Ch. 86 - Stanger

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I stayed behind Daryl as we walked through the streets. I'd watched him grab a couple things, I guess to use somehow, but didn't question it. We came up to a corner, the smell from all the walkers and the sound of their growls, gave away that we may have to find a different way. We put our backs to the wall, Daryl peering around the corner and looking up before looking further. When he finally faced me he nodded. "We can get up there," he said, "there's a pass that connects the two buildings." Nodding, I stepped around him quietly before peering around the corner myself to see.

"How are we gonna get past all those walkers," I asked in a whisper as I pulled back away from the corner of the building and looked back at him. He didn't say anything, just held up the note pad I'd watched him grab earlier. Realization hit me and I nodded, stepping out of his way as he lit the pad of paper with his lighter before looking around the corner again. When he figured he'd get the attention of the walkers, he tossed it before planting his back against the wall again.


I peered around the corner, watching as the group of walkers moved slowly over to the burning object before looking back at Kat. Nodding, we quietly made our way around the corner and up the street, looking for a way into the building we were next to. Looking to my left at the sound of a snarl, I spotted the entrance to the parking garage. Along with it's own guard, a walker. Quickly lifting my crossbow and firing a bolt into it's skull, Kat and I ran inside before we were noticed by the destracted herd just outside.

On our way by the down walker, I grabbed my fired arrow before looking back to Kat as she followed behind. "We need to find the entrance to the bridge," I said, earning a silent nod from her before we started making our way up to the next floor of the garage. Once we found the door we were looking for, we cautiously made our way inside, only to be greeted with the smell of rotting flesh and the sound of more growls. Taking the lead, I walked slowly towards the main part of the bridge before finding the source of the noise and smell. Looking back to where Kat stood, I motioned with my head that it was safe before turning around and pulling my knife out of it's place on my side.

As I placed the knife into the walker's skull, I looked back in time to see Kat pulling her own knife out of another geek's head before looking up at me with a smile. "Let's keep moving," she said as her eyes landed on the tents behind me, "I don't trust those tents to hold long with us near by." Nodding, I lead the way to the other door which was chained shut. Pulling it opened, I motioned for her to go first. Nodding, she passed her stuff through the door first before peering up and down the hall. Once she was through, I held my crossbow out for her to take before attempting to climb through myself.


I took Daryl's crossbow, standing back so that I was out of the way as I watched him climb through. "Good thing we skipped breakfast," he mumbled as he finally got through and climbed to his feet. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said with a smirk, "I fit through there without a problem." "Yeah well you're smaller than I am," he said looking down at me, causing me to giggle. I couldn't help but smile up at him as he looked down at me before looking around again. "Okay," I said, "let's find some stairs and make our way up as far as we can." Glancing back at Daryl in front of me, he nodded before leading the way down the hall.

When we made it to the top floor, we walked around before finding an office that had a pretty decent view. We stood there for a few moments in silence, just looking out the window, before I glanced over at him. "Daryl do you still think about what happened at the prison," I asked looking up at him as he turned his blue eyes to me, "I can see it in your eyes. Almost every time you look at me. You get this haunted look sometimes, like you're remembering something that you need to forget." "I don't wanna talk about that Kat," he said before turning his head back to the window.

Sighing, I let the subject drop before watching him as he leaned closer to the window. "See something," I asked. "Maybe," he muttered before grabbing something to help him see whatever he was looking at better. I watched as he peered at the spot in question before he looked to me. "Right there," he pointed before handing me what he'd been using before. When I looked where he pointed, I spotted what he'd seen. "It's got the same white cross," I said looking to Daryl, "but it's been there a while it seems like." "Yeah well," he said looking around, "better than nothing. Maybe we can find out where they're hidding."

"Okay," I said nodding, "let's go then." He looked at me and nodded before grabbing his crossbow and leading the way back down to the walkway we'd used to get over here. When we reached the bridge, I went through first again, tossing my gun and stuff through before climbing through. When I looked up, there stood a boy, about my age maybe, holding my gun at my head. Quickly glancing back, I noticed Daryl climbing through. "Daryl stop," I tried to say, but he'd already climbed through and the sound of the gun cocking had me look back to the guy. I think we're in deep shit now.

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