Ch. 50 - Michonne

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I walked out of the cell I placed Kat in when we heard talking in the commons area. Walking towards the bared door, I could see Rick kneeling over a woman with the others hovering around them. I didn't see Glenn and Maggie yet but I figured it wouldn't be too much longer before they returned and could learn that Kat was safe and back with us. "Rick," I called out, causing him to stop talking and look away from that woman and over towards me. It was good to see him back amongst the living here at the prison. He didn't seem as crazed as he did that last time when he came in this morning. I looked away from him and down towards the woman still laying on the cold floor. "Who the hell is this," I asked as Rick looked back to her. "You wanna tell us your name," he asked as she leaned up slightly, resting on her elbow as she looked around at all of us.

She looked back to Rick, not speaking a word. "Y'all come on in here," I said when it was apparent she wasn't going to say who she was. "Everything alright," Rick asked looking back over his shoulder at me as he stood to his feet. I held back a smile as I didn't want to ruin the surprise for Rick and Carl. Glancing back down at the woman once more, I looked up to Rick. "You're gonna wanna see this," I said before turning and walking back into the portion of the block that housed the cells. I walked over to the cell I'd placed Kat in to see she was drinking some more water while still sitting on the bunk where I'd left her. "Where'd you go," she asked when she noticed me. "You'll see," I said smirking before looking over my shoulder at the sound of approaching footsteps.


I looked off to the edge of the entrance, as far as I could see before the wall cut in, and watched as everyone else in the group walked closer to the cell that Daryl was standing next to. The first person who came into my line of sight, Dad. "Daddy," I whispered out, using a hand to help pull myself up off the bottom bunk as he walked into the cell with his arms open, a smile on his face. "You're alive," he whispered holding me tightly in a hug once I had stood fully to my feet, "thank God. I thought I'd lost you." I could feel the tears streaming down my face as Dad rocked me back and forth before I spotted Hershel over his shoulder. "How," he asked when Dad let me go and I walked over to him.

"Solitary," I said laughing weakly as I wrapped him in a hug just as tightly as I held my dad moments ago. I glanced over towards Daryl, to see him smiling as I hugged Hershel before my attention went to my brother beside him. "Carl," I nearly cried out as he ran towards me after Hershel moved out of the way. I felt him bury his head into my stomach the second he collided with me, my arm wrapping around his shoulders to hold him as close as I could, refusing to let him go. "She fought her way into a cell," Daryl said as I continued to hold my brother close, "must have passed out. She was dehydrated when I found her and brought her back in here." "Thank you Daryl," I heard my dad say before I opened my eyes and spotted Beth in my field of vision, holding something small in her arms.

I smiled at the sight of the baby before looking back to Dad, only then realizing I hadn't seen the other member of my family. Looking at Dad, I could see the saddening look on his face, causing my smile to fall. "Lori," I asked in a whispered voice, even at the low octave I could hear it break as I already knew the answer as he looked down and away from me. Feeling the tears threatening to spill over again, I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him in a hug as I placed my forehead on his chest. The tears began slipping down as he wrapped his arms around me and began rocking me again like moments ago.


"I'm sorry Daddy," Kathryn whispered as I placed my chin down on the top of her head, "I tried. I really tried to make amends with her, to be nicer to her." "I know sweetheart," I whispered as I tightened my grip around her. I knew Kathryn and Lori didn't get along. She told me back when she was old enough to understand that she didn't want Lori to take her mother's place. I couldn't blame her for acting the way she did. I watched as she pulled away from me and looked back to the baby in Beth's arms. "Can I hold it," she asked looking at Beth. "Her," I whispered as I placed my hands on her shoulders, "she's your sister." "Her," she said smiling and looking back to me before holding her hands out for her younger sister in Beth's arms. I watched as Beth carefully handed the infant over to Kathryn, before I glanced up to see the rest of the group that was here smiling at Kathryn holding the baby for the first time.


Tears continued to stream down my face as I held the small baby in my arms and looked down at her. We had no way of truly knowing if she was my dad's now, but I didn't care about that anymore. I held her close to me in the crook of my arm before looking over to my brother. I held my free arm out and open towards him, motioning for him to come over to me. He wrapped his arms around me, resting his head against me as I wrapped my free arm around his shoulders and held him close as I looked back to the baby I was holding. I looked over towards Dad when I heard footsteps walking away to see that him, Daryl and Hershel were walking towards the door that led to the commons area. Beth and Carl stayed there with me in that cell, me sitting on the bunk when I started to feel tired.

Dad and Daryl weren't gone for too long before they walked back and motioned for us to walk towards the stairs furthest away from where they entered at. "What is it," I asked, taking a seat on the stairs as I still held my little sister, Carl coming to sit next to me. Dad glanced down at his feet before looking over to Daryl. This was the first time I had noticed that those two prisoners were amongst us. I was still a little uncomfortable with them around but Dad and the others didn't see them as a threat anymore so I tried to push that away from my mind. I glanced around the group, Carl standing on my left and Beth on my right. Then it was the two prisoners, Oscar and Axel I learned were their names, Dad, Daryl, and Carol beside him.

She'd been outside on watch when I was found and only recently came in. We were both happy to see that the other had survived, the last time we seen each other was just before I ran in the wrong direction to the cell block after T-Dog sacrificed himself for us. "That woman in there," Dad said causing me to snap back to reality, "said that Glenn and Maggie were taken. Said they're in a town and knows how to get in and out without getting caught." "How do you know we can trust her," Oscar asked looking to Dad as he spoke. "This is Maggie and Glenn," Beth said from beside me, "why are we even debating?" "I agree with Beth," I said looking at the group as I bounced the baby in my arms, "why are we just sitting here?"

"We ain't," Daryl said shaking his head and stepping forward, "I'll go after them." "You can't do it alone Daryl," I said shaking my head. "Well this place sounds secure," Dad said causing us to look over at him, "you'd need help." "I'll go," Beth volunteered. "So will I," I said looking at Dad. "Me too," Axel said. "I'm in," I heard Oscar say. I was shocked to hear these two men that we didn't really know offer to help bring back two of our own. "Kathryn," Dad said getting my attention, "you, Carol, Carl, Beth, Hershel and Axel will stay here and keep an eye on the place. Me, Daryl, Oscar, and that woman will go get Glenn and Maggie back." "No I want to go too," I said shaking my head and going to stand up after handing Beth the baby.

I stood up too quickly, and having not had anything to eat yet since I've been back with the others, I went to topple over. Daryl quickly stepped forward, grabbing me before I could fall to the floor and face plant into the concrete, steadying me on my feet. "No you're staying here," Dad said as Daryl kept his hold on me for a few minutes longer, "you're still weak. And you need rest. I want you here where I know you're safe." I went to protest when I glanced up at Daryl to see him shaking his head at me with a stern look in his eyes. "We'll bring them back," he said looking down at me as everyone else left while he helped me up the stairs to my cell. "I want you to come back too," I said looking up at him, "you and Dad both." "We'll be back," he said nodding. "Promise me," I said staring up into his blue eyes as we stopped at my cell door. "I promise," he said with a nod before turning and walking back down to the main floor of the cell block.

Holy shit, someone pinch me! Already on 50 chapters! Anyone getting tired of this yet? I hope not, still got so much planned for this story.
- Kenz

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