were looking for, but there was the tiniest hint that I was pregnant, the first signs of a baby bump. I just stared at it. It was really real. I was pregnant.

The thought of having a baby had been pushed to the back of my mind these last few days as I tried helping out with getting things ready for when we'd all be doing this. But now, as I stood there, the realization hit me. And I still hadn't told Daryl yet. Glenn, Maggie, even Aaron knew, but I hadn't made it to telling him. I still remember Aaron's reaction. I remember him instantly knowing who was the father, and that shocked me but we didn't exactly hide it either that we were together.

I snapped out of my thoughts upon hearing footsteps climbing the stairs and making their way to my room. Quickly, I finished getting dressed and made it seem like I was pulling my hair back as the door opened to reveal Daryl. "Everyone's waitin'," he said looking at me. "Sorry," I said laughing as I pulled my shoes on before walking towards the door. I didn't make it out before he grabbed my arm and stopped me. "What's on your mind Kat," he asked staring at me, "you seem like something is botherin' you." "It's nothing," I said with a smile as I waited for him to release my arm.

After a moment longer, he finally released my arm and allowed me to walk out of the door before he followed behind. "We're doing a dry run today," Dad said as we appeared at the base of the stairs, "just so the others know how it's going to go." "Okay," I said with a nod as we all followed him out the front door and down the street to where all of the vehicles were kept. I glanced over at Glenn, smiling at him when he glanced my way. "Where's Maggie," I asked as I moved from beside Daryl to walk next to Glenn. "Wanted her to stay behind," he said, "to help Deanna." "Oh," I said, "okay."


We all stood at the quarry where the walkers were, Rick up where everyone could see and hear him as he addressed all of the people that were there for the job. "I know this sounds insane," he called out as he looked at everyone, "but this is an insane world. We have to come for them, before they come for us. It's that simple." I watched as he looked over his shoulder, in the direction of where all of the walkers were. It was almost hard to hear what he was saying, the moaning and the groaning from that many walkers was loud and drawing in more.

I glanced over at Kat as she stood next to me, her sole focus was on her father in front of us. "This is where it all starts tomorrow," Rick shouted out as he looked back to everyone, "Tobin gets in the truck and opens the exit and we're off. He hops out and joins up with his team at red staying on the west side of the road. Daryl gets on his bike with Kathryn riding behind him." At that moment, we all heard a noise, causing him to stop where he was in his talking to look back at the walkers.

"Dad look," Kat shouted from beside me as she pointed to the two trucks on the other side of the quarry. I dropped my hand from above my eyes when I had been shielding them, and seconds after I dropped it, Kat had grabbed my hand just like when we'd been back on the farm and Randall had been missing. We watched as the truck on the edge of the cliff leading out of the quarry fell over the side, gaining every walker's attention. Kat gripped my hand tighter as they slowly started leaving out of the quarry, heading for home.

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