Ch. 61 - Our Home

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I stood next to Daryl's bike as he messed with it, looking over at where Dad was checking under the hood of the car next to us. Behind him, I could see Glenn walking over to us as he looked back at Carl who stormed away. He was upset, Dad pulled him back from helping us and was making him go with Hershel, Beth, and little Judith. "I've never seen him this mad," Glenn said looking from Dad and over to where I stood, "even with Lori. He just shut down." I stayed silent, I hadn't seen what happened when Carl lost his mom, I'd been lost in the tombs at the time it happened.

"He's still just a kid," Dad said after glancing at where Carl disappeared to, "it's easy to forget that." I watched as Dad just walked off after that, leaving me by the cars with Daryl and Glenn. I glanced to Glenn before watching him turn and walk off into the cell block to probably collect anything left over that he needed to get. Looking back, I spotted Daryl sitting on the ground by his bike. Walking over to him, I peered down at him as he continued to stare at the bike before him. "You know Merle never did nothing like that his whole life," he said, not even looked up over at me as he spoke. "It's because of him we have a chance," I said as he looked over at me.

Holding out my hand, I waited for him to grab it before he hoisted himself up off the ground. Giving his had a squeeze as I sent him a quick smile, I let go of his hand and walked off to go inside the cell block and get my weapon before heading to my place for this. Glenn helped me get into the riot gear just like him before I went to join him up on the walk between the two cell blocks outside. The Governor's people were already in the prison and then when we heard the prison alarm, we just had to wait for them to run back out. "Watch yourself," he said looking at me before he peered over the wooden barrier we'd set up and watched for them.

"Get out of here," I shouted as soon as the first people came rushing out of the block and within our gun's sights. "Get the hell out of here," Glenn shouted after me as we both opened fire on the fleeing people. We continued to fire as this one man, wearing an eye patch, came running out from the cell block and drawing all of Glenn's fire as he had this angry look on his face. The man stopped for a second, aiming his gun directly at me and Glenn. "Kathryn get down," Glenn said grabbing me just as the sound of bullets hitting the barrier we were behind reached my ears.


The sound of the bullets surrounded us as I looked at Kathryn from where I crouched in front of her. She looked panicked as she sat there leaning against the barrier, breathing heavily. "Kathryn you alright," I asked quickly dropping my gun and placing my hands on her shoulders. "I'm fine," she said finally looking up at me with a nod before standing up and opening fire on the Governor and his people again. Following suit, we continued until the vehicles they arrived in pulled out of the area as fast as they could. As the sound of shooting died down, Kathryn pulled her helmet off before turning to look at me with a smile on her face. "We did it," she said grinning before wrapping her arms around me in a hug.

"Yes we did," I said smiling and hugging her back as I looked over her shoulder to where Maggie was standing and looking at me with a smile on her face. "C'mon let's meet up with the others," I heard Maggie shout over to me before walking away from where she was stationed at. I pulled away from Kathryn before wrapping my arm around her shoulders and leading her off the catwalk and back into the cell block before meeting everyone else down in the courtyard. We stood by the gate, Maggie on my left and Kathryn on my right, as the others slowly made their way to us.

"Any fatalities," Rick asked looking around. "Axel was shot," Carol said looking down before looking back up at him, "he didn't make it." "Damn," I heard Daryl mutter from over by Michonne. "We should go after them," Michonne said looking to Rick. "Yeah," Kathryn said beside me. "We should finish it," Daryl said nodding. "It is finished," Maggie said from my other side. "They could regroup Maggie," Kathryn said looking at her, "we can't take that chance. He won't stop." "They're right," Carol said nodding, "we can't keep living like this. We'd never survive." "Let's check on the others first," Rick said before we all started following him back inside.


I stood with everyone inside the cell block, helping Kat get out of her riot gear as we waited for the others to make it back from their hiding place. When I helped her with the part that covered her chest and stomach, she seemed to suck in a breath, like what I did hurt her. "You alright," I asked stopping as I peered around at her as she stood with her back facing me. "Fine," she said looking back at me, "just a little tender from firing the gun. And I think the body armor caught a ricochet close to where I got shot."

Hearing that, I began taking the piece of body armor off her as I heard the others around us talking. When she was freed of it, I gently lifted up her shirt where the older gunshot was to find a forming bruise just above the stitches on her side. "Damn," I muttered looking at it before lowering her shirt back down and looking at her, "you sure you're alright?" "I'm fine Daryl," she said smiling, "it's just a bruise. I'll survive." I watched her for a good long moment before nodding, making sure she wasn't hiding something from me. When we turned back to face the others, they were already getting ready to head out and go after the Governor.


It was just Dad, Michonne, and Daryl that left to finish everything with the Governor. But it was the next morning before they came back. "Daddy," I said, a sigh of relief coming out as I ran over to him and quickly hugged him. When I peered up at him, he had this sort of smile on his face which caused me to become confused. When I looked behind him, that was when I noticed there was a bus among the two vehicles they'd originally taken. "What's this," I asked looking up at him. "They're going to be staying with us," he said peering down at me as I heard somone walking up behind me.

Looking back, I spotted Daryl as he made his way over to Dad and me. Looking back to the bus, I watched as these people walked out from inside the bus. Older people, some kids, even two of the four people that had appeared in this prison when Dad went to go rescue Glenn and Maggie from the Governor. I looked back up at Dad the moment I felt his hand come to rest on the back of my shoulders. That smile still on his face as he stared at the bus in front of us. Glancing down at me for a second, he motioned with his head towards the bus before looking back up. When I glanced up, I spotted one familiar face. "Mom," I shouted before running towards her.

Bad news. My friend is visiting and I'm not gonna write while she's here so until she leaves to go back home this will be my last update for a while. Sorry guys.
- Kenz

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