Ch. 71 - Claimed

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I'd say it's been a couple days now since we lost the prison. I've definitely gotten my strength back since getting better and I've loaded up on the supplies I'd need from a nearby town I came across. I stocked up on whatever was availible in the camping sections of most of the stores I found, that being a backpack and other supplies usually taken along on a camping trip. When I was sure I had all the supplise I could get from this town, I began making my way towards the next, hoping I'd run into someone from my old group, anyone. No one could make it on their own in this world anymore, and I didn't want to become a victim to it.

I decided to follow the railroad tracks that led us to the prison in the first place, hoping maybe that'd take me somewhere where everyone else would go. As I walked down the tracks, I couldn't help but remember when Daryl and I came across them the first time, following them until we found the prison and what we thought would give us a chance at a normal life again. I felt a tear slide down my check as I remembered what we did just before finding these tracks and the prison, and then remembering everything we'd done since then, up until after that last run I got to go onto before getting sick. I thought for sure that night when I saw the look on his face that he hated me for keeping my virginity a secret, and now I'll never know.

Shaking the thoughts from my head and brushing away the traitor tear, I began walking along the tracks. As I walk, about an hour after I started, I came across this sign claiming to have sanctuary for all. I didn't know if I believed it after loosing my own home so soon, but I knew that if anyone else in the group found these signs, then this is where they'd go first to look for other familiar faces. With a destination set, I studied the map once more before continuing on my path, following the tracks and hoping for the best. Although, the thought of no one being there from my group did enter my mind, I refused to allow it to keep me for trying. I wanted my family back.

As I traveled, I found myself sleeping in any abandoned building along the tracks that seemed safe enough. There was no telling how much time had passed by since the prison's fall, and I got to the point now where I just try not to think about it. I try not to think about everyone that we might've lost. I found this garage next to the tracks, a couple of old cars without gas in them littered the inside and parking lot. Yes, I checked to see if there was gas in them but it was just my luck that they were all on empty. I was just about to make my way inside to make sure it was clear when I heard talking. Thinking it'd be smart to hide since I'm alone, I duck down behind the corner and hope they keep on walking.


I stood there in the woods, staring at this dumbass who thought the rabbit I'd been tracking for hours this morning was his. Deciding I wanted nothing more to do with him, I began to walk past him with the rabbit still in hand. "You know," he said as I walked by, "I'll bet this bitch got you all messed up." I stopped in my tracks. My thoughts instantly went to Kat and I didn't like what he was saying already. "Am I right," he asked, "got you walking around here like a dead man who just lost himself a piece of tail." I could feel myself fuming the minute he said that. Kat was more than a piece of tail to me, she always would be. "Must've been a good'un," he called to me, "tell me something. Was it one of the little'uns?"

I was having enough of this. I'd spent my time trying not to remember that the last time I'd seen her was when she'd been nearly dead from a sickness back at the prison. My hand instinctively went to my knife on my waist as he continued to run his mouth. "Y'know," he said, "they don't last too long out here." Pulling my knife, I went to strike when that Joe fella grabbed my wrist and stopped me. Should've let me kill the jackass, would've saved me the trouble of dealing with his ass later on. I just turned and walked off, not wanting anything more to do with him.

Several hours later and we were following a set of tracks. As it started getting later, we came across this building. I watched as the men ahead of me walked on towards the building Joe called our abode for the evening. Just as I'm about to get closer, I heard the guys suddenly cat calling like they've seen some pretty girl. "I said back the fuck off," a familiar female voice shouts as I get closer. "Red heads really are fiesty," one of the men say looking to his buddy as I get closer. The red head comment and the familiar voice are causing hope to soar through out me as I try to believe that it's my red head.

Rounding the corner to see most of the men from the group cornering someone against the wall to the building, I walk closer before noticing the red hair. "C'mon honey," one of the guys said, "let me show you a good time tonight." "Fuck you," the familiar voice spat back, causing the men to laugh. Walking further, they parted slight before moving back together. That gave me a long enough peak to realize just who it was they were talking about. Doing the first thing I could think of doing, I dropped my things and stepped forwards. "Claimed," I called out, causing the men to silence instantly and move, giving me full view of a pissed off Kat.

I actually had a little bit of fun writing when Len was pissing Daryl off lol.
- Kenz

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