Ch. 100 - Settling In

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Let me tell you, Daryl was not happy that I only just told him that I was going to Aaron's and Eric's for the night once we were all settled in. I was probably going to head over sooner than that, to see about helping him with anything he'd need. For now, while everyone else was waiting by the first house we'd been in since arriving, I was was following my family to see what house we were given. We were stopped in front of not one but two houses at the end of the small street in the community.

"Both of them," Dad asked as he looked over to Aaron. "They're yours to do whatever you'd like with," he said smiling at us, "but I'd choose that one. Has more curb appeal." "Of course you'd say that," I said rolling my eyes before smiling at him. He returned my smile before looking back to Dad who stood beside him. "Listen," he said getting serious, "I know you're still feeling us out, but I'm glad you came. Anyway Deanna's asked everyone to give you your space so they aren't all coming at you at once. If you need anything, I'm four houses down."

I watched as Dad didn't say anything as he went to walk away. "I'll see you later Aaron," I called after him, causing him to stop and look back at me. He gave a small smile and waved before turning back and walking on. I looked back to Dad before he nodded with his head towards the house, walking ahead of me and Carl to the front door. As we walked in, I couldn't help but look around with my mouth slightly gaping. "I remember when I was younger," I said looking to Dad, "you said that you and Lori were going to try and save up to get us a house like this."

He nodded at me, a small sad smile on his face before looking back around. Before too long, everyone was finally in the house and we were taking showers a few at a time. I was sitting out on the porch with Daryl, little Judith in my arms, when this woman walked up the steps and looked over at us. "Hi," she said smiling at us. "Hi," I said in return while Daryl stayed silent. "I work in the pantry," she said before motioning to the basket in her hands, "Deanna asked me to bring these over for you and your group." "Dad should be inside," I said nodding my head to the door.

She nodded before turning and knocking on the front door before disappearing inside after he opened the door to see who was knocking. She stayed inside for a while, finally coming back out maybe 30 minutes later. "Bye," she said with a wave and a smile before walking down the stairs and back up the street. I gave Daryl a confused look before looking back to the front door when I heard it open up. "Whoa," I said smiling when Dad walked out, "you look good Dad." He gave me like a bashfull smile before walking over and holding his hands out for Judy.


I watched as Rick smiled down at his youngest daughter who was now in his arms, bouncing her up and down as she started to giggle. "We'll all me staying in the same house tonight," Rick said as he looked up from Judith and looked around at those of us who were outside with him, "regardless of them giving us two houses. We're playing it safe." "Sounds like a plan," I said with a nod as Kat came and sat back down beside me. I watched as she leaned back against me before her eyes closed, a look of peace on her face even though she wasn't asleep.

"When are y'all going to go get cleaned up," Rick asked after a few minutes and looked at us. "We're waiting for everyone else," Kat said as I watched her open her blue eyes and looked up to her dad, "we'll get cleaned up, don't worry." I gave her a skeptical look before my attention turned back to her father. "Well one of the bathrooms is cleared now," he said, "one of you can go get in there and get cleaned up." "Well," Kat said with a slight blush coloring her cheeks as she looked back to me, "I was kinda hoping to take a shower with Daryl."

Happy 4th of July fellow Americans! Holy crap 100 chapters on this book. I can't believe it! Now, I'm sure I can guess the response I'll get for this question buuuuut: should Rick shoot down the idea of Kat and Daryl sharing a shower? And would y'all like another shower scene since there hasn't been one for several chapters?

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