Ch. 133 - Sidetracked

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After our little discussion in the back, I felt well rested enough to move back to the front of the RV with the others. So with the help of Daryl, we moved to sit on a bench seat on the other side of Glenn and Maggie, next to Abraham. Just like back in the back, Daryl had his hand on my stomach, my own hand resting on top of his. I looked up at him and smiled before turning my attention to the couple across from us as Abraham began questioning Glenn on his and Maggie's decision to have a baby. Yeah, they got to choose, me and Daryl didn't.

I leaned further into Daryl, closing my eyes as his hand slowly began to rub circles on my belly in an almost soothing pattern. After a few moments, I felt eyes on me and when I opened my eyes, Jesus was staring in mine and Daryl’s direction from closer to the front where he sat just behind Michonne. I sent a small smile up his way before feeling the RV begin to slow down. This caused both Daryl and myself to sit up in alarm as the others began to tense as well.

“Rick what’s going on,” Daryl called out from behind me as I had turned to peer out the window that sat behind our heads. “We got a crash ahead,” he said as he turned the RV, “looks like it just happened.” I stood up carefully, making my way to stand between the two seats at the front that both Dad and Michonne occupied, placing my hands on the headrests as I looked out the front windshield. “What do you think happened,” I asked before glancing over at Dad as he pulled to a stop. “I don’t know,” he said as everyone started standing to their feet and moving to the door to head out.


“It’s one of ours,” I heard that Jesus guy say as he quickly jumped to his feet and was out the door before the rest of us. I walked out with Kat just in front of me, my hand resting on the small of her back as we all exited the RV and moved towards the overturned car in question at this second. I watched as Jesus ran to the car before turning to face the rest of us, finding Rick’s gun in his face. “If this is a trick,” he said as he looked at the guy through the sight of his gun, “it won’t end well for you.”

“My people are in trouble,” he said as he stared down Rick’s gun, “they don’t, we don’t have a lot of fighters. I know how it looks but I’ll play it out. Can I borrow a gun?” “No,” I said moving to stand in front of Kat and to stare him down before looking around and noticing something, “we got tracks right here.” “Alright we’ll follow them,” Rick said before turning to look at his daughter, “I want you to stay here with the RV.” “The hell I will,” she said glaring at her father, “we don’t know how many there are that were in that car. You need all the help you can get that you trust.”

“You’re pregnant,” Rick said turning to fully face her. “So is Maggie,” she countered, “but you nor Glenn are making her stay behind so I’ll be damned if I do. You need my help Dad and you know it.” “Fine,” he said after a few moments, “but you stay with Daryl at all times. I don’t need you getting hurt or that baby.” She smiled triumphantly as she took the gun she was offered and followed behind with me right next to her. “You know,” I whispered to her as we walked in the direction of the trail, “you’re really sexy when you’re pissed off.” “Watch it Dixon,” she said with a smirk before moving to walk next to Maggie and Glenn for now.


I got as far as the building where the tracks ended before I was put on babysitting duty with Maggie to watch over Jesus while Dad and the others went inside looking for Jesus’ people. I wanted to be in there helping, next to my Dad and Daryl. My place wasn’t on the sidelines like this, and I was beginning to hate being pregnant. And I think Maggie could see that on my face as I paced around outside. “Hey,” Maggie said grabbing my shoulder, “everything will be okay.”

“I don’t care,” I said pulling away from her, “I want to be in there, helping, not standing here and feeling useless.” “You’re place for now is out here,” she said staring at me, “I know you don’t like being pushed aside like this, but it’s for your safety.” “She’s right,” Jesus said as he walked over to us, “you’re better off out here. You and Maggie are both carrying the future to our world. You’re both the most important people in this world as of right now.” “He’s right,” she said walking over to me again, “they can handle their selves in there. They’ve done this before, remember.” I let out a sigh before nodding, looking back towards the doors to the building as we waited for our group to return.

Okay guys, 2 thing. 1) How'd y'all find out about this story? Did a friend tell you about it or was it a recommendation on your library? 2) I'm going to start a reading list on my profile called "Requested Reads". What I'll do is, I'll let y'all send me a link to one of your works and I'll place it into the reading list and them read through it. When I get to the very end or to the last chapter you have up, I'll leave you some kind of feedback. That is if you can take constructive criticism. So send them in!
- Kenz

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