Ch. 98 - Alexandria

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When we woke up the next morning, we got everything together and began packing up to leave. Dad dove the car with Carl, Judy, and Michonne while I opted to stay with Daryl and Aaron in the RV. Aaron was in the back with Eric as we drove down the road, headed for what he called home, Alexandria. I was sitting next to Daryl one one of the sofa seats in the front, my legs pulled up to my chest with my arms around them to hold them to me, Daryl with his arm across the back of the seat behind my head.

"Never thought I'd be able to see y'all both openly sitting together like that," Maggie said causing me to look up in time to see her smile, "it's nice." "It's weird," I said with a smile before glancing at Daryl, "I'm so used to hiding it. But since Dad found out, hiding us just hasn't seemed all that important. And it's funny to think that in the end, I would've had both of my parent's approval." My smile that I had before seemed to falter as I thought about Mom, and how much I missed her.

"Oh sweetie," Maggie said moving to hug me as I felt Daryl shift slightly so she could. "I'm going to go check on Aaron and Eric," I said standing to my feet. "Hey Kathryn," Noah voice called out to me and caused me to turn to him, "take these with you." I took the bottle of pain pills from him with a small smile before turning and walking down the small hallway towards the back. When I reached the door, Aaron was just sitting there and staring at Eric. Taking a deep breath to rid myself of the thoughts of Mom, I knocked on the wall by the door to get his attention.

"Yeah," he said looking up at me as I smiled and rattled the pill bottle and water, "oh, I know it's time for another dose but I just thought that I'd let him sleep til we got home." "They're for you," I whispered before walking in and sitting beside him, "I noticed the serious rope burns on your wrists. I know they must hurt." "Thank you," he said as he took the pills from me. I smiled at him before leaning my head onto his shoulder and looking over at Eric. "Did you meet him before or after the change," I asked.


Kat stayed in the back with Aaron and Eric the rest of the time we were on the road, well until we stopped because of a dead battery. We were all sitting outside the RV and car, watching as Abraham seemed to be fuming over us not catching a break. But I didn't miss the knowing look shared between her and Glenn before he walked over to where Abraham was. Kat watched from beside me with an amused smirk on her face as Glenn showed Abraham where to find the battery we needed to get the RV back on the road.

"How'd you know that was there," Abraham asked once he found the spare battery. "Dale showed us with the RV he had," Kat said from beside me, gaining Abraham's attention. He gave her a dumbfounded look before looking back to Glenn as he moved with the new battery in his hands. "Shouldn't be too much longer now," Rick said as he walked to stand next to me and Kat, "be there by noon from the looks of it." "I'll be glad for the change of pace," Kat said with a sigh, "I'm missing the safety of a stable home."


I decided to ride with Dad, Carl, Judy, and Michonne when we got back onto the road. It was quiet for the rest of the trip, as we were all lost in thought about what was going to happen when we got to Alexandria. I trusted Aaron, more than I did with anyone else on a first meeting basis. He'd never shown me a reason to not trust him, so it did upset me when Dad didn't seem to trust him. But I was snapped out of my thoughts as the front gate to a community came into view ahead of us.

When Dad parked, I looked back to see everyone walking out of the RV and making their way closer to us. While they sat there deciding on if we were actually going to stay here, I climbed out of the back seat of the car. I smiled at Daryl as he made his way over behind everyone else. Aaron and Eric hobbled by before I went to stand next to Daryl, him instantly wrapping his arm around me. When Dad climbed out finally and picked up Judith from the back seat, Daryl removed his arm before holding his crossbow at the ready.

Just as the front gate began to open, Aaron and Eric walking on through, a rattling noise came from behind us and caused everyone to jump and aim their guns as they waited for the threat. As the trash can toppled over by us, the evident threat turned out to be an opossum, which Daryl gladly decided it was to become dinner. I shook my head with a small smirk as we all began to relax when we turned back to see someone else standing with Aaron. "We brought dinner," Daryl said from beside me. And I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at the remark.

Yay, see I told you I'd post today, it was just gonna be later than normal. Hope y'all liked it. If there's anything y'all would like to see, don't be afraid to send me a comment or PM.
- Kenz

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