Ch. 45 - The Tower

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Daryl and I had brought up a mattress from inside the prison for if one of us wanted to rest our eyes during watch, and now I think it was a good thing we did bring it up here as he pushed me back onto the small mattress on the floor. Peering up at him, I locked eyes with him as he towered over me, a stern expression on his face like he was determined to prove that he was better in person than in some little dream I’d had back on the farm. I watched as he knelt down on the mattress with me, his hands immediately going for my shorts. Leaning back on my elbows, I watched as he began to strip me. Making quick work with ridding me of my shorts and underwear at the same time, I was reminded of what had happened months ago in the barn on the farm, that being the first and only time he’d possibly seen me this naked.

Sensing my discomfort, he stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. “Do you want to stop,” he asked as he peered at me with his blue eyes. Taking a deep, steady breath and pushing back those images of Shane trying to rape me, I looked back up at Daryl as he waited patiently for my answer. “No,” I said with my own determination set in mind. I wanted this, and I wasn’t going to let the memory of what Shane did to me prevent me from doing what I wanted. Nodding, he leaned forward and kissed me hard, pushing my legs apart in the process as he knelt between them. Pulling back from me, he pushed himself away until he was able to easily look down at the area between my thighs that was normally kept hidden from the view of others. I watched as his eyes grew darker before finally lowering down until he kissed the area of my lower abdomen, making his way downwards slowly until he found his destination.

The sun was just coming up over the horizon when I opened my eyes. I had been curled up on the mattress while Daryl was standing in the open doorway to the outer landing for the tower. “Why’d you let me sleep,” I asked groggily as I rubbed my eyes but didn’t sit up quite yet. “You were tired,” he said, a smirk playing on his face, acting damn proud because he was the reason why I was tired in the first place. “Asshole,” I muttered before stretching on the mattress as I tried to wake my body up. I was in nothing more than my tank and my panties as I slowly sat up on the mattress. Memories of what happened last night in this tower causing a blush to creep up onto my cheeks. Shaking them away so I could face my dad and the others without worrying I’d give away what happened, I looked around the floor of the tower for my shorts.

Finding them on the other side of the mattress, ironically placed where I’d have to bend over with my backside towards Daryl, I reached for them while being well aware of the fact that he was staring at my ass. “Stare all you want Dixon,” I muttered as I grabbed the rest of my clothing, “but you ain’t getting any this morning.” I heard him let out a chuckle while I pulled my shorts back on and stood to my feet after lacing up my boots. I walked over to where he stood, the cool morning air hitting my skin and causing goosebumps to rise up on the exposed surfaces of my arms and legs. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath of the morning air, relaxing my muscles that were tense from sleeping on just a mattress on the floor for a few hours last night. “I’m going to go visit Hershel,” I said after a few minutes into the silence, “think you can manage watch alone until Glenn and Maggie come to relieve you?” “Go on,” he said nodding for me to go. I smiled up at him before I made my way down and towards the cell block.

I spent a little while with Hershel, keeping him company while everyone else did something, before I went and found Carl outside. I could see Glenn and Maggie up in the tower, having relieved Daryl of the watch duty we’d had together last night. Maggie smiled when she spotted me out in the field, waving slightly when she did. I waved back in reply before looking around the field Carl and I were sitting in. I didn’t see Daryl inside, before I came out here to find my brother, and I didn’t see him now as I took in my surroundings. Wondering where he could be, I figured he was just out hunting, looking for some kind of meat for us to eat with all the supplies Dad had received from the prisoners before he helped them get their own block on the other side of the prison.

“You looking for Daryl,” Carl’s voice snapped through my thoughts, causing me to look over at him in surprise. “How’d you know,” I asked cautiously. “You’re always looking for him when you look around at our surroundings quietly like that,” he said looking up at me, “do you like him or something Kathryn?” “He’s good company,” I said as I avoided directly answering that question, “and he saved me back on the farm. And numerous times before that too.” “You’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately though Kathryn,” he said, “after we lost the farm especially.” “He’s been teaching me how to hunt and track is all,” I said with a shrug before laying back on the grass of the field and looking up at the sky above. It was still warm today but you could definitely tell the days were getting colder as winter approached once again.

I felt Carl lay down beside me, and when I glanced over at him, he too was staring up at the sky. “What do you think will happen to Mom if Hershel can’t help her deliver the baby,” he asked out of the blue, causing me to look over at him. “I don’t know,” I whispered as he turned his head to me, “but Hershel’s still alive with us right now. I’m sure he’ll be able to help your mother with the baby when she’s ready to deliver it. Don’t worry so much buddy, you’re still just a kid.” “You’re a kid too,” he said looking at me, a smile growing on his face. “No I’m not buddy,” I said laughing before rolling to face him and started tickling him. “Stop,” he shouted as he started laughing, “Kathryn stop! I can’t breathe!” I finally stopped tickling him and smiled as we both were breathing heavily and smiling like idiots. “You gonna call me a kid again,” I asked smirking at him as I held my hands up as a warning, showing I’d do it again if he gave the wrong answer.

No,” he said laughing harder when I made a move to tickle him again when he didn’t answer me. “Wise answer little brother,” I said smiling at him as I pulled him into a tight hug. “Kat,” I heard from behind me. Even if I didn’t hear the voice I still knew who it was. There was only one person in the group who started calling me Kat. Looking over my shoulder behind me, I saw Daryl standing there with his crossbow over his shoulder as he looked down at me and Carl. “Yeah,” I asked looking up at him, memories of last night flooding my mind and causing my cheeks to warm up. “Goin’ huntin’,” he said nodding towards the trees beyond the fence, “coming along?” “Sure,” I said nodding before looking to Carl, “you behave for Dad and the others.” “Yes mom,” he said sarcastically, earning a shove in the shoulder from me before I stood to my feet and followed Daryl away from the yard we were in and through the fence, heading straight for the trees to being our hunt.

I'm and eeeeeeeevil little witch heehee.
- Kenz

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