65 - Time Apart

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I watched as he stared at me a moment longer where I still sat on the floor of the shower stall before he turned around and stormed out. I didn't have the strength or willpower to get to my feet and go after him, or to even call after him either. I just simply lowered my head and closed my eyes, letting the water wash over me and wash away the evidence of what happened. When I could stand, I stayed an extra moment under the cold spray of water before turning it off and walking out. I was still sore as I changed into some clothes. I was grateful that what happened, happened in the shower so that noone could see the tear streaks on my face. But I knew my eyes were bloodshot as I had cried even more after he'd stormed away.

I didn't go back to our cell block when I walked out of the showers. I couldn't face him right now, and I didn't want Dad asking what was wrong. No, I headed to Mom's cell block where we'd placed everyone from Woodbury and those we'd picked up since then. I ignored everyone as I entered the block and made my way to her cell on the upper landing just like mine in the cell block I share with Dad and the others. I reached her cell door to see her moving around in her room. "Oh hey honey," she said looking back at me before noticing the look on my face, "Kathryn what's wrong?"

"Can I stay here with you for a few days Momma," I asked looking at her. "Of course," she said looking at me worriedly, "but sweetie what's wrong." I looked at her before walking in and sitting down on her bottom bunk. I watched as she moved to sit next to me before I took a deep breath. "You know we went on that run today," I said looking at her as she nodded. "Yeah and you lost that boy," she said nodding, "what about it?" "Well thing with me and Daryl," I said looking down to my hands in my lap, "it seems like every time something happens that could harm me or just changes our lives now our relationship changes." "Changes," Mom asked looking at me confused.

I sighed before nodding. "For example," I said, "when I was almost raped by Dad's former partner, Daryl saved me and then after that let me follow him around non stop. Then when we lost the farm we'd been staying at, that's when he first kissed me and started our relationship to where it is now." "So what does this have to do with what brought you to me," she asked looking at me. "I was a virgin this whole time," I said sniffling as I remembered the look he gave me, "I almost got killed earlier when I tried to save Zack. So Daryl confronted me in the showers when I was cleaning all that blood off of me. One thing led to another." I stopped there, letting her take what she could from it.

"Did he rape you Kathryn," she asked, I could see the protective mother bear coming out as she assumed he had. "God no," I said shaking my head, "I just never got to tell him. And he didn't go easy with it. The look he gave me before he stormed out, I just don't know if he'll ever forgive me for not telling him. Hell I don't know if he'll forgive himself for how rough he had been with that being my first time." "Sweetie just give him space," she said hugging me close, "I'm sure he's more upset with himself. He's never forced himself onto you, and even though what you're telling me was concentual, he probably thinks he forced you into that." I just nodded and allowed her to hold me as I waited for the few tears that were still falling to stop.


I've been out of the prison ever since yesterday when I left Kat in the showers. Out in the woods with only my crossbow, wanting to shoot anything I could. How could I have been so stupid? There were reasons why we didn't go further than we had until after that run. I kept promising myself, and her, that I'd never hurt her. And I broke that promise. Seems like that is all I give her anymore, broken promises. When I finally returned to the prison, Rick was out by the fence and let me in. "Where you been," he asked looking at me after closing the gate behind me again. "Hunting," I said before holding up the string of small animals to show him. Seeming to buy what I said, and not mentioning anything else, he nodded before leading the way back up to the prison.

When I walked into our cell block, I looked around for the familiar red head that was always holding her little sister when she wasn't helping out with other things. Not seeing her with Little Ass-Kicker but Beth with the baby instead, I began to wonder and worry what had happened to her. Glenn and Maggie started to walk by me at that point, catching my attention away from the blonde with the baby. "Where's Kat," I asked looking at them. They shared a look before Glenn looked to me. "She's been in the cell block with her mom since yesterday," he said, "ever since we got back from that run."

After that, both Glenn and Maggie walked off, leaving me to my thoughts. She's been staying with her mom? Ever since that run? Ever since what happened in the showers. She's staying away from me. I guess it's for the best that she stays away from me. I'm no better than Shane for what happened in the shower. Only difference is, I got further than he did. There was no one there to stop what happened. Shoving those thoughts from my head, I placed my catches down on the table in the commons area to the block before heading towards the cells. Walking up to the stairs, I walked to my cell and placed my crossbow down on the floor in my cell before walking to the end of the upper level.

I walked to her cell door, peering in just to see if she moved her stuff. When I looked in, all her things were there, just some clothes missing. Looking back over my shoulder, I wondered why she was staying with her mother in D but left her things here in C. Deciding I'd never get an answer from just staring at her things, I moved on from in front of her cell and headed back to where mine was. I walked into my cell but I didn't make it far enought to be able to sit down. As soon as I got close to my bunk bed, that's when I heard it. Gunshots filled the air, coming from the direction of the other block. And my only thought at that moment, was on Kathryn.

Not my best update. More or less a filler for you guys. Who else is ready for the shows return Sunday? Well speaking of Sunday. Sometime before the show airs for the mid-season premier, I'm going to be posting a new TWD story. It's probably going to come out a little rough around the edges to start with but please, please give it a chance.
- Kenz

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