Ch. 138 - Deal Made, Headed Home

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After Jesus took the proposal to Gregory, and he said he wanted to talk with Maggie, I found myself being forced to sit down in the foyer outside of the office we’d originally been in. Dad was on one side of me with Michonne, while Daryl was on the other and sitting next to me. I had my arms crossed across my stomach as I glared at the three of them. “It’s for your own good Kathryn,” Michonne said when she noticed to look I was giving them each. “I said I was fine,” I said as I looked away from her. “Maybe,” Dad said as he took the seat on my other side, “but you have that little one to think about too.”

I cut my eyes at Dad before my attention drifted downwards towards my stomach the second I felt a hand placed upon it. Following the arm that connected to the hand, I came face to face with Daryl as he looked from my own face and then down towards where his hand was resting. “Did Harlan say how the baby was doing,” Michonne asked as I turned my attention away from watching Daryl. “Yeah,” I said nodding, “he said that she was doing really well. That she was healthy.” “She,” Dad asked as I turned my attention to him with a smile. “Surprise,” I said grinning.


“Have you both decided on a name yet,” Michonne asked as she looked from Kat to me. “No,” I said shaking my head, “hadn’t really thought much on it, so we haven’t really talked about it.” “We will once we’re back in Alexandria,” Kat said smiling before turning to look at her dad, “and Dad, I’d like it if you and Carl also helped us. You know, make it a full family decision for the baby’s name. You too Michonne.” “I think it should completely be up to you and Daryl,” Rick said shaking his head, “this is your baby. Not all of ours.” “But Dad,” she said looking up at him. “You father’s right,” Michonne said, “everyone will approve of what you name her regardless of if they help or not.”

Kat got up and walked over to Michonne, wrapping her in a hug just as Maggie came down the stairs to where we were sitting. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs as we all turned to look at her. “We have a deal,” she said with a grin, “we’re getting half of everything right now.” “Way to go Maggie,” Kat said as she walked over to her friend and hugged her tightly, “this is why Deanna wanted you to lead Alexandria’s people after she was gone.” I watched as the two hugged before pulling apart as they both turned to face the rest of us. “While everyone’s packing up the supplies we’re getting from Gregory,” Maggie said, “I think it’s time me and Glenn go pay a visit to Harlan.”


I sat on a raised garden plot, watching as Dad and everyone else packed up the items we were getting from Gregory. They weren’t allowing me to help out, and I guess I can’t blame them, but it still pisses me off as I feel completely useless. “Even Negan didn’t get this much up front,” Jesus said as he walked by Dad, earning a laugh from me. “Yeah well,” I said when he looked to me, “Negan didn’t have Maggie.” “Fair point,” he said as he walked on towards the RV with the stuff he was carrying. I looked over and watched as Daryl, Abraham, and the man that had attacked Abraham walked up towards us.

Daryl and Abraham had been put in charge in finding the guy, apparently Dad had something he wanted to say to him. Abraham stayed put just behind the man, while Daryl walked on and came to a stand beside me. “Everything okay,” I asked looking up at him as his blue eyes peered down at me. “When we take this stuff back to Alexandria,” he stared, “just remember you promised not to put yourself in any more dangerous situations. When we leave to take care of this Negan and his Savior, I want you staying back home.”

“Yeah I know Daryl,” I said with a sigh as I went to stand up. When he noticed I struggled slightly, he reached his hand out and grabbed my arm gently, helping me to stand up fully. When he didn’t release my arm right away, I looked down at the hand holding me before looking up at his blue eyes. “What,” I asked as he continued to stare at me. “I know you don’t like sitting on the sidelines,” he said as he placed his hand on my cheek, “but I’ll look after your ol’ man and whoever else goes.” “I know,” I said smiling up at him as I grabbed his wrist. “C’mon love birds,” Abraham’s voice called out and ruining the moment, “let’s get moving.”

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