Ch. 89 - Noah

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I looked away as Daryl started walking off, looking back towards the guy as he laid there trapped under the shelf. I dropped the pack I had in my hands before getting ready to drop to my knees in an attempt to help him. Well I would have, had the walker that'd been on the other side of the door hadn't squeezed through. I was about to pull my knife out to help him when a bolt flew past me and found its way into the walker's skull. I quickly looked to my right to see Daryl lowering his crossbow as the walker slumped over the guy.

I walked over, pulling the walker off the shelf before watching as Daryl made his way over to lift up the shelf. "C'mon," I said holding my hand out, helping to pull him out from under the shelf before Daryl let it drop back to the ground with a loud thump. "Thank you," he said looking at me once he was clear of the shelf, "thank you so much." I smiled weakly at the guy before I hunched over slightly as a slight pain radiated from the upper part of my chest where I had that bruise.


I watched that kid jump to his feet, limping over to the window as fast as he could when he saw my feet right in front of him. I wasn't worried about him right now, I was more worried about Kat. "You okay," I asked as I bent down in front of her. "Yeah," she whispered before I held out my hand to her. She took it with a small smile before I helped her stand to her feet as we both looked over to the kid. "I gotta go," I heard him whisper, "they're gonna come. They probably heard those shots. If they find me, they'll take me back."

"Who," I asked looking at him, my attention completely on him now. "Them," he said looking out the window again, "the people at that hospital." I quickly shared a look with Kat before I walked up to him as he went to walk by me. "Wait," I said stopping him as I help my hand out and placed it on his chest to stop him, "just tell us, is there a blonde girl there?" "Beth," he asked as I watched Kat's head snap around to us when she said her name, "you know her?" "She's from our group," Kat said, a small smile crossing her face before it went away as she looked back towards the window.


"She helped me get out but she's still there," I heard the guy say behind me, but my attention was on what I saw outside the window. "They're coming," I said once I spotted the car driving by slowly down the street. "We gotta go," the guy said, "we gotta go now." I shared a look with Daryl before he nodded and led the way out of the room we'd been in. "We never caught your name," I said looking at the guy as I quickly walked beside him with Daryl on his other side. "Noah," he said as he gave a small smile. "I'm Kathryn," I said befor motioning to Daryl on his other side, "that's Daryl." He smiled at me before looking to Daryl. "The building next door has a basement," he said, "we'll be safe there."


I tried to pick up my pace, to help them be able to get to safety faster, but my leg gave out on me and caused me to fall to the floor. "Go," the man named Daryl said to the girl who said her name was Kathryn, "I got him." I looked up as she nodded before turned and running for the door. Daryl helped me to my feet as we made our way closer to the doors she'd run out of, only to stop dead in our tracks when the car that I knew belonged to the people at the hospital came out of nowhere and hit her.

It's not easy to hold a big man back, but I had my arms wrapped around Daryl's neck and shoulders as he fought against me to try and get to the red headed girl that now lay on the ground. "Wait," I said as I heard him repeat one word, "they can help her." "Let go of me," he shouted as I pulled him back towards another wall so we could hide. "They can help her Daryl," I said once we reached a wall to hide behind that still gave us a good view, "they're the only ones who can. They've got medicine, machines, and a doctor. We'll get her back, but she needs their help first."


I watched, helpless, as two men got out of the car that'd hit Kat. They looked around before picking her up and putting her on a gurney and carrying her to the back of their car. "We'll get her back," the kid whispered again, "we'll get Beth back." "What's it going to take," I asked, feeling my heart seem to squeeze at the sight of the car driving off, my girl unconscious in the back. "A lot," Noah said as I looked at him, "they got guns. People." "So do we," I said as he looked up at me before I waved for him to follow me. We were going to head back, get the rest of my group to get my girl and Beth back. I wasn't going to leave her with them people for longer than I had to.

Okay guys, two things. One, my updated for Monday will be on Tuesday simply because I won't have internet then. Two, just from a glance, would y'all read this without knowing what it's about. Just basing it off what the cover looks like?

 Just basing it off what the cover looks like?

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Comment if y'all would or not. I want honest opinions.
- Kenz

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