Ch. 139 - Return to Alexandria

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Kat was stretched out beside me on the couch at the front of the RV on our way back to Alexandria. I had the picture Harlan printed out for us of our daughter in my hand, just simply staring at it. Even after seeing the swell of her stomach grow as the days went by, it was still hard for me to believe that she really was pregnant until it was staring me in the face. And now we had more proof that she was carrying a small life inside of her that was part her and part me.

"I saw Kathryn punch that guy," Glenn said as he looked from me to Kat beside me as he sat across from us with Maggie, "reminded me that she'd punched Lori back when we were in Atlanta." "She punched Lori," I asked confused, "when?" "The morning that Jenner almost killed us all," he said, "Lori was giving her a hard time because she hadn't been in the room she was supposed to share with me the night before. She'd said she was in your room." "Yeah I remember that," I said with a nod, "she walked into my room, drunk off her ass, and face-planted onto the floor just inside the door."

"She never told us all of that," Glenn said with a laugh, "you didn't make her sleep on that floor all night did you? I know you both hadn't been the best of friends at the time or as close as you are now, but I figure you'd have been somewhat a gentleman." "I will admit that I thought about leaving her on the floor where she'd landed," I said honestly as I looked down at her, "but it bugged me too much every time I glanced at her so I finally got up and placed her on the couch I'd been stretched out on then took her place on the floor."


"So that's how I ended up on the couch when I didn't remember making it to the couch," Kathryn said suddenly as she startled both me and Daryl while she sat up to look at the two of us as we talked. I watched as she smiled at Daryl while he began to turn red in the face for having been caught. "I'm still impressed how you two became so close," I said, "I still remember that you both seemed to hate each other." "I think I surprised everyone when it wasn't you I ended up with," Kathryn said as she looked over to me, "we're still close like we'd been back in Atlanta, but you have Maggie now and I've got Daryl."


I watched as Glenn nodded before our conversation died down. I think I ended up falling right back to sleep because one minute we were still a good drive away from home, and then the next minute I was being gently shook as Daryl's voice filled my ears. "We're back," he whispered as I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Most of everyone else was already out of the RV, leaving it just the two of us. Sitting up, I stretched out before allowing Daryl to help me up to my feet and then out of the RV to be greeted by Aaron and Carl.

"Hey buddy," I said smiling as I wrapped my arms around Carl in a hug when he greeted me as my feet touched the ground, "I got something to show you." As I said that, I pulled out the ultrasound picture of the baby and showed it to him. "Is that your baby," he asked smiling as he looked down to the picture he now held as Aaron walked over to look over his shoulder at picture. "Yeah," I said smiling, "and you know what? You're having a little niece." "You're having a girl," Carl asked excitedly as he looked to me, "congratulations Kat!" "Yeah," Aaron said smiling as he walked over and hugged me, "congrats Kit-Kat."

I smiled as Daryl walked closer to me once Aaron moved away, wrapping his arm around my shoulders just as Dad walked around the RV to where we stood. "We've got a meeting to go to," Dad said as he looked to us, "to talk about what's going to be happening soon with everyone." "We'll be right there," I said with a nod as Dad left with Carl and Aaron. I went to pull away from Daryl and walk after the others when he arm tightened around my shoulders and caused me to look back at him. "After this meeting," he said as he peered down at me, "I want you to go and rest. You've been on your feet almost non-stop all day. I want you resting."

"Are you worried about me Dixon," I asked with a smirk as I stared up at him. "Just don't want you overdoing it," he said with a small smile. I returned his smiled and looked down at my stomach. "When you make it back from dealing with this Negan and his Saviors," I said still looking downwards, "we need to start thinking of a name for our baby. Now that we know we're having a little girl anyway." "I'll let you pick out her name," Daryl said as he placed his hand on my stomach, "I know I'll like it no matter what you choose."

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