Ch. 3 - Camp

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The road to Atlanta we found out was blocked by miles and miles of traffic. Then while leaving me to basically watch Carl, I watch as Lori and Shane ran off to find out what the hell was going on. Turns out they bombed Atlanta, guess that place got too overrun with these things. So now here we are, a day later and in some abandoned rock quarry or something and I’m arguing with Lori about where I’ll be sleeping. “No,” I said crossing my arms as I stood there next to her while she put up her tent, “I’m not sleeping in the same tent as you. You’re not my family. The only blood I have here now is Carl, not you.” “I’m still your mother young lady,” Lori said glaring at me. “Step-mother,” I said glaring right back, “get it right. And I’m still not sleeping in that tent with you.”

I sighed as she continued to rant about me sleeping somewhere other than in the same tent as her and Carl. I was standing there in the hot Georgia sun in nothing but a white crop tank that showed off my stomach a bit too much for Lori’s liking which was exactly why I wore it, a pair of white washed blue jean fringing shorts, and my Timberland boots as I looked around at the large number of people that made up this group. I had my auburn colored hair pulled back into a messy pony tail as I watched some of our closer group members perk their attention over towards us as we continued to argue over the matter. I allowed my eyes to sweep across the faces watching until I came across these two men, just standing there in front of a tent moved away from the others.

One was standing there with a sleeveless flannel on while the other had on either a muscle tank or a wife beater but I couldn’t be sure from here. Just from where I stood I could tell they had to be brothers or very closely related. The one that seemed to catch my eye the most though was standing with an apparent crossbow slung over his right shoulder as his hand gripped the top of the shoulder strap to hold in into place. Just from the looks of things, these two didn’t like being around others all that much so it made me wonder just why they were here in the first place. After seeming to stare at the two obvious rednecks for too long, I quickly became very uncomfortable where I stood so I turn my attention back to Lori, tuning into her rant as she seemed to be finishing it.


I stood next to my brother as I watched this girl have an all-out shouting match with an older woman who claimed to be the girl’s mother but she said differently. “That’s just what this camp needs,” Merle said from beside me causing my head to turn slightly in his direction while my eyes stayed on the teenage girl. “Yeah,” I asked, “what’s that?” “A big mouthed spoiled princess who has to get her way or everyone suffers,” he said turning and heading towards our tent to sit down. “Yeah you said it,” I grumbled as the girl seemed to continue to rant and rave to the older woman. Shaking my head I turned and walked over to where had plopped his fat ass down at., “Hey let’s go out hunting,” I said kicking his boot with my shoe, “big mouth over there starting to give me a headache. And I bet she done scared all the game away from here too.”


I couldn’t believe Lori. She had turned the argument from me wanting a tent of my own, or to at least sleep somewhere else, to my choice of clothing. What the hell, okay for one it’s hot as hell out here and with no power anymore that means no more AC units or fans to create a breeze. I groaned out as I happened to move my attention back in the direction of the two brothers to see the backs of their heads disappearing into the woods. At least I knew they wouldn’t see me bitching my step-mother out anymore. I don’t really know why I would really care if they saw me bitch her out but I was happy they were leaving so they wouldn’t. Although, they did get enough of a show from our argument that seemed to have entertained most of the camp by now.

At that moment, I was taken out of my thoughts not by Lori’s ranting which she had stopped but by someone’s hand tapping lightly on my shoulder to get my attention. I turned around to see that Korean boy, Glenn, standing beside me. “I uh couldn’t help but over hear your argument with your step-mother,” he said earning a groan from me, “I have a tent that I’m using by myself. You’re more than welcome to share with me if you would rather not share with her.” I looked at him shocked he’d offer after not even knowing me for a full day. I was really considering it but I figured it would make things very awkward for me and him and he seemed like a nice guy. “Thanks,” I said giving a small smile, “but I think I’d be better off in a tent of my own.” He nodded before turning and walking off, now I felt like an ass.


“Well it’s good to know you didn’t accept his offer just to piss me off some more,” I said causing Kathryn’s head to whip around to glare at me, “does this mean you’ll be staying in this tent then?” “No,” she said firmly still holding her glare. I went to say something else when the older gentleman, Dale, walked up to us. “Ladies,” he said nodding once to us both, “I don’t mean to be nosy by any means but I couldn’t help but over hear what’s going on. Actually the whole camp can hear the debate.” “I’m sorry Dale,” I said looking at him apologetically, “it’s just my daughter wants to fight and not sleep in the same tent as her family.” “Step-daughter,” Kathryn snarled out, “how many times do I have to tell you that Lori? I’m not your daughter I’m your step-daughter. My only family is Carl now.” I looked back to Dale with a sad smile as he seemed to grin and shake his head.

“If it’s alright with you,” he said nodding to me, “I have a spare bed in my RV. She’s more than welcome to sleep there. And you don’t have to worry about anything happening with her in there where you can’t see her.” “I really wouldn’t want her to impose,” I said shaking my head. “She wouldn’t be,” he said smiling, “I’m offering and I really wouldn’t mind if she stayed in there or not.” “Thank you,” Kathryn said quickly before I could speak up again, “I’ll just go get my things.” “Kathryn,” I said as she walked by me to grab her two bags from by the tent. I groaned and raised my hands in defeat, obviously not going to get anywhere with that girl. I watched as she walked back by me and over to Dale with her two duffle bags over her shoulders. I watched as Dale nodded once to me before the two turned and walked off towards his RV, leaving it just me standing there until Shane walked up behind me.


“Where’s Kathryn going,” I asked as I walked up behind Lori after the girl walked off with Dale. “She refuses to sleep in the tent with me and Carl,” Lori said glancing back over her shoulder at me after watching the two disappear inside the RV. “Everything will be alright Lori,” I said as I looked down at her to see a worried look on her face. “You say that now but let’s not forget we got dead people walking around eating the living,” she said, “I know she doesn’t like me for some strange reason, but I still worry about her.” “I know you do,” I said as she looked away from me before turning and walking away from me and over to where Carl was sitting next to the little girl named Sophia.


After Dale showed me which bed I could take, I walked back out of the RV and just stood in the doorway and looked around at the occupants of the camp. I crossed my arms over my chest, almost like I was holding myself as I looked around. Spotting Glenn over by some of the vehicles that the members of the group arrived in, I walked over to him and tapped him on his shoulder like he had me. When he spun around to look at me, I gave him a weak smile. “Hey about earlier,” I said as I looked down to my feet after crossing my arms over my chest again, “it was nice of you to offer, really. And I was thinking about accepting to piss Lori off but then I thought that wasn’t fair to you. I hope there’s no hard feelings Glenn.”

“It’s cool,” he said smiling at me as I lifted my head and smiled back at him, “but what’s the deal with you and her anyway?” “Just don’t like her much,” I said simply, “I mean I’ve known her ever since I can remember. She married my dad a few years after he got divorced from my mom and then before everything that happened, happened, I got this feeling she wasn’t exactly faithful to my dad. Worst part is, I think it’s with his best friend. Now that he’s dead, she’s not holding back running to Shane.” “You really don’t like her huh,” he asked smiling while I shook my head. “No I don’t,” I said with a light laugh, “honestly the only thing that’s keeping me from going out there alone is my little brother Carl. So as long as he’s around, I’m staying.” “Good,” he said smiling as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, “I like having you around.”

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