Ch. 62 - Hunting Trip

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My mom was alive, she'd been in Woodbury all this time. Now months later, she and I had been nearly inseperable. Of course, when I wasn't around her I was with Daryl. Daryl, things have gotten better between us thankfully, so much so we're actually sneaking off to do things again. And let me tell you, Mom has noticed. When Daryl and I got back from our activities this last time, she was waiting for us by the door to cell block C. Daryl walked on by her, not even phased it seemed by the look she gave him, and left it to where I had to deal with her on my own. After watching him walk off, I turned my attention back to her to see she had her arms crossed. "Please don't tell Dad," I said looking at her.

"How long have you and him been sneaking off like that to do something other than hunt," she asked, a smirk on her face. "Um a year and a half I think," I muttered, a blush covering my cheeks. "He good to you," she asked, her face transforming from a smirk to a warm smile. "He's protected me for a while now," I said nodding, "so I'd say yes. And he hasn't forced anything. If he doesn't think I'm comfortable with whatever we do, or if I say so, then he backs off." "Do you plan to eventually tell your dad," she asked. "Maybe," I said shrugging, "I don't know. After what happened with Shane, I don't think Dad trusts many people. I'm surprised he even let's me remain close to Daryl."

"Well you told me that Daryl was the one who saved you from him," she said, "so that's probably got something to do with it. He probably thinks he can trust Daryl around you, enough so that he knows Daryl won't force himself onto you." "And he won't," I said, "he respects women. More than his brother did from what I've been told." "I remember what you told me about his brother," she said nodding, "but I think that he's a good choice." "Mom," I groaned out as she started laughing. "I'm just saying Kathryn," she said smiling. "I'm going on a two day hunt with him tomorrow," I said as I pulled away from her, "so I need to go and get ready." "You both be safe tomorrow then," she said before kissing my head and letting me walk to my cell block.


Me and Kathryn found ourselves the next day in our favorite hunting spot, settling in for the two days we'd be away from the rest of the prison. I was happy that things had somewhat returned to normal between us, even if it took a couple months to do so. Kathryn's gotten really good at hunting and tracking since I've been teaching her after we lost the farm. I looked over at her as we were in our little perch we'd built in a tree after finding this spot months ago, watching as she hung up the few squirrels we'd managed to grab before the sun started to go down. "What're you staring at," she asked, not even looking over at me. "This young woman," I said still watching her, "who always seemed to think that I only saw her as a kid."

She turned to look at me, her red hair pulled back into a bun and her blue eyes showing tears brimming in them. When she fully turned to face me, I moved over closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist before kissing her. "What was that for," she asked laughing as she pulled away from the kiss and smiled at me. "I don't know," I said with a shrug before turning around and looking back at my small bag of things I'd brought with us for our little stay away from the group. "Daryl," Kat's voice came from behind me a few seconds later. "Yeah," I asked not even looking over my shoulder before I felt her wrap her arms around my stomach and rest her head on my shoulder.

Glancing over, I watched as she turned her head to look at me. "How come I don't get to see you shirtless around me," she asked still watching me, "I mean I've seen your scars. I saw them back on the farm when you got hurt and you told me about them." "Kat you've gotta remember how I feel about them," I said, letting out a defeated sigh as I looked away from her and down at my hands. "Sorry Daryl," she whispered as I slowly felt her move away from me. When her presence was gone, I turned around to see that it was her turn to have her back to me. Groaning, I moved so that I was behind her but she didn't move a muscle.

"Kat," I said watching her but she didn't turn around to face me, "Kathryn." "What," she groaned out finally, glancing over her shoulder. "Look at me," I said, earning another groan from her as she finally turned around to face me. "What Daryl," she asked, her blue eyes peering up to mine as she seemed to just be done with talking all together at that point. "C'mere," I said before taking her hands and pulling her closer to me. She watched me curiously as I pulled her hands closer to me before placing them flat against my shirt near the buttons in the center. Her eyes quickly looked up at me. Staring her in the eye, I nodded before moving my hands so she could continue.


I glanced down at my hands as I hesitantly and slowly began to unbutton Daryl's sleeveless flannel. When the first button popped open, my eyes intantly looked back up to him to see that he was watching every move I made. I hesitated again until he looked to me and nodded again. Gaining a little confidence, I moved on to the next button. And when it was freed, I moved on to the next. I continued the pattern until the last button was freed and the flannel opened slightly. Glancing up at him, I lifted my arms to rest my hands on his shoulders before slowly dragging them down his arms, taking his flannel with them. When he was completely shirtless, my eyes wandered over his now exposed chest.

When he placed his hands on my hips, I finally looked up at him. Smiling softly, I leaned forward before placing a light peck on his lips. "Thank you," I whispered as I pulled back so that there was some space between us once again. "We need to get some sleep," he said after nodding, "we've got a lot of hunting to do if we want to keep everyone back at the prison fed." "Okay," I said smiling before watching as he sprawled out on our little ledge high above the ground and out of the reach of walkers. When he was settled, I moved to lay next to him and closed my eyes. Just as I began to drift to sleep, I felt him wrap his arm around my waist before pulling me closer. "G'night Kat," his voice drifted into my ears before I fell into the darkness that was sleep.

Hey guys, I have a bit of a confession to make. My friend went home Tuesday and I kinda sorta started procrastinating. BUT I updated today so that should make up for it. BTW that's Kat's mom at the top for anyone who is curious as to what she looks like.
- Kenz

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