Ch. 111 - Stressful Day

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When Maggie and Glenn left later on that day before anyone else returned, I asked them to take the test with them. Last thing I needed was either Dad, Carl, or Michonne finding it and asking questions. And the last person I wanted to find it was Daryl. I wanted to tell him instead of him finding out like that. So for now, until the time came, I wasn't saying anything. I helped Carol fix dinner that night then went to bed early. Dad noticed and came by later that night, asking if I was okay but I just said I was only tired.

He seemed to believe it as he kissed the top of my head before leaving out of the bedroom and leaving me to my thoughts. How would Daryl react to finding out I was pregnant and he was to be a dad? How would Dad react to knowing that I'm pregnant with an older man's child? I mean he kind of knows by now that me and Daryl have done the tango under the sheets at least once, but it don't mean he's all that happy about it. But Dad and the others, besides Maggie and Glenn, would have to wait until after I told Daryl. No matter what, he had to be one of the first ones to know.


It's been a week since Kathryn found out she was pregnant. She planned on spending the day with me today while Glenn and some of the others were out on runs and she didn't have to be at the school to help teach. I smiled over at Glenn from where the two of us stood as he walked by to make sure he and the group he was going with had everything. "Hey," I said grabbing his arm and stopping him. He looked back at me and smiled. "Don't worry Glenn," Kathryn said from beside me, "you've got this. You've done runs since the start." "Yeah I know," he said with a smile.

I watched as Kathryn hugged him before he pulled back and looked at her. "I'll be looking for you some stuff too," he added before turning to me and giving me a kiss. He didn't wait for her to reply before turning and walking off to leave. I looked to Kathryn and smiled as she looked to me with a slightly flushed face. "Don't worry," I said wrapping my arm around her shoulders, "he won't let anyone else know what he's getting. He was pretty good at fooling me when he did that for Lori." "I know," she said with a nod before we left to go spend some time together.


When Glenn and the others returned, everything was so stressful. Glenn and Eugene came back bloody, while Tara and Nicholas came back unconsious. And Tara had a nasty wound to her head. "Glenn," I shouted out when I met them with everyone else at the gate and noticed Tara's state, "what happened? Where's Noah and the other guy y'all left with?" I felt Maggie's hands on my shoulders as I started up at Glenn, trying to look into his eyes while he just looked down at his feet and refused to answer.

My hands, shaking, went up to my mouth as I knew what it meant when he refused to answer me or even look at me. "C'mon," Maggie said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders before lowering her voice, "let's get back to the house. This stress and emotion isn't good for the baby." I nodded, not saying a word as I allowed her to lead me away. My only thoughts were on the two others that were out there on the other side of the wall. I was worried about Daryl and Aaron making it back safely.

We sat on the porch outside but weren't alone for long. Dad, Glenn, Eugene, Carol, and Carl joined us there, Glenn all but collapsing on the steps as he broke down. Instantly, me and Maggie ran over to him, Maggie wrapping him in a hug while I sat down next to him. We waited, for him to explain what happened to the others. As he talked, I could tell that he was upset. "He's going to try and save his ass," Glenn mumbled after he finished telling us everything, "he's had to do this before." "It won't work against us," I said shaking my head as I placed my hand on his shoulder, "we won't let it."

OMG I'm so sorry this is being posted so late. I had a busy day today and didn't get a chance to get on my computer so I could post. But it's up now so that's all that matters. On another note, I'm working on a Harry Potter story in honor of the late Alan Rickman and I'd love for y'all to read it if you're interested or like Harry Potter stuff in general. It's call Snape's Secret.
- Kenz

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