Ch. 141 - Taking Action

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The following morning, as everyone was setting up to leave, I was standing next to Maggie as we watched everyone else pack up the weapons they were taking to end the Saviors. “You sure you want to go out there,” I asked as I looked over to her. “I know you want to go out there,” she said with a smile as she pushed her shoulder to mine, “but yeah. I’ll keep watch on the perimeter, won’t be near all the action. How do you feel about 3 of the 4 main men in your life and family going out there without you?”

“Did you have to bring that up,” I asked with a laugh as I looked from Maggie and over to where Dad was standing with Daryl and Aaron, “and I’m nervous. More than anyone would believe. I just got Aaron back, I’m starting a family with Daryl, and Dad is the only parent I have left in this world now. I’m scared I’ll lose one or all 3 to the Saviors. And I’m scared for you and Glenn because I know you’ll both be out there.” “Oh Kathryn,” Maggie said as she turned fully to face me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

“Maggie,” I heard my dad’s voice call out and causing us to pull apart to look at him, “we’re getting ready to pull out.” “Okay,” Maggie said with a nod as she looked back to me. “Good luck out there,” I whispered as I hugged her tightly one last time before pulling away. I turned and walked over to Dad, hugging him just as tightly as I tried to keep the fear of what could happen off my face. “We’ll look out for each other,” he whispered as he returned my hug, “we’ll all make it back to you. And I’ll make sure Daryl makes it back so he can be here to see that baby when she finally comes.” “Thanks Daddy,” I said as I pulled back and looked up at him.

“Someone wants to say goodbye to you now,” he whispered into my ear before looking over my shoulder to someone behind me. Looking back as he released me from the hug, I spotted Daryl who was standing there staring at us. I smiled as I watched him slowly walk over to me before he wrapped me in a tight hug, my head making its way to rest on his shoulder. “Please be careful out there,” I whispered as a silent tear slipped down my cheek. I hated this, feeling weak and crying over this. I knew they’d be okay. Dad and Daryl had always came back for me in the end.

“We’ll make it back Kat,” Daryl whispered as he pulled away from the hug and looked down at me, spying the single tear that had slipped out. Lifting his hand, he used his thumb to brush the tear away as he blue eyes met mine. With his hand still resting on my cheek, his eyes moved down to stare at my lips before he lowered his head and placed his chapped lips on mine for a small kiss. When he pulled away, he knelt down in front of me and placed his hands on either side of my stomach. “I’ll be back soon,” he whispered to my stomach and the baby inside, “don’t give your momma a hard time while I’m gone.”

I smiled down at him as he placed a small kiss on my stomach before standing back up on his feet and wrapping me into another hug. “Hurry back to me,” I whispered as he rubbed his hand up and down my back. “I will,” he whispered, “and we’ll be safer once these Saviors are out of the way.” I pulled away from him and nodded as he finally turned and met up with Dad over by the cars. It was then that Aaron walked up to me. “Do I get a hug too,” he asked with a smile. Returning the smile, I held my arms out for him which he gladly accepted.

“Please be careful,” I said, “I just got you back and don’t want to lose you.” “You’re not going to lose me Kit-Kat,” he said as he finally pulled away. I looked up at him, nodded, and watched him walk away. Carl walked over a few minutes later with Judy in his arms as we watched everyone get in the RV and cars they were taking to end this. All I could do was hope that everything would be alright and this would be taken care of fairly easily. And maybe this wouldn’t come back to bite us in the ass later on.

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