Ch. 104 - Back In Uniform

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I stood outside with Daryl after night fall. He had a cigarette in his hand but seemed to be more focused on my face where he'd hit me than smoking it. "I promise I'm fine Daryl," I said with a small laugh before swatting his hand away as he reached forwards to touch my face again. I looked up at him as he seemed to bite back the urge to say something before just sighing and lowering his free hand. "It was an accident," I said smiling warmly at him, "that's all it was. I'm not even mad about it."

He went to say something else after taking a hit from his cigarette but stopped at the sound of someone walking out of the opened from door. We both looked over to see Dad walking out completely dressed in the uniform of a cop. "Good to see you in one of those uniforms again," I said with a smile as I walked over to him and hugged him. "What happened to your face," he asked pulling back from me and looking down at the small bruise that was forming on my cheek.

"I hit her earlier when she tried pulling me off that dick who went after Glenn," Daryl said causing me to turn and glare at him. "And as I keep having to repeat myself," I said still staring at Daryl, "it was an accident because I should've known better and I don't hold him responsible for it happening." I heard Dad let out a small chuckle, causing me to look back at him. "You always did put your nose where you shouldn't when there was trouble," he said smiling down at me while I blushed.


I stood back against the railing, watching as Rick talked with his daughter. "Say Dad," Kat said after a few minutes, "think in time you could talk Deanna into letting me join as a cop like you instead of being a teacher?" "You still wanna be a cop like me," he asked looking down at her shocked. "Please," she said batting her eyelashes. "I'll see what I can do," he said with a laugh before looking up at me, "I meant to ask you earlier, but we good?" "Yeah," I said with a nod, understanding what he was asking about.

Kat looked over to me before moving from her dad's arms, coming to stand next to me and leaning her head on my shoulder. "This mean we're staying then," she asked from beside me as I moved my free arm over to wrap around her. "I think we can start sleeping in our own homes," he said with a nod, "settle in." "Who's staying in which houses," Kat asked straightening up some in my arms. "I was thinking about that," he said, "I thing in one house it should be me, you, Daryl, Judy, Carl, and Michonne. Everyone else can stay in the other house."


"I'm not really sure how I should feel with you being so okay with me and Daryl being together," I said staring at Dad as he looked to me and Daryl with a smile. "I do have some issues with the two of you being together," he said as he gave me a knowing look, "but I think it's kind of pointless now to try and keep you both seperated." I felt a blush heat up my cheeks as I quickly looked away from him, avoiding his eye contact. I could hear Daryl laughing quietly beside me so I elbowed him, which earnt me a groan from him.

So sorry that it's late in the day to be posting but I got it up. Kinda a crappy chapter in my opinion but I hope y'all like it.
- Kenz

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