Ch. 128 - Telling the Group

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Me and Daryl stayed in our room after finally having the well overdue talk about the baby that was on the way. Today, we talked with Dad, asking him to get everyone from our group to meet in the living room for a little meeting. I was nervous, because only a few people knew about the pregnancy and the ones who should've known only recently found out. But, Daryl and I were okay now, he had fully accepted it and told me he'd sadly been hoping that eventually we'd be able to find somewhere safe enough to start a family.

Don't know how I should feel about knowing that he's been wanting something like this for a while now. But I'm happy that he's so accepting of me being pregnant. We sat in the living room, side by side with Judy in my lap, as we waited for everyone to walk in. I watched Glenn and Maggie share a look as the last few came in before everyone’s attention turned to where Dad sat next to me on my other side. “Right,” Dad said as he stood to his feet, “Kathryn wanted me to ask you all here so that she could speak to everyone at once.”

I watched as all heads turned towards me as Dad remained standing, staring down at me as he waited for me to stand as well. I felt Daryl’s hand on my thigh, causing me to look over at him to see him give me an encouraging nod of his head. Returning the nod, I stood to my feet and handed Judith over to Dad as he took his seat back beside where I had been moments ago. “So,” I started nervously as I stared at all of my closest friends, “some of you know what this is about, others are probably wondering.”


I watched as Kat seemed to get nervous all over again with telling everyone what she needed to tell them. I sat forwards slightly, gripping her hand and causing her to look down at me. “You’ve got this Kat,” I whispered to her and squeezed her hand tightly. “Well,” she started again, “a select few of you knew about me and Daryl being together. Others didn’t because we didn’t openly broadcast our relationship to the world after having kept it a secret for so long in the beginning. But I’ve asked to have this small meeting because I thought it only fair to tell you all first before the rest of the community. I’m pregnant.”

I looked out to the others in the group to see what their reactions would be. Most were happy, although shock was there. Others were mainly shocked. I watched with a smile as both Maggie and Glenn walked up to her and hugged her tightly. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you Kathryn,” Maggie said as she held her at arm’s length, “I’m pregnant too.” “Oh my God,” Kat said with a wide smile as she hugged her best friend tightly to her while everyone else seemed to catch on to what had just been said between the two girls.

“Congratulations Maggie,” Rick said as he and I both stood beside them. I wrapped my arm around Kathryn’s shoulders as she leaned into me while we watched everyone else from the group walk over to congratulate both women on their announcements. “Just remember your promise to me,” I muttered into Kat’s ear as I practically nuzzled my nose into the side of her head just above her ear. “I haven’t forgotten Dixon,” she said with a smirk as she moved her head so she could look back at me, “no more runs for a while. I won’t put myself or this baby in danger like that again.” “Good,” I said as I placed a light kiss to her temple, glad to see she was thinking about her wellbeing now.

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