Ch. 11 - Wanting a Chance

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When I woke up, I had a slight headache but it wasn't as bad as I'm sure the one Glenn had. Sitting up on the couch, I looked around the room for my Asian friend only to find a snoring redneck. Freaked out, I quickly jumped off the couch and dashed out of the room. When the door was closed behind me and I made it halfway down the long hallway, I slid to the floor trying to catch my breath and steady my pounding heart beat which wasn't helping the small headache I had. Looking around the corridor, I gathered where I was and then stood to my feet. Making my way to the room I should've slept in last night, I opened the door to see Glenn was already up. Dashing in, I quickly got dressed before I slowly made my way to the cafeteria area where we ate supper last night.

When I walked through the doorway that lead from the hallway into the cafeteria, eyes instantly turned to me. Glenn was at a table with his head in his hands as he groaned. I quickly looked away from those who were staring at me, my head looking towards the floor as I felt my cheeks warming with a very unwanted blush. "Morning Kathryn," I heard my dad's voice say from behind me as he walked into the room. "Morning Daddy," I said smiling weakly at him as I looked up and over at the same time he stopped and gave me a hug. "How'd you sleep," he asked and before I got a chance to answer, Lori walked over to where we were standing and crossed her arms as she glared at me. "And where did you sleep," she asked with arms still crossed, "you weren't in the room you were supposed to be in."

"I was drunk last night," I said glaring at her, "I couldn't exactly find the room I was supposed to be in as they all looked the same." "So where were you then," she pressed. I groaned and looked over to Dad who was just standing and watching. He knew best how I was if I woke up with a slight hangover. Rolling my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest and looking over to the far wall I knew Lori wouldn't drop it till I gave her an answer. "I was in Daryl's room," I muttered as I saw a fuming Lori out of the corner of my eye. "You were in his room," she seethed, "what were you doing in his room?" My head shot over at her as I heard the way she worded that question. "What the hell do you think I was doing in his room Lori," I snapped. I knew exactly what she thought I was doing in his room.


"Well I can guarantee it wasn't sleeping," Lori said glaring at Kathryn as they both seemed to have a staring contest. Before me or Lori had a chance to realize what was happening, Kathryn glared hard at her before pulling her fist back and connecting it into the side of Lori's face, her head snapping in the other direction from the blow of the impact. Lori looked back to Kathryn, her hand coming up to the side of her face where Kathryn's fist connected with it as she rubbed the sensitive skin there. I watched as Kathryn shook out her right fist, the one she used to punch Lori, before walking away from the two of us and sat down next to Glenn at the table. Lori looked to me, waiting for me to do something. I held my hands up in surrender like it wasn't my fight and walked over to the table where Carl was.


After breakfast, Jenner started telling us about this virus that was the cause of people turning into these walkers. I kind of zoned out as he explained everything, I didn't care to know about these things. I was still a bit preoccupied with the memory of waking up in Daryl's room instead of the one I was supposed to be in with Glenn. I stood next to Glenn, his arm draped across my shoulder as everyone listened to what Jenner had to say. But my eyes kept drifting over to where Daryl stood, away from the group slightly but still where he could see what was being talked about. And it seemed, every time I'd look over to him, his own blue eyes would skim over to where I stood. It was almost like he knew I was looking at him. Our eyes would lock every time, just for a moment before I'd end up looking away and back up to the screen that everyone else stared at.

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