Ch. 28 - Lori

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"Hey sweetie," I heard my father's voice before he moved into my line of sight. It was getting closer to night fall but everyone around me was moving around and looking for something. I lifted my eyes up, that being about the only thing that moved since I sat down on that rocker. "I'm going into town with Glenn to look for Hershel," he said placing his hand on my cheek as he knelt down in front of where I sat, "snap out of it okay? Where's my strong girl at?" I couldn't help by smile lightly at him as I watched a smile of his own cross his features. The sound of the screen door opening caused me to look over just in time to see Maggie and Glenn walk out before I turned my attention back to Dad. "There's my girl," he said as his thumb brushed across my cheek, "why don't you go keep Carl company while I'm gone."

I nodded my head before he pulled away and walked down the stairs of the Greene's porch with Glenn right behind him. I watched them drive off before I finally moved from my spot on the porch, going to look for Carl to keep him company like Dad asked. By the time it got dark out, Dad and Glenn still weren't back with Hershel but I figured they'd be back anytime now. I was in the house with some of the others in our group, standing next to Carl by the table as Shane and Andrea walked into the house. "They should've been back by now," she said as they walked towards the table. "They probably just got holed up somewhere," Shane said as we took our seats around the table, me sitting between Carl and T-Dog as the others found a spot.

"Lori dinner," Carol said, heading towards the room Carl had been staying in. "She's not in there," Maggie said turning around in her seat to look at the older woman. "Where is she," Dale asked before I heard Shane speak up next. "Carl when's the last time you saw your mom," he asked as all eyes turned to my brother beside me. "This afternoon," Carl said beside me before Andrea spoke. "She was worried about Rick," she said, "asked me to look in on Carl." "She went after them," Dale asked as soon as Andrea said that. "She didn't say that," Andrea said while Shane jumped up from his seat as everyone began running around looking for Lori while I stood with Carl to keep an eye on him, my hands resting on his shoulders as I could feel his worry about his mother.

We made our way outside as everyone looked around. "She's not at the barn," Shane said walking up to the group. "She's not in the yards," T-Dog said after before I spotted Carol running up to us. "She asked Daryl to go into town," she said as she came to a stop by us, "must've gone herself." I heard Carl whimper beside me before I turned to him, wrapping my arms around him. "Hey it's okay," I said holding him tightly as he buried his head in my stomach while I watched Shane storm off from the group and over towards the car he found on the highway when we had been searching for Sophia. I watched as he started spinning tires as he pulled away from where he parked, heading out to look for Lori.

"C'mon," I whispered to Carl, "let's go wait on the steps okay?" I felt him nod his head as I placed my arm around his shoulders before leading him away and over to the steps were we sat down and waited for everyone to make it back. I don't know how long we sat there before I saw headlights pulling up. "Carl wait here," I said as I walked out into the yard with the others as I realized it was Shane's car, and Lori was with him. "Oh my God what happened," Andrea asked as she ran towards Lori as she pulled something away from her head, blood on the cloth. "I was in an accident," Lori said as I came to a stop next to some of the others, my arms crossed under my chest as I looked at her. She looked around before looking to Andrea in front of her.

"Where's Rick," she asked as I gave her this confused look as I'm sure everyone else was too, well everyone but Shane. I watched as she shifted her eyes around, looking at everyone. "They're not back," she asked looking from Andrea before glaring at Shane, "where are they?" "I had to get you back here," Shane said, making it obvious he lied to her. "You asshole," she said walking up to him. "Lori," Shane said, "I gotta look after you. I gotta make sure the baby's alright." "You're pregnant," I asked walking up to her as both she and Shane turned to look at me with my sudden outburst, "and just when where you going to enlighten us on that subject? Huh Lori? I bet that baby ain't even Dad's. It's not that hard to guess because Dad hasn't been back long enough and you kept sneaking off with Shane back outside Atlanta."

"Now Kathryn hold up there," Shane started but I glared at him. "No," I said, "you just made it pretty damn obvious that it's not Dad's baby when you said you had to take care of her and that baby." I turned my glare to Lori before I continued, "You," I said pointing at her, "didn't even wait a week before you crawled into his arms after he said Dad died in that hospital at the start of all of this. And you had the guts to accuse me of sleeping around with Daryl Dixon just because I got drunk and couldn't find my room at the CDC or recently when I disappeared with a wounded ankle and shoulder. You automatically accused me of it. You just wanted to take the attention away from you and Shane so Dad wouldn't find out. Now we all know why, because you're having a baby."

"You're having a baby," I heard Carl say as he walked up behind me. I turned to look at him, excitement on his face as he obviously didn't catch my rant which I was grateful for. He already knew I didn't get along with his mother so he probably assumed it was just because she left without telling anyone where she was going. "Why didn't you tell me," Carl asked as she looked at him, completely at a loss for words. "It's okay buddy," I said ruffling his hair, "she didn't tell any of us." With that, I sent on final glare at Shane and Lori before I walked off away from the group. Instead of going to the Greene's house, I went over to the barn. It still smelt like rotting flesh, but it was a quiet place where I could think.

I don't think I was out there that long before I heard the sound of movement was heard behind me. Looking back, I saw that it was Shane. "Look why don't you just go away," I said turning back around and keeping my back to him. "That ain't happening," I heard him say before I heard his footsteps grow closer to me. Turning around, I realized he was closer than I would've liked so I backed away a step but he caught my arm. I could see the anger in his eyes, anger mixed with lust almost and it scared me. "Let me go Shane," I said trying to jerk my arm free but he held on tightly. "You tease every man in this camp with the way you dress," he sneered as his eyes roamed my body, "I don't know how Glenn can stand to be around you for long without trying to pull a move."

"I said get your hands off of me," I said trying to really jerk away from him now. I stopped when his hand went across my face, the sting burning on my left cheek as my head faced the right. Next thing I know, he throws me to the ground before straddling my waist as I try to push him off of me and get away. "You've teased me for the last time tonight," he said before his hands moved up to my shirt, lifting it up to expose my bra covered chest just before his hands went to my shorts. "Help," I shouted out hoping someone would hear me before I felt another smack to my face. I had tears streaming down my face as he yanked my shorts off, followed by my underwear and tossing them aside somewhere.

I watched in horror as he unfastened his belt and the followed with his pants button and zipper. The sound almost making me cringe as I tried desperately to get away from him. "Help me," I shouted out again as he leaned forward, grabbing ahold of both my wrists before placing them above my head as he moved my legs and spread them apart before positioning himself between them. I whimpered out, still struggling, as I watched him dig in his pants before he pulled out his member. I looked away, not wanting to see what was about to happen. I barely felt the tip before he was completely pulled away from me. Looking up, I saw something I never expected to see, or rather someone.

I feel accomplished! Updated this and my other story Dixon's Claim which hasn't been updated in a while. And yes I'm an evil bitch for this cliffhanger. >:)
- Kenz

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