Ch. 74 - Set Destination

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I woke up in the backseat of a car to the familiar scent of cigarettes, sweat, and woods. Without even opening my eyes I knew who was with me the second I felt their arm tighten around me. Opening my eyes finally, I looked around to see I was laying on his chest, his left arm wrapped protectively around my waist. Lifting up slightly, I looked down at the still sleeping redneck below me. "Daryl," I whispered as I lifted one of my hands up to brush the side of his cheek, "wake up sleepy head." "How'd you sleep," his groggy and sleep filled voice reached my ears a few minutes later.

"Better than I had in a few days," I said smiling down at him before sitting up and allowing him to sit up as well. I heard movement outside the car we were in and looked to see the other men in the group that had found Daryl were up and moving around as they began to wake up. When I looked back to Daryl, his eyes were turning back to me, obviously having been looking towards the sound of movement too. "We're not sticking with them are we," I asked looking at him, "those guys give me the creeps as is." "We're just going to bide our time for now," he said, lifting his hand up before moving a strand of red hair out of my face.

Daryl had his crossbow over his shoulder as we walked out of the garage, me being sure to stay as close to him as possible. I had my red hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing his flannel still that I went to sleep in and wearing a pair of jeans underneath. I looked around Daryl to the man named Joe as he walked on Daryl's other side as the other memebers of this group were well ahead of us. We just continued following the tracks, and when I asked Daryl, he said he didn't know why we were and that he was just following Joe and them. They seemed to have a set plan in mind, so it would've seemed off for either of us to question them when they seemed to know what they were doing.

Daryl, Joe and I moved off the tracks, walking through the tall grass of a field as everyone else seemed to stick to the tracks. When I glanced over to Daryl, he was looking at the flask that Joe was offering him. "White Lightning," Joe said when it seemed that Daryl wanted an explanation as to what was in it, "easiest thing to make with the least amount of supplies. I'd start slow if I was you. Your stomach's probably emptier than you think." I watched, holding back a laugh as Daryl tipped it back as Joe talked. When he was done, he looked to me as I held out my hand, wanting a taste myself. "Oh no," Daryl said shaking his head, "I remember the last time you had alcohol."


"Asshole," I heard Kat mutter as I handed Joe back his flask, "I do recall you egging me on to keep drinking." "I heard that," I said causing Joe to laugh. "I take it you two know each other from before yesterday," he said causing me to look over at him. I glanced back to Kat before she decided to speak up. "We were in a group together since about the beginning of this," she said as she looked around while speaking. "I see," he said nodding before looking ahead of us at where the others were walking. I looked ahead of us to see one of them men standing there, staring at some sort of sign next to the tracks.

"Getting closer," he called back, looking to Joe before moving on with the others. Kat and I shared a look before moving up to the tracks and stopping to stare at the sign the guy had been looking at before. "Do you think," Kat asked in a whisper, looking to me before looking right back at the sign. I knew exactly what she was asking. "You seen this before," I asked as I glanced to Joe as he walked around Kat and me. "Oh yeah," he said before moving on, "I'll tell you what it is. It's a lie. There ain't no sanctuary for all." "So is that were we're headed then," I asked falling in line beside him, Kat on my other side like she's been doing since I found her.


I watched as Daryl and Joe talked, keeping an eye on the men around me, especially that Len guy. He kept glancing back at me and that first meeting I had with him wasn't exactly an award winning first impression. But, as night began to set in, Daryl and I began to distance ourselves from the group. "If Dad saw those signs," I said walking next to him, "or if anyone from the prison saw them, I bet that'd be where they would go." "We'll break away from these guys tonight," he said as he kept his attention on the men ahead of us as they slowly put distance between us and them, "head towards that Terminus at first light."

I looked up at him before nodding my head once. As we continued to walk, and it got darker and those men got further away, I felt Daryl grab my hand slightly. "Don't worry Kat," he whispered as I looked up at him, "I'm sure your ol' man survived the fall of the prison." "Daryl," I said coming to a stop and pulling him to stop as well, "who was it that attacked the prison? Who took our home from us?" "It was the Governor," he said after a few hesitant seconds, "he wanted to talk with Rick but that didn't work out too well." I nodded once before the sounds of loud talking ahead of us caught my attention. Daryl and I shared a look before deciding to make our way towards the noise and see what was going on.

Sorry it's so late in the afternoon for posting this. I had an eye doctor appointment today and they dilated my eyes so it was really hard for me to see. But I got it posted so that's all that matters, right?
- Kenz

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