Ch. 37 - Almost Caught

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To say I was in complete shock the second my back was pushed against the tree and Daryl's lips were on mine would be a serious understatement. It felt like my heart and the world around us just stopped, as cliché as that sounds. As his tongue pried my lips open, not even asking for permission, my hands slowly found their way up around his neck as he placed both his arms on either side of my head as he leaned against the tree. I could feel so much emotion coming off of him from this kiss alone, like there were untold feelings mixing in, and the intensity of just this first kiss from him was something I should've been afraid of. But with Daryl, I wasn't afraid of anything. This man has protected me more times than he should've had to, and yet he's let me stay close. And now, here he is kissing me in the middle of the woods after we lost the farm and others. Okay maybe it's crappy timing, but I'll take what I can get at this point.


How could Rick say that? Claim to have killed Shane, to protect his family from the man who's been his best friend for years. I couldn't believe what I was hearing when he said that. So I just walked away so I wouldn't have to hear any more bullshit about why he killed him. Leaving Carl with the others, I walked through the woods to try and clear my head and to just forget about what happened. I could hear a noise up ahead just a short ways from the camp, the sound of movement but it wasn't moving closer or further away. Confused and curious as to what it was, I slowly walked forward, very aware of the sounds around me to keep from making any louder noises so I didn't give my presence away to whatever was ahead of me. Peering around the tree that was in front of me, I stopped dead in my tracks when I found where the noise was coming from.

A few feet in front of me, there stood Daryl and Kathryn. Her shoulders resting against the bark of a tree as her head was closer to his, Daryl's left hand resting against the tree as he leaned forwards with his right arm wrapped around her waist and pulling her closer to him so there was little space between them. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and from this distance it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the hell they were doing. "I knew something was up with those two," I whispered to myself before turning and making my way back to our camp site as quietly as I could so they didn't notice I was there. I think it was time I had a word with Rick about his daughter and Daryl.

Getting back to camp, I walked through the group looking for Rick. Finally spotting him up near the road, I made my way over to him, determined for him to finally see what his daughter has been doing this whole time. "Rick," I said when I reached him, causing him to look at me. "Thought you were ignoring me now," he said glaring at me. "You need to have a word with your daughter," I said as I ignored what he said, "I just caught her and Daryl out in the woods leaning against a tree making out like a couple of teenagers." "Well for one she is still a teenager," he said glaring at me, "and two why would I believe you on that? I know how you two don't like each other that well, for all I know you could be making that up just to try and get her into trouble."


"Yes we have our differences," Lori stated glaring at me, "but I wouldn't stoop so low as to lie about something dealing with your daughter. From day one she's said there was nothing going on between her and that man, then I go out there and find them in each other's arms? Rick she's been lying to us from the start. Now I think you need to have a word with her." I went to say something else to her about telling me how to raise my eldest child when I looked behind her and spotted the two in question as they walked out of the woods with a couple squirrels in hand each. When Lori noticed my change in attention, she looked behind her as well and saw what had my attention. "I mean it Rick," she said looking back at me before walking off back towards the group and over to Carl.

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