Ch. 35 - Missing Randall

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I sat up on the upper balcony once again, this place easily becoming my get-a-way spot when I just wanted to be left alone, watching everyone in the group pass by below me as they did what they needed to do for us to get set up in the Greene's home. I could hear Dad and Daryl talking below me, probably about where to drop off that Randall kid but I couldn't make out what they were saying exactly. I didn't really care to know, just as long as they got rid of the kid so that he couldn't bring his group back here to hurt this group. We're already hurting enough, losing Sophia then losing Dale last night. I still can't help but feel bad about the last thing I said to him, basically turning my back on him after all he'd done for me in the start of all of this.

I was sitting with my back against the wall, sitting parallel to the railing, and as I looked out to the yard I could see Shane walking up towards the porch. Curious, I leaned closer to the railing and watched as Daryl walked off away from where he and Dad had been talking before Shane reached him. Rolling my eyes when Shane happened to glance up at me, I sat back so that my back was resting against the wall once more and I allowed my thoughts to drift away. I was snapped out of my thoughts, maybe a couple of hours later when I heard shouting coming from the front of the house where I still sat on the balcony above the porch. Quickly standing to my feet, I looked over the railing before seeing T-Dog talking fast with my dad and Daryl by the steps, panic clear on his face.

Turning quickly, I ran back inside before heading down the stairs, making it outside in time to see everyone heading for the shed. Confused as panic started to seep in, I followed behind and watched as Daryl opened the shed door before Andrea walked in. When the door opened wide enough, I could see in, I could see Randall was missing. I looked around in a panic as I watched everyone else survey the scene, trying to figure out what the hell happened. "It'll be okay," Glenn said walking up to me and wrapping me in a hug when he saw how panicked I truly was at this point. I could feel myself shaking slightly as I held onto Glenn tightly, my fingers taking a firm grasp on his shirt. Looking over his shoulder behind him, I spotted Daryl and could tell he knew I was scared, his eyes locked on me for the longest time as I stood in Glenn's arms before he looked away at the sound of Shane's voice.


Everyone turned around at the sound of Shane's shouting. Walking up with a bloodied nose, there was no telling what happened, but from the looks of it he had a run in with our little escaped prisoner. Everyone seemed to walk up closer to where I stood as Shane came to a stop in front of us. Going on about the kid hitting him in the face and taking his gun. "We'll split up into two groups to find him," Rick said before Shane butted in with his opinion. "Kathryn can come with me," he said and instantly my gaze turned to the girl who had been standing by Glenn. "That's not happening," I heard Rick grit out as I watched her move to stand behind me. I looked up to see Shane and Rick having a glaring match before I felt a small hand make its way into my own. Looking down quickly, I spotted Kathryn's small hand in mine, her fingers intertwining with my own before I looked up to see she was watching Shane with a scared look on her face.


I don't know what came over me to grab his hand, I think I was just more or less seeking the comfort in the gesture with how freaked out I was at that moment. But what shocked me was when he held my hand back, like he knew how scared I was in that moment. Especially with Shane trying to get me alone and away from the group. "Hershel," Dad said snapping me out of my thoughts as he looked away from Shane, "T-Dog, get everybody back into the house. Glenn, Daryl, come with us." Daryl let go of my hand before readying his crossbow so he could follow behind and find that boy before he got too far away. "Stay inside," I heard Daryl whisper to me, his eyes locking with mine before he turned and followed Shane, Dad, and Glenn into the woods after Randall. I stood there watching as they disappeared into the trees before I felt hands on me.

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