Ch. 42 - Playing Nice

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I stood against the bars that led into our cell block, watching as Dad, T-Dog, Daryl, and Hershel looked over the items they'd gotten off of the prison guards from yesterday. I watched as they discussed on whether or not to use the gear they'd also gotten off those guards. I lifted my hand to stifle a giggle when I watched Daryl's face contort to one of discuss as the walker slim dripped out of the helmet he had in his hand. When both Dad and Daryl looked to me, I smiled at them while Daryl seemed to roll his eyes before looking back to the helmet in hand. I watched as Daryl sat the helmet back down before picking up one of the police batons and holding it in his hands like a bat before taking a swing with it.

It was my turn to roll my eyes at him as I heard footsteps walking up beside where I stood next to the door. Looking over I spotted Carol as she made herself known. "Hershel," she said as we all looked to her while she nodded with her head, silently asking for him to follow her. "Everything alright," Dad asked causing her to stop as she went to turn around. "Yeah," she said nodding, "nothing to worry about." I rolled my eyes as I watched her turn and walk off, Hershel following after her. If there was nothing to worry about then she wouldn't feel the need to get Hershel and not tell Dad what was going on. "Hey Kat," Daryl's voice called out, getting my attention away from the doorway Carol and Hershel had just disappeared through.

"Yeah," I asked looking at him as Dad did the same. "Why don't you and I take a walk," he said nodding his head towards the door as he picked up his crossbow, "make sure this place is secure enough when we're gone so that y'all are safe." "Okay," I said nodding as I looked to Dad. I walked over to him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me tightly against him as he rested his head against mine. "Be careful out there," he whispered as he placed a kiss on the top of my head, "watch yourself." "Always," I said smiling at him as I pulled away before following behind Daryl as we made our way out of the cell block and began checking areas that had walkers building up against the fence.


I glanced over at Kathryn as we walked the small amount of fence that needed to be checked before those of us traveling further into the prison left. "You gonna keep looking at me Mr. Dixon," she asked not even moving her gaze from the direction she was looking in, "or are you going to check the fence like you suggested we do?" I watched as her blue eyes turned to look at me, a smirk crossing her lips as we both came to a stop, completely ignoring the moaning walkers near us trying to reach out to us. "Why do you keep calling me that," I asked while she shrugged. "I don't know," she said smiling, "would you rather I called you Tarzan again?" I sent her a glare while she just stuck her tongue out at me while smiling.


I liked teasing him, it was fun. And he didn't blow up on me like he might have done had we still been in Atlanta when I teased him like this. "C'mon let's head back in," he said after a few minutes before turning around and leading the way back towards the entrance to cell block c. "Hey Daryl wait," I said running to catch up to him and grabbing his arm, effectively causing him to stop and look back at me. Without hesitation, I leaned up on my tip toes and placed a kiss quickly on the side of his cheek. "Be careful in there," I said when I pulled away and he gave me a confused look, "and look after Dad for me too please."

I watched as he nodded before we turned and walked back into the prison to our cell block to see if they were ready to go. As we walked in, Dad was helping T-Dog put on one of the bullet proof vests and Carl was fiddling around with some of the stuff. "What are you doing," I asked walking over to him smiling as he placed one of the helmets on over his head. "I'm going with them," he said looking up at me as Dad walked over and took the helmet off his head. "I need you to stay put," Dad said looking to Carl before looking at me. "But I wanna help," Carl said looking up at Dad as he looked back to him. "We don't know what's in there," Dad said looking down at him, "something goes wrong, you could be the last man standing. I need you to handle things here."

"Sure," Carl said nodding before Dad smiled and looked around at the others. "Great," he said, "let's go." "Kathryn," Hershel said grabbing my upper arm lightly and pulling me away from everyone as they slowly made their way from where we stood. "Something wrong," I asked looking at him when we stopped and were out of earshot of the others. "I know you and Lori have your differences," he said while I rolled my eyes but stayed to hear what he had to say, "she thinks everyone hates her for putting your dad and Shane at odds months ago. Do you think you could set aside the obvious hatred you have towards her and help her while we're gone? She doesn't have her son or her husband and she feels she's all alone."

"Hershel," I said looking up at him, "I'm only going to agree to do this because I look up to you." "Thank you Kathryn," he said patting my shoulder before turning and walking out of the cell block following the others of our group who were venturing in further. "They'll be okay," Carl said walking up to me after he shut and locked the door behind the group, "you'll see." "I know buddy," I said smiling down at him as I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in a hug, "I'll be back in a moment okay?" "Where are you going," he asked looking at me confused. "Just upstairs," I said before turning and heading towards the stairs that'd lead me up to the upper landing and towards the room that Lori was staying in by herself.


Carol had gone back down the stairs after getting Hershel. I was left to my own thoughts before I stood out on the balcony watching as Rick and the others left. After they were gone, I went back to my cell and sat down to get off my feet for a while. I stretched out on the bed in the cell to try and relax, and I guess I wasn't paying too much attention because when I looked up there stood Kathryn leaning against my door with her arms crossed. "How're you feeling," she asked as she looked over her shoulder, not making eye contact with me as she spoke. Completely caught off guard, I just simply stared at her until she finally turned back to face me when I never answered.

"I'm alright," I said eyeing her skeptically. "I promised Hershel I'd play nice while they were gone," she said with a shrug, "and besides, I know you and Dad haven't exactly been on talking terms." "It's my fault that we're not," I said looking down to my hands, "I was the reason he had to kill his best friend." "If it makes you feel any better," she said looking down, "I never really liked him anyway. He gave me the creeps. Then he pulled that stunt back on the farm." "I never thought he'd do something like that," I said shaking my head as she looked up at me. "Neither did Dad," she said with a shrug, "guess he was pushed to the point where he didn't care anymore." "He never did get that far with you right," I asked as I looked up at her.

"No," she said shaking her head, "Daryl stopped him just before he could. But it was too damn close for comfort." "That close," I asked and she nodded. "Put it this way," she said as she looked over her shoulder again in an attempt to not have to look at me while she spoke, "that was the first and only time Daryl ever saw me naked from the waist down. After beating the shit out of Shane, he didn't even peek as he helped me get my pants back on. And honestly, at that point I wouldn't have cared, I was still too freaked out from almost being raped by Shane. I don't know what you saw in him Lori, I really don't. But I hope now after all this time, and after what he tried to do to me and then Dad, that you know he wasn't who you thought he was." With that being her final word, she turned and walked out of my cell, leaving me to my thoughts once again. I actually just had a decent conversation with Kathryn, without her dad around.

So she was being nice to Lori. Holy shit! That was awkward to write.
Has anyone seen that Norman has an app Now that he made? I'm pissed off because only the clean version is free. Motherfucker I don't want the clean version I want the one that's dirty!! I can't pay $1.99 for it! Make the whole damn thing free!!
- Kenz

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