Ch. 132 - Heading Out

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Daryl was pissed with me, I could tell that much. So I stood towards the back of the RV we were taking with Carl as he filled up gas cans in case we needed them. Ironically it was the same RV we'd arrived at Alexandria in. "You be careful out there Kat," Carl said looking up at me, causing me to smile at the nickname Daryl had started calling me by way back when this all started. "I will buddy," I said smiling at him as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders just as Dad walked over to us with Judy in his arms.

I watched as Dad and Carl seemed to finish a conversation they'd been having before he came out here to do the gas. When Dad finished say that he thought that maybe this guy could help us out, he looked over at me and then back to Carl. "Look," Dad said as he looked to both of us, "I was going to tell you both about me and Michonne, but it just happened. It just happened."

"Dad it's okay," I said smiling at him as I walked over to him, "I'm sorry about how I acted with Lori for so long. I promise I've matured a lot since then. You don't have to worry about me not liking her." I leaned forward before kissing his cheek and then turning to walk around the RV towards the door to head on inside. I smiled at Maggie and Glenn as they both met me at the door to the RV, but my attention went directly to Daryl the moment I spotted him at the front of the RV.

“You two both seem to like fighting lately,” Maggie said smiling at me as she placed her hand on the back of my shoulder, “don’t worry, y’all will work things out. You haven’t had a fight yet that you couldn’t fix.” “I hope you’re right,” I said with a sigh before allowing Glenn to help me up into the RV. I headed straight for the back where the beds were. Being up for so long with little sleep was starting to get to me so I figured I’d nap while on the way to this place where Jesus was from, this place that was going to show me my baby, well mine and Daryl’s baby.


I was the last to climb into the RV, shutting the door behind me as Rick started it up and pulled off and headed to the grate. I looked around for Kat, hoping to see her as soon as I entered, but I couldn’t find her. Catching Maggie’s eye, she smiled and nodded her head towards the back. Nodding once, I turned and made my way to the back. I opened my mouth, about to say something, but as soon as the back room came into sight, so did a sleeping Kat. “Told you that you should’ve went back to bed earlier,” I whispered as I gently slid her over and climbed onto the bunk next to her.

I was barely next to her for a second before she moved and curled up next to my side, letting out a sigh of contentment. I looked up at the sound of footsteps, as I moved my arm to wrap around her and hold her close, spotting that Jesus guy as he quietly made his way to the back. “Until that argument the two of you had back there,” he said with his voice barely above a whisper, “I never expected you to be with the head man’s eldest daughter.” “What’s that supposed to mean,” I asked, trying to keep my voice low so I didn’t wake her.

“Easy man,” he said holding up his hands, “I was merely stating that I wasn’t expecting it. She’s a beautiful woman. And you’re both very lucky to have each other in this world. Now you’ve got something else that you’re very lucky to have, a child on the way. Most people would be terrified to have a baby now.” “Yeah I know,” I said as I looked down at Kat, “I didn’t even find out about the baby until we were almost killed by a couple of people who stole my bike and weapon. And even then it took a few days before we finally got to sit down and talk about this.”

I looked down at Kat, seeming to have forgotten Jesus was back there, moving my right hand over and placing it on her stomach. My extra touch seemed to have disturbed her as she groaned slightly before moving away from me and sitting up just a little. “Sorry,” I said in a whisper as she looked up at me before her attention went to the doorway where Jesus was still standing. “I think you both have some talking you need to do,” he said as he slowly backed out of the door, “I’ll leave you to it and go back up front to help direct us in the right direction. Congratulations again, both of you.”


I watched Jesus walk away before I slowly turned my attention up to Daryl as he sat beside me still and returned my stare. “I’m sorry,” I whispered out as I lowered my gaze, “I know you don’t want me out here, in case it gets bad.” “No I don’t want you out here,” he said as he lifted his hand from where it was resting on my stomach and placed it under my chin to lift my head to stare at him, “but I should know better by now that you’re going to do what you want to anyway. And you have a good reason for wanting to be out here like this.” I smiled up at him as I sat up slightly and kissed him before pulling away. “I’m still sorry,” I said smiling. “You know you’re sexy when you get mad,” he said before earning a slap in the chest from me.

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