Ch. 85 - Temporary Housing

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"How'd you know about this place," Daryl asked, after we'd gotten into the building and started looking around. "Dad brought me up here the last summer before the world went to hell," I said glancing over at him before looking around the front office we'd entered. One last look around the office, we moved the desk from the center of the room until it was in front of one door before I walked over to the other door and tried to open it. Finding it locked, I looked around for a set of keys that might work before Daryl handed me the ones he'd found.

"Thanks," I said after taking them, turning to face the door as I looked for the key I needed. I heard Daryl walk closer before the light he held was over my head and giving me the added light I needed to find the key I was looking for. Once I got the door opened, we walked in and looked through the rooms, Daryl following behind me as I knew where I was going. "What was this place," he asked when I entered a room that had a set of bunk beds in it. "Temporary housing," I said as I glanced around the room and memories flooded me.


"Why did you want to come here for your summer break," I asked as I sat my crossbow down and glanced over at her, "you could've been doing anything for your time away from school." "I know," she said nodding, "but I wanted to help people. After all, had the world not gone to hell I'd probably be in college or something by now and working on my way to be a cop like Dad." "You were going to be a cop," I asked looking over at her. "Yeah," she said smiling, "I always looked up to Dad. He knew I wanted to be a cop and he liked the idea of me working here for a summer."

"Like father like daughter huh," I said, earning a small laugh from Kat. I sat back on the bottom bunk, Kat quickly making her way to sit next to me with a sort of focused look on her face. "What's on your mind," I asked, causing her to look over at me. "I never realized it before," she started, "but now that I'm here and having spent so much time with them, I realize now that I saw Carol and Sophia back before the world ended. They stayed a couple days before she left and took her daughter with her."

I looked at her, as she seemed to get a far away look to her eyes before her expression seemed to fall. "Don't go there Kat," I said, knowing exactly where her thoughts were going. "I never knew why they were there," she said, "I just thought that maybe they'd lost their home or something. Not that Ed had been beating them." "Kat," I said before pulling her into my arms just as she seemed to break down into tears, "you couldn't have known. There was no way you could've known."


I woke up to the sun slowly making its way in through the window across the room. I guess I fell asleep last night after I started crying in Daryl's arms. As my senses slowly came back to me, I realized I wasn't lying on just the bunk bed. Sitting up slightly I looked down to see I was partially laying on Daryl while the rest of me was on the bed. I felt his arm on my lower back tighten some before his blue eyes fluttered open and peered back up at me. "Mornin'," he whispered, his voice rough and husky from sleep."Didn't peg you as a cuddler," I whispered back with a smirk.

"Normally ain't," he said as he continued to stare up at me, "but you were upset. Did you know you fell asleep faster in my arms than when you sleep next to your ol' man or brother?" "Guess I just felt safer in your arms," I said with a shrug before getting up and to my feet, "c'mon. We still gotta find those people who took Beth." He sat up on the bed and looked up at me before nodding and standing to his feet. "That car was headed downtown," he said as he grabbed his things, "we stand a better chance of finding them by getting to the top of one of the tall ones and looking around from there." "Let's go then," I said before leading the way out of the room.

So, who plays TWD: Road To Survival? I'm on there and would like to have some friends lol. Right now I'm just like a ghost reading everyone else's chats 😂
- Kenz

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