Ch. 38 - Time Alone

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It's been 8 months since we lost the farm and others from our group. It's been 8 months since that night Daryl first kissed me and we almost got caught by my dad. I've been going off with Daryl to hunt for some food for the group and every chance we get away from the others, he's got me pushed against a tree just like that first time. As the time has gone by, he's only moved as far as feeling me up over my clothes but I guess that's because either we don't have enough time to move forward or he doesn't know if I want to move forward yet. I don't care what pace we go at as long as I don't have to hide my feelings from him anymore. And it's funny, because at first I thought these feelings were just because he's saved my life so many times, then I thought they were just one sided when I got past that, and now I know they're not.

In the 8 months we've been moving from place to place, Lori and I have been at each other's throats constantly. Bickering about the smallest thing, and it's gotten to a point where I won't back down from a fight because I'm tired of her trying to treat me like I'm shit on the bottom of her shoes. Dad seemed to finally have enough of us arguing day in and day out in the car as we drove along to the next place we hoped was safe because he told me I could ride with someone else if I really wanted to. I told him I wasn't riding with Glenn, Hershel, Maggie, and Beth because I didn't want to impose, so that left me switching rides with Carol. The last time we pulled over, when I was to switch with Carol, Daryl and I hid it from the others that we didn't mind the change in riding arrangements.

So here I was sitting on the back of Daryl's bike wearing black ripped jeans, boots, a white sleeveless shirt that I tied in the front to make a little shorter, and a black leather jacket that we found a couple weeks ago. I had my red hair pulled back into a low ponytail to keep the hair out of my face as I held onto Daryl with my arms wrapped around his middle as we rode down the highway. We had found this house a while back, but there wasn't any food left inside other than a couple cans of dog food. Well that and Daryl found an owl but we didn't get to eat anything before T-Dog whistled and informed us that there was another small herd closing in. So quickly we grabbed up our things and made a run for the cars, getting out of there before we could get bitten by one of those walking corpses.


We were standing around the hood of the Hyundai looking at a map, trying to come up with a game plan as to what to do. We'd been traveling around in circles all winter, going from house to house in an attempt to find someplace more stable to stay at for Lori's sake. The more she progressed in her pregnancy the more she and Kathryn would argue and fight. Before long it got to the point where I had to stay near Kathryn just to keep her from attacking her step mother out of agitation. I looked around at those of us by the hood of the Hyundai, Kathryn just beside me keeping quiet, as we decided what to do. When we finally figured something out, I watched as everyone began to scatter. T-Dog decide he and one or two others were going to head to the river and get some water.

"Hey," I said getting Rick's attention with Kathryn right behind me, "while everyone's washing their panties, Kat and I are going out hunting. That owl didn't exactly hit the spot." "Alright be careful out there," he said nodding before glancing to his daughter, "keep an eye on her out there." "Dad I can take care of myself," Kathryn said sending him a smile before kissing his cheek and following me off the road and into the trees. "Why is it every time you get me alone it's to go hunting," Kathryn asked after a few minutes of walking, causing me to look back at her as she walked behind me. "Because it's a believable excuse for why you're out here with me all alone in the woods," I said smirking back at her as I stopped and placed my crossbow down onto the ground.

I took a few steps towards her, her back instantly making contact with a tree as she stepped back away from me, before I placed my hands on her hips as her own went around my neck. My mouth instantly covered hers, my tongue gaining entrance without any resistance as I pressed in closer to her. My thumb was brushing against the bare skin of her hip where her shirt had ridden up after she tied it. Her hands were tugging on my hair like she'd started doing recently when she enjoyed the little things I was doing at the time. Finally gaining some courage, I slowly moved one of my hands down to the front of her jeans, going straight for the button at the front. As my fingers tugged the button to her jeans loose, she pulled her lips away from mine and turned her head to the side.


"W-what are you doing," I asked, my breathing heavy as I felt his lips move down to my now exposed neck as he finally managed to pop the button on my jeans. "Do you want me to stop," he asked, his lips not moving from my neck as he spoke nor did his hand move either. "No," I said as my eyes closed while his hand moved the zipper to my jeans down before I felt his hand slip in past the barrier of clothes. My breath got caught in my throat the second I felt his calloused fingers graze the skin just under the hem line to my jeans. I held on tighter to the back of his neck as his hands slipped down further until they pushed past my panty line and delved down to place a tantalizing pressure on the bundle of nerves between my thighs.

I bit down on my lower lip to keep the moan that was building up from pouring out louder than it needed to be. This was not the place to get caught by a passing walker with my pants down, figuratively and literally. Sensing my distress in trying to not moan out loud, Daryl moved his lips back to mine as he pressed down harder on my sensitive clit while he rubbed circles around it, faster and faster with each turn of his wrist. Daryl was the first person I've ever gone this far with. I'd kissed several guys before, even had one or two of those heavy make out sessions where you're left wanting more but I've always stopped right there, not wanting to go that far yet. But here I was, standing in the woods with Daryl and his hand down my pants as he brought me closer and closer to my impending release.

With a final flick of his wrist and just the right amount of pressure, my climax overtook me as I moaned into Daryl's mouth, my legs shaking from the pleasure. Daryl's free arm wrapped around my waist as he pulled back from the kiss and slowly pulled his hand from out of my jeans. My eyes were closed as I tried to steady my breathing. I felt Daryl rest his forehead against mine, his breath fanning across my face in a steady rhythmic pace. When I finally managed to pry my eyes open and peer up at him, he was already peering back down at me, his blue eyes seeming to sparkle like he was satisfied with his handy work. Hell I know I was. "We'll have to do this again sometime," he said after a few minutes. I had pulled my hands back from around his neck and was looking down at my feet as a blush slowly covered my cheeks before I looked back up at him.

"Yes we will," I said smiling before looking towards his obvious boner, "and maybe next time I'll be able to return the favor. But for now we need to get back to what we came out here to do, need to prove that we were actually hunting." "Yeah you're right," he said smiling at me as he stepped back while I readjusted my pants, "and don't worry about me. I'll just rub one out later." "Okay I didn't want to know that," I said closing my eyes and shaking my head to rid myself of the mental image, earning me a chuckle from Daryl in return. "C'mon Kat let's go," he said as I watched him pick up his crossbow before leading the way in the direction we were originally headed.

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